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Dear exams,

      I'm sorry to say, but I've lost all interest in you. I don't see why I didn't
lose interest in you sooner to be completely honest. I use to love learning
new things and cramming useless information into my cranium, but I must
say that forcing myself to study to pass your standards is just not who I am.There's no need to throw a question I cannot answer in my face whenever you're upset. Nor do I have to explain myself to you for that matter. Has anyone told you you ask a lot of questions?

      I must admit that I am not perfect, but neither are you. You are filled
with errors and flaws that I must say are simple mistakes. I will always
remember you, but I don't think my memory of you will be a fond one...
I am grateful for all the support you've given me especially with my
grades, but I will admit that understanding you was difficult. I remember
hopelessly thinking about you all night after seeing you. I felt terrible
because I literally had no idea how to go about answering your fifty
questions. Even though you gave me choices it was still a difficult decision
to make. I went home that night disappointed thinking that I had messed
up my only chance with you.

      But now you're back, but I admit I am definitely not excited about it.
And I will see you again today, which like I said I am not excited about. I
guess that all we can ever be now is acquaintances. A student to exam
relationship that definitely bares no love what so ever. I cannot wait to be
done with you. As they say, there are a million exams in the library...
And they should all be thrown away.

P.S: The paper shredder was looking for you.

                                                                                        The unhappy student
 Jan 2015 Muggle Ginger
Justin G
I have a confession to make
And it won't be clear  
Or even wise for that matter  
But I was there  

My eyes saw what they saw
I knew they would tear    
And I swore it nothing new  
But no one was near

I saw what I saw
but now I am here
And yet I still wonder
If I'm ever really here  

I guess the skies
were never as clear
At least In this disguise
I am *sincere
There are places in life where I think everyone goes too once in while, but it's the lessons we learn from those places that makes it all worthwhile. Right?

Thank you TGWLY for creating this exciting challenge. It helped me tap into something I haven't felt in quite sometime. Much gratitude.
Under the watchful gaze of two suns
I lean in to kiss your dry lips.
Technicolor fissures in Space -
hold onto me

       every different lifetime
leads me back to you and comes
circle - The Earth
tips like the time
you spilled cardamom in the *** brownies
making love sour for a week

       We made sense sometimes;
even in this parallel universe - where moons
kiss and galaxies weep -
We burned into the heart, moments inverse
and our souls steadied the pace.

       Dripping stardust and covered in Love-
it's understood.  We are never apart -
Always One.
But I bait my breath each time I'm born
letting go only - when I hold your hand
 Jan 2015 Muggle Ginger
We were afraid.
Afraid of hurting each other,
Whilst in the company of one another.
But with every touch,
Every hug,
Every kiss,
We wanted each other more.

They stop us from being one.
The rumors, the jokes,
Our differences, the looks
On their faces in denial.
There was too much pressure on you.
My absence did not help at all.

So we relax, in the Sanctuary,
The bar where fond memories were made,
Of being with friends, and a great time,
But most of all, an excuse to be just

Love growing from a drink,
Absorbed into our blood, clouding our minds,
but we share the same frequency,
The same rhythm,
The same likes,
All of it.
We connect,
Our bond becoming stronger,
Mirroring thoughts.
Thoughts of each other.

Through this liquid haze,
We phase through our differences
and Meet.
You enter my mind with every drop,
Filling me with your bliss,
Embracing me in your company,
Saving me from my demons.

It is this drink that lets us hold hands
Under the table,
Away from everyone's eyes.
While I'm glad, she denies
But her shell breaks down,
Her grip, tighter on my hand,
Craving for my warmth.
This is who you really are.

It is this drink that lets us kiss
Without hesitation,
Without regret,
Whilst forgetting the consequences
Of our forbidden affair.
Underneath these neon lights,
Our love will blossom
In lust, ecstasy, romance.

It was this drink that told us what we felt about each other.*

Now I drink, but only to myself.
But with each sip, an image
Of you next to me.
Laughing, Smiling,
Crying, Yearning,
Longing for love.
From me, and no one else.

I'll sip for every moment that you aren't here with me,
Until you save me.
Until you hold my hand under the table once again.
For S.Y., I'm happy that you read this. :)
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