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Aug 2017 · 2.5k
Wildfire Status
Morgan Paige Aug 2017
Evacuation Alert: Tranquille Valley.
Get out. Bring everything you love.
Ash is falling from the sky,
and the smoke is too much to bare.
The fire's rampage has charred
More than 200,000 hectares,
in 133 days.
It's not safe.
Evacuate immediately.

Evacuate me.
Get out. You are everything I love.
Incinerating everything in your path,
You tranquillize the atmosphere
with your absence.
You smoked me to the filter
You left me to burn.
63 days, and 21 letters.
You're not my safety anymore.
Evacuate immediately.
Jun 2017 · 599
Eulogy for a daffodil
Morgan Paige Jun 2017
I aways say that I don't want you to fix me.
I don't need you to make me happy.

There's no need to pick my bones back together and
Sweep what's left of the my self esteem

I don't need you to lift the weight of gravity

To a bearable level
To a breathable level
To a level of density that allows me to stand on my two feet.


I always did.
I always do.

Come over unannounced and do nothing but help me do the dishes.
Tell me about the time you couldn't stop staring at the astronomy of my freckles,
freckles that are only showing in the sunshine
You are sunshine
Like a daffodil
I need you to grow
Fix me
May 2017 · 368
i will never
Morgan Paige May 2017
you don't
  get to decide

               when        (will i be)
am                              okay

           ­                            (?)
Nov 2014 · 718
Morgan Paige Nov 2014
This poem is called Boys are Curious.
Because that's what you told me that day.
And if boys are curious,
My body is a treasure map.

I was an atlas for trespassers.
I had a horizon of hope in these eyes,
And my forest hid lust & mystery like it wanted to be found.
My acreage was pure and undiscovered.

If I hadn't scared you away yet,
I've heard that there was passion locked somewhere.

But because boys are curious,
My edges are creased and torn.
The sun has left me shaking in the cold.
I have been sought by the hands of greed enough times,
I've forgotten where I've hidden my treasure.

So, boys are curious.
He left me a field landmines.
Feb 2014 · 368
Morgan Paige Feb 2014
it's been so long since
i felt like collapsing while
i'm laying in bed
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
how to be a poet.
Morgan Paige Feb 2014
Call yourself Morgan.
Do not hesitate.
You were born on summer solstice.
Like the sun, you’re distant from others.

Move to Seattle and leave no forwarding address.
Busker for a break and warm your bones with charity work.
Pretend poetry is the only thing you’re good at,
And be good at it.

You can’t just write ****** words into
An exhausted leather journal, no.
Incorporate stanza into every conversation.
Drip intensity and rapture like morphine
Into the veins of anyone who will actually love you.

Speak as if you were never human and you’re still learning to exist.
Metaphors and run-on’s are your best friends-
Run-on sentences.
Run-on arguments.
Run-on relationships.
Run-on recovery.

Develop a reliance on caffeine so potent that
you've become the 7:30am medium black coffee
at the cafe down the street.
Leave no traces.
This used to be a poem based off of a poet I looked up to; Buddy Wakefield. I was encouraged to rewrite it as if it were for me, so I did. Since then, I had the privilege to meet Buddy Wakefield. At a meet & greet after his show, he was so rude to me that I left crying my eyes out. This was so disappointing. I no longer associate the only poem I've ever been proud of, with his name.
Nov 2013 · 901
Morgan Paige Nov 2013
i told myself to use the word 'lovely'
                                   more often.
maybe if i spoke of beauty enough, i would become it.

i decided to smoke cigarettes.
convinced that maybe my lips
                     would draw you in faster
                                 than they drew in smoke

i stopped eating meat for two months straight.
                                    tofu is bland and  
                        left us with a shaky aftertaste.

the last time we spoke you'd forgotten my faux loveliness
                           without a trace, you exhaled my breath amongst your skin
                                                   you cooked me steak for dinner.
I'm sorry ignore this I'm literally just dumping crap on here because at least I'm writing
Nov 2013 · 435
Morgan Paige Nov 2013
i make my coffee
stronger each morning and hope
i can feel the same
reposting this. sorry.
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
a wedding vow
Morgan Paige Nov 2013
I don't like ponds
I can't stand the distrust in koi,
Or the bitter mess of plants on the surface-
Sometimes leaves sink past its edge into the faded water.
Their resemblance of shakily build reasons
For people pursuing careers they don't like
laps like waves with every change in environment.

All the same

I don't like people.
I can never shake your sadness
and the delicate mess of hair daintily reaching past your shoulders - a fallen-apart fishtail braid.
why did you become a bus-driver when the world is full of waves
and every change in environment comes a new person entirely.
Only saving this because I'd written it months ago. My friend told me to write a poem about ponds and this is what I came up with. It's here simply so I can easily have it at hand.

— The End —