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 Aug 2015 Monique
i've lived a life so tried and wild
i've laughed along and cried in trials
even though my hope's been gone a while
sometimes i try to find a smile

now i abide, and now i'm mild
i roll with the tide and ride it in style
whatever i find is worth my while
sometimes i even find a smile
 Aug 2015 Monique
Morgan Leigh
 Aug 2015 Monique
Morgan Leigh
Put on your smile
Hide your eyes
For the day is coming
Don't forget your lies

Walk around lifeless
Forget the stares
You must keep quite
We wouldn't want glares

Rehearse your lines
Speak as if your fine
Don't act like your looking
You don't need a life line

They don't need to know
They will not care
Darkness may consume you
But life is never fair

The blade is your friend
The blood your life
I promise I'll never leave
Love your switchblade knife
 Aug 2015 Monique
Darlene Chavez
I'm not sure any more
 Aug 2015 Monique
Such a beautiful thing lightning.
It illuminates the dark sky for a split second.
Hated by many but loved by some.
The power behind it is immense, it can't be stopped.
Try as you might it's wrath will not be tamed.
I am lightning.
The thunderstorm outside was really amazing to watch
 Aug 2015 Monique
Joe Cole
 Aug 2015 Monique
Joe Cole
You know when I was a kid we used to have seasons
The bitter biting winds and cruel frosts of winter
Seemed to vanish overnight
Green shoots would appear as though by magic
Biting winds replaced by a gentle wind and cold lashing rain
Replaced by a gentle breeze and warm spring showers
Summer appeared over the morning horizon
Crops were ripening and we swam in the streams and basked
In the warm summer sun
A time for camping and family picnics
To our young minds the hot dry summers
Seemed to last for eternity
Then almost without warning the leaves turned from green to russet
To yellows and reds
Apples suddenly tasted much sweeter and there was an abundance
Of all things edible
Mums were suddenly busy
Pickling, preserving, making jams
That was also the time the Christmas pudding was made
What glorious halcyon days they were
Suddenly it turned colder
Spider webs gleaming under a coating of night time dew
Early morning frost on the grass
Glinting in the morning sun
Like a million diamonds
Where oh where have our seasons gone?
 Aug 2015 Monique
Heather Valvano
Snowflake, snowflake
fall to the ground
light and gentle
without a sound

Winter, winter
your air consumes me
in peaceful stillness
tranquil beauty
 Aug 2015 Monique
Heliza Rose
 Aug 2015 Monique
Heliza Rose
When its winter the cold is not appreciated.

But when the sun beats down and rubs us in sticky sweat,we miss that little cold and that coat of white
 Aug 2015 Monique
andrea hundt
Winter is quiet, but always restless.
Irrevocably cold, and deceitfully burning.
Harsh at times, throwing storms of ice when tempered.
Apologetic, as it stews in silent shame.
Unforgiven, and tolerated.
A season which destroys beauty in order to create a kind of it's own.
Decorated, as if the beauty it created for itself hadn't been enough.

I never liked Winter very much,
but I've come to realize we've got a lot in common.
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