I once dated a girl named Jane
Man, how she drove me insane
I once dated a girl named Daisy
Man, how she drove me crazy
I once dated a girl named Lexy
Man, she was nothing but ****
I once dated a girl named Dove
Man, she was one I could love
I once dated a girl named Susie
Man, she use to try and use me
I once dated a girl named Trish
Man, she was so full of ****
I once dated a girl named Cat
Man, she actually got to fat
I once dated a girl named Wendy
Man, she always gave me plenty
The girls we come by in life
That want to be a wife
The girls we come by in life
That just want to play house
The girls we come by in life
That no nothing about life
The girls we come by in Life
That think life is a game
The girls that we come by in life
That we can actually love
So we sift through the girls
To find our one true love
Is it actually possible that serendipity exist
Is there that one person that is perfect for you
Can one love, actually last a life time