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Mohammad Skati Mar 2015
Only ugly wars are still hovering                                                                         Over our heads like huge stones                                                                          Falling from high skies as a kind                                                                          Of punishment to all of us anytime ...                                                                 Wars are the only options to our                                                                          Region just to go on ruthless anytime ...                                                             We are only suffering in all directions                                                                And on levels of life without reasons ...                                                              Ugly wars find their destination in                                                                         Our region just for us to suffer ...                                                                   We are absolutely tired of these ugly wars ,but                                            What shall we do ?!                                                                                           Another war breaks out just to end calmness and                                        All lovely things anywhere and everywhere ....
Mohammad Skati Mar 2015
It's impossible and                                                                                                    I emphasize on the impossibility of                                                                        Conquering good thoughts anytime                                                                      Simply because they carry inside them                                                                  True love that we sometimes lack ...                                                                      Those thoughts that are not easy to conquer ,then                                                They will remain endlessly with their permanent light                                       That guides us into the straight path ...                                                                  No one has the ability to abolish good thoughts                                                   That hug us and they even embrace us endlessly ...
Mohammad Skati Mar 2015
من حب كل الناس                                                                                                              بس في ما منعرف شو بدون !                                                                                               نحنا ما بيهمنا فلان او علان                                                                                                 شو بيحب او ما بيحب !                                                                                                       نحنا بيهمنا اللي بيحبونا                                                                                                       و من حبون ...                                                                                                                 ييلي منا تعوا لعنا ...                                                                                                         ايوا تعوا لعنا ...                                                                                                               ********************­******هذه القصيدة بالعامية **                                                                                           _____________________
Mohammad Skati Mar 2015
I have no choice ,but                                                                                                 To admit willingly and greatly that                                                                         My pains and my sufferings are masters that                                                        Wake me up                                                                                                                 By day and by night ...                                                                                              I have learnt lessons from my pains and from sufferings                                       Simply because I am playing with this life                                                              Around us uncaring ...                                                                                               I feel painfully ,but                                                                                                     I am totally handcuffed ...                                                                                        I am surrounded with a lot of ugly pains and with                                              A lot of rude sufferings that crack my realm                                                       Anytime,anywhere,and everywhere ..............                                                      ___________________­__
Mohammad Skati Mar 2015
Under her feet and                                                                                                    In her love ,                                                                                                                  I feel that I am a man and                                                                                        A kid at the same time ...                                                                                            A mother - My mother and everyone's mother - is                                                   A great school by herself if                                                                                           Prepared greatly ,then                                                                                                The whole people are great and wonderful ...                                                             My mother is my true love that                                                                                  I feel greatly and wonderfully ...                                                                              There is no great world if                                                                                         A mother is exempted from that world ...                                                                That great woman that gives more that                                                                   What she takes anytime is called my mother ...                                                    Everyone knows his mother or her mother very well ,so                                       That is my mother and you know greatly your mother ....
Mohammad Skati Mar 2015
I always ask myself                                                                                                 Why most people choose that unbelievable loneliness                                         Anytime,anywhere,and everywhere ?                                                                      There a lot of pretty things in life ,but                                                                        Why loneliness ?!                                                                                                         Is it because that loneliness means happiness or                                                       Anything to people ?                                                                                                   There is no doubt that loneliness is                                                                             A cure - as I think - to some people                                                                             To flee or to run away from a bad reality ...                                                          I myself sometimes choose to be alone                                                                    For many reasons ...                                                                                                Loneliness is not bad if it means                                                                               To revise a few things ...                                                                                            Life is often hard and difficult ...                                                                               I sometimes don't know and                                                                                    If somebody knows better than me ,then                                                                He or she needs to tell me                                                                                         About what's going around us anytime ...                                                                ___________________­__
Mohammad Skati Mar 2015
I feel bad                                                                                                                    Simply because there are some                                                                                Dark moments in which                                                                                             I feel that I am out of our planet anytime ...                                                              I am sad at certain moments and                                                                               I am totally sad in the dark moment ...                                                                  Nothing pleases me anytime                                                                                     Simply because I am amid                                                                                         Those dark moments all the time ...
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