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Mims Apr 2018
I want to be done in the way that isn't final

Maybe just be in a coma for like
Three years

And not have to worry about anything
Or see anyone
Or go anywhere

People get exhausting
Work piles up
Money becomes not worth it

Emptiness make you wanna give up

Drowning in homework
Or your own blood

A constant headache
A steady job

I feel like I'm withering away

Even though I'm so young
And I really shouldn't complain

My life is pretty okay

But the more friends I make

The more tired I get
The more they wanna talk
The less I do
And I can feel myself pushing away
Because they're "normies"
They'd never understand

And I'm trying to plan my whole life out in front of me
Even though obstacles keep delaying me
And people keep disappointing me

I have to remember
And again

The world doesn't revolve around me
Mims Apr 2018
When she asked me what happened

I told her that the night ran out of love

That love was not made for people like us

That it was not a privilege
Not a magic

I could dabble in.
No reason to play the blame game
Mims Apr 2018
Part of me wants to scream that you don't even know me
How could you?

Cut up
We're all crazy

But lately
You've all been getting engaged and married and having babies

And honestly?
I don't care.

I don't know you

You don't know me

You never wanted to.

You only like the idea of acting like family
That's why you execute it poorly
Because the reality
Is that this **** is messy
You are not willing to move past it

Do not get angry at me
For being done with your fakeness.
I'm not going to your wedding
I'm not meeting your baby
A family splits
Yes it does
When half sides with the ******.
Mims Mar 2018
There is determination
And finalization
Between your lips
Skin tastes so much sweeter when its forbidden
the last thing I want to do is embarrass you
But I have longed for this for a while too.
Mims Mar 2018
Dear friend,

is how it begins

Without a goodbye

Is how it ends
I've been writing a lot lately. A lot of it very different from how I normally write. A lot of it messy. I write on my phone, in my notes, my journal or any paper that's handy. sometimes even on my body, I do it constantly. Words run through my head all the time. A hook, or a rhythm. Sometimes other people's words gets stuck there too. And it just replays over and over. I've been very busy lately, I'm loving what my life is turning out to be. I'm very happy, surprsingly. But I'm also very tired. That does not go away. Not just physically, but also mentally. I like being warm, I love it actually. And I worry in these long months, I do not want to turn cold. I pray that my fingertips will nurture the fireplace in your soul. But I can only hope. Somedays are darker than others, and some are not dark at all. I call the dark days nothing. They are not worthy of a name, not worthy of recognition, not worthy of blame. I am scared of being dragged back, after months of hard work. I'm worried I will get all messed up again. I have to forgive myself when I'm weak, it doesn't always happen but I'm working on it. I'm always working on it. And I am gentle with myself when I fail, because I tend to fail a lot. I'm failing right now, in a sense. But it's okay, I'll delete this soon anyways, and tomorrow is only a few hours away.
Mims Mar 2018
I cringe at the things I have said to try and get you to tell me directly
Angry at the lack of honesty
I liked the lies better
They were so much easier
When we lied we were on the same level
Only the truth brings one of us ahead
And we have both been losing for what feels like forever
So I just learned to be okay with it
I grew sick of trying to change it
So I stopped trying to change it
And I let it
Die out
Making it
Neither of us were ever good at keeping promises
And we both knew that
We both knew how this would end
So why
Why did I try it again
Do i let you in
Do I let you put your arms around me
And whisper things into my ear
I would not soon repeat to anyone
Why do I know in the back of my mind
That your arms do not mean safety
But you put them so securely around me
It made me
Want to believe that they did

So I let you kiss me
And I let myself regret it
And I promised myself I wouldn't do it again

And then I did it again.
this is why we can't have nice things
Mims Mar 2018
It does not matter where we come from
When we enter this studio we are equals
So do not act like you are better then me
Just because I live on the 'scary'
Because when it comes down to it
We are only as good as we create ourselves to be
And you are on the same level as me
But we are
In one way
Your dancing is polished
But unpassionate
And mine the opposite
You are on this level from experience
I am here
Because I love it
And it shows
And I work towards it constantly
My brain is messy
I spend long nights
On the cement floor in my living room
Getting bruised
Working till my muscles are too sore
To move
Or i am simply taken over by too much emotion
Because I'm laying on the cold floor crying softly
While the music I am supposed to be stretching to plays
You are in your
Thousand dollar bed
Sleeping peacefully
Is the difference between you and me.
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