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Once they were words
in love
& now
I scroll
& punch 'delete'
& feel the relief,
a rush,
this release,
the freedom
the rejection,
no trace.
The metal in this brass knuckle heart
punches my chest from the inside out

The valves, a semiconductor for the static
electricity of your touch

Who ever thought a defibrillator could be so soft?

And in the challenge of this love
I wonder what kind of mettle you're thinking
of now

And I think patience is found
on a molecular level inside the iron
in your blood

And love then, a stone ground down
from your ashes

I mean, pressure and heat are
what diamonds are made from

Tell me again of the struggles you shone through

And through that logic, we are precious stones
but so much softer than that

I want to hold you like the focused light
from a jeweler trying to make a sale
but so much more earnest than that

And what of the contradiction
between hardness
and softness

Because there is you

How can you be so hard
and so full of life?

How can you be so beautiful?
Here I am, just me
Crawling on my knees
Licking my lips
Can you see how badly I want you?
Can you tell my ******* are leaking through?
Do you want this as badly as I do?
Just a little taste of you, that's all I need
I'm on my knees, begging you, please
Just give it all to me
I wanna feel you inside me
All of my orifices
Every inch of me, belongs to you
You own me, Do whatever you want to
Cause I promise, I want it too
Just give me everything
You can have all of me
I just need you badly
I'm burning for you
Please Baby
Just **** Me already
 Dec 2014 Mike T Minehan
My body is too **** for me.
I think God got a little carried away
when he created the contour of my curves
because I had too many Bs for a girl who only got As.
*****, **** and Brains they would say.
I got attention in class for assets I didn't know I had.
Society tells me this isn't so bad.

"You get such hot guys"
My new college friend told me
As if she knew I didn't deserve them.
"You're so ****"
boys would flatter
looking everywhere but my face.

I am an oversized sweater studier
Stuck in a **** tight dress world.
I wish I could say my triple Ds were batteries.
I'd rather have the power.
"Cradle my emotions in the gentlest of whispers"* ~~ *Ryn

Hold me
Make me feel something
Be gentle with me
I've been hurt lately
Despair courses through me
Regret, guilt
Can you help me?
Don't just tell me
What I want to hear
Tell me what you really feel
Take away the fears
Don't scream
Tell me softly
Whisper in my ear
The beautiful things
I need to hear
Make me feel something
Cause lately
All I've felt is...

Absolutely nothing
Quoted line from "Don't Wake Me" by Ryn, for Frank's "Let's Do A Line!" challenge.
This line truly spoke to me, so soulful, sad and wistful, basically how I've been feeling of late. Thank You Ryn for the inspiration, you're amazing.
 Dec 2014 Mike T Minehan
to: you
 Dec 2014 Mike T Minehan
I know those thin white lines on your wrists
Hold stories that need to be told
If only your mind would open as easily as your skin
Let someone in other than the voices that tell you
You're not good enough
Trust me
I know it's hard to breathe
When you're drowning in waves of inadequacy
I just want you to know that every "flaw"
Makes you who you
To my beautiful sister and cousin struggling with the chaos of life and any other lovely soul this applies to.
She's like flames in your heart and ice on bare skin and the finest creation built of heaven and sin

(how do you even know all of this?)

A smile like ambrosia
leaves you with nothing but

And an unsettled mind

You know nothing of her
But the shape of the prints
Her lips have left
On the side of your neck
Dunno what this is
You look best in my lamp light. Your belly scar
rough underneath my fingertips as I jump the scratch
and attach myself to your hips, kiss your pelvic bone
until even my teeth can taste your sweetness. I can feel
black kettles and the burn from the ironing board crash of 1999.
When we’re wrestling in my duvet covers, the shadows
cast your memories up like a sanctuary projection. I see red race cars,
your brother jumping on the couch, fishing bait kept
in your back pocket. Your lips taste like liquor but I hear nursery rhymes
from when you were little, wobbly, an over-all dream
in the yard seen through the kitchen window. I know,
that you’ve dressed yourself in bad dreams
and broke yourself over footballs and houses of green paper,
but you look best in my lamp light when my hands
cram your face into my palms, your blush dripping
from you cheeks. Because I see the way
you burrow yourself into my chest when you think
I’ve gone to sleep, and I’ve seen the way your foot catches
on the edge of the woodwork right before you fall.
oh this is a rough one.
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