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 Dec 2017 Mike Hauser
We were young and reckless
There wasn't one without the other
You jumped off a bridge I jumped too
Then we naively splashed in the depths below

But then we grew up...

Now the water under the bridge is shallow and clear
We stand with a half burned bridge between us
And as you look at me and jump over the edge
I scream your name
There was once a boat filled with people
It hit an iceberg and sunk
Many people died but there were two survivors
Each a stranger to the other
But neither a stranger to the pain

They found each other after the trauma
Each trembling and filled with pain
Both had gone through something different
But both had gone through something painful

They held onto each other for dear life
They swapped war scars and stories
They were so different
Yet they were so alike.

They weathered storms together
They clung to each other
They needed each other
They were no longer strangers

They became lovers, perfect lovers in the sea
They enjoyed the peaceful waves and the sunny days together
They were each others hope
Promising to never go astray

Until one night they both fell asleep
For they had gotten tired
They let go
They drifted apart

When they woke they were scared
For they had lost their love
They had lost their hope
They began to swim in look for their lover

Hours passed
Hours turned into days
Days turned into weeks
They began to lose hope.

Each believing the other had stopped searching the ocean
But never stopping to rest
For this was the Earth's test
They did not rest until they were together again.

The ocean filled with the love of two people
No longer strangers but lovers
Together again for their love is stronger than any force on earth.
Even an iceberg.
As I close my eyes
I see your love

A far away island
Just a simple memory

The exotic flowers
The intoxicating smells

The kisses the sun gives me every morning
The warmth and the light it shines into my life

The cool ocean surrounding me, my past, present and future
The gifts the ocean washes in every day surprise me

The protection of the trees
The sweet honey of the bees

The soft sand padding any falls
The rough grains softening any rough edges I may have

The love, protection, warmth
The island providing me with everything I may need

Your Love is Like an Island.
Keeping me afloat when I was as lost as can be.
 Dec 2017 Mike Hauser
She sits in her bedroom with nothing but her thoughts.
Her mind is made up about her time here on Earth.
Nothing can fill the empty void where what used to be her heart.
As time pasts,she began to believe that
the heart isn't even where the emotions are stored.
Maybe just us as humans,
we've convinced ourselves that everything revolves around them.
We have.
When the cold metal touches her neck
she doesn't think twice.
No more living in sorrow upon this Earth.
Everything that lives, dies.
written on Dec.14.17 @ 6:41 AM
 Dec 2017 Mike Hauser
 Dec 2017 Mike Hauser
Dark thoughts consume her once again.
she feels nothing but loneliness.
Words never joyfully danced past her lips as they used too.
Her innocence, swiped from her grasp long ago.
Her childhood, ruined by traumatic events.
Her family, treats her worthless, as she is the invisible middle child.
Without a genuine soul n sight,
dark thoughts consumed her once again.
Imagery emerged in her mind from the back of her head,
where she thought the godforsaken events were staying for good.
The original slowly faded,
yearning for her help to overcome this darkness.
written on Dec.16.17 @ 1:45 AM
 Dec 2017 Mike Hauser
cheryl love
This little Christmas Fairy
woke by the light of the silvery moon
when the crystalised cobwebs
started to defrost.
When the snail's trail thawed
on the snowy post.
When the spider's legs snapped free
of the lacy doiley hanging
She brushed her tiny teeth
with a thistle head
using minty sap from the spearmint
her face was washed with a damp petal
carefully cleaning her cheeks
and polishing her nose.
Her hair was raked with a holly leaf
and windswept when the wind blows.
Her dress was a clover head
plonked on her hair
and Santa approved.
He was in rather a jolly mood
he needed help of course
with boarding the sleigh
being a bit stuffed with mince pies
and the odd glass of stout.
well say odd meaning several.
He beckoned the Fairy to assist
he remembered his list
of toys for the girls
and the boys
and the parents
and himself.
A clank by his feet reminded him
to give the deers their boost
an old ginger biscuit did the trick
Dancer was in fact sick
of the very idea.
He rather fancied cheese
to fill his tum
Rudoph preferred sherry
the more  he drank the more merry
he did not know why
he did try
once leaving it off
but he developed a cough
so went back on it
the sleigh reversed
slamming into the gear called first
it sped off into the milky way
for half the **** day
it got to its drop
with an abrupt stop
a scream and a shout
the toys popped out
and off they went again
speeding down a lane
no speed no gain
led by a reindeer that was scary
a Santa and a Christmas Fairy.
 Dec 2017 Mike Hauser
cheryl love
The bird was sobbing
all for show
tears meant worms
bit of a blow
but one must live
The camera said cry
he wanted to fly
his feet kicked snow
in a temper
he wanted to stuff
the camera somewhere else
he'd had enough
his chest was plump
red as a rose
he decided to dump
the camera in ice
it froze.
he whistled
he flew away
what more can he say.
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