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 Jan 2023 Mike Hauser
He's always there
even when I'm not looking
or listening
or to distracted
with material trappings
he"s always listening
for the right time
to intervene
by guiding
then teaching
be loving
He taught love.
 Aug 2022 Mike Hauser
Ken Pepiton
If you remember my

last told lie, I know
what you mean,

I remember, too.
I love you, too,
you said, idle-
like any lie,
you knew not what
you did.
a timeless recollection
 Aug 2022 Mike Hauser
Ken Pepiton
So look, if I was you,
as you know,
I am not, and when I say otherwise,
I mean

in we form,
as we agree, we be, of one mind
times fly eyes-wise blurring
 Aug 2022 Mike Hauser
Ken Pepiton
Here's one, eight lines from go
go man

gotcha, johnny be good slood
on a legendary curse

justice, sir, I must say, I just ring the bell.
In timing my therapies, I make up thinks I may forget, for future use.
 Aug 2022 Mike Hauser
Ken Pepiton
Wars and rumors of wars,
plagues and questions of reason

sames we see,
times and seasons, sames we see

reasons to wonder, seasons to think
may be so, maybe otherwise, too;

same as me, and you.
Different almost always, still the same.
Sun showers, nearly always, this time of year.
I dream of
Spreading my wings
Lifting up high
°•Above the trees
Flying freely
~•°Gliding the breeze
Swooping up
°•~Plummeting low
with ease°•
Paralleling the ground
Knowing only one purpose
°•Exploration of life
Soaring through the sky
Whistling peace in my sound°•
 Jun 2022 Mike Hauser
 Jun 2022 Mike Hauser
          These thoughts
are a haphazard
of moments,
           and scents -

  caught in a
      persistent loop…

         Such it is,
   that they herald
       no known beginning,
and yield
     no foreseeable end.

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