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Jul 2023 · 508
The Alchemist
Michelle E Alba Jul 2023
Turning arrows into flowers
Morphing heartbreaks into superpowers
Changing losses into lessons
And bending betrayals into blessings
Mar 2019 · 316
The Cursed Blessing
Michelle E Alba Mar 2019
I love to see people
LOVE one another.
I miss those days
of passing notes
and meeting in person
just to say hey.

Or those long nights
of chatting on the phone for hours.
Listening to slow jams and
telling each other your greatest desires.

Full of Romance.
Filled with Friendship.
Loads of Laughter.

both the curse
and the blessing.
Mar 2019 · 1.9k
Poetry in Motion
Michelle E Alba Mar 2019
like poetry in motion.
like the motion of the ocean.

Fluid like a breeze
passin with great ease,
Movin through the branches
Dancin through the leaves.

Flowin like my mind,
Going over time,
puffin on some trees,
Like truth I’m bout to find.
Stayin on my grind.
Leavin fear behind.
Blastin through the cosmos
like my stars are all aligned.
Quantum physics redefined,
The beauty of being kind.
Travel thru dimensions,
A universal mastermind.

This illusory time
alluding to retain us-
Yet the conscious mind
refuses to contain us.

Recondition of the masses,
Before time comes to pass us.
before it’s all too late
Start movement to change
Let’s wake each other up
Let’s take control over our fate.

Again and again,
Love it till it’s over,
live it till it’s fin.

A reflection of your life spent,
a vessel that you’ve been lent,
so go forth with intent.

Gratitude for all worth
Know you are important
Every breath, and all birth.

Your light that resides true
In the poetry inside you.
The vibration stays fluid,
Like the love that is intuit.
You’re a medium— a conduit.
Yeah, now you’re catchin onto it.

High frequency—-
Waves of love
True vibrancy,
you are free of.

Faith in self,
No need for vaunt,
lovin what you have
not havin what you want.
Give it all you got
till you got nothin left,
Then take the deepest breath
And give it once again.
Mar 2019 · 459
My Poetic Release
Michelle E Alba Mar 2019
Clinging to my artistic integrity,
like its full of helium
And about to float away from me.

My poetic release in a world of uncertainty,
Gives me control,
no one to manipulate me.

At a time of utter disregard
for human decency,
This artistic exclamation is my relief.

From the chaos of personal grief
And misunderstandings
and unjust decrees.

How is it that we can no longer SEE
each other at all,
for the light that we bring?
Mar 2019 · 458
Momentarily Yours
Michelle E Alba Mar 2019
Reminiscent of the way your voice resonated in my ears as you sang to yourself softly.

You caressed my neck with a gentle strength,
and the compounds of time dissolved as the moment took control over us both.

In that moment, I was yours.
Not quite strangers, but not yet lovers,
just two longing humans in each others embrace.

Bound to you by the frequencies which emanated through each one of your fingertips,
surging into my body,
next into my psyche,
and finally then— my soul.
Mar 2019 · 1.1k
Reinvention of Self
Michelle E Alba Mar 2019
True bliss comes
in reinvention of the self,
when zero
expectations are held.

Yet you still
have full faith
in the numerous
possibilities that await.
Mar 2019 · 341
Lost in you
Michelle E Alba Mar 2019
I’m so wrapped up in you,
your voice is music to me.
Synonymous to the scent of
a salty ocean breeze.

Like a whiff of the first bud
on a wild rose blooming,
or the violet sensations
of magnolias in spring.

It sings to my soul,
like it’s all I’d ever need
to be completely fulfilled
and eternally pleased.

A melodic symphony,
of a thousand strings,
so powerful it moves me
to the core of my being.

To get lost in you,
comes with so much ease,
encompassed in your presence,
as if all time has ceased.
Mar 2019 · 172
Hopeful Romantic
Michelle E Alba Mar 2019
Fantasizing of a love that’s real,
To quell this hopeful romantic,
Of old tainted promises and feels.

A bond far beyond all that traverses,
A loyalty that’s unbreakable,
Traveling dimensions and universes.

Unable to be destroyed or dismembered,
Unassailable in its roots,
Yet vulnerable to remember.

All the ups, as well as all the downs.
The daunting fears and the woes,
The worrisome cries with the frowns.

Love that has faced true consequences,
Made such immense sacrifice,
Defying all common senses.

Always and forever choosing one another,
Despite hardships or challenges,
Standing strong by each other.

No longer give in, until truth, I refrain
As I wait to behold that lover-
Hopefully romantic I shall remain.
May 2015 · 1.4k
Poetry Has Left Me
Michelle E Alba May 2015
I'm pretty sure all poetry has left me.
As if it just packed up and hit the road.
Like my words no longer dance or sing.
Like they have forgotten all melodies.
Assimilated tone deafness.
Compound letdowns retract vulnerabilities.
Brick walls and leather skin replace possibilities.
Reckless love and whimsical fantasies,
Replaced by ***** diapers and piles of laundry.
Consonants and vowels blend to mush.
Aches and accomplishments are one in the same.
All of my agony has turned to apathy,
And I wonder.
How could I let poetry walk away from me?
How have I become so broken that I can no longer write?
Words have no ability to woe me.
Vocabulary is no longer my saving grace.
Void of creativity.
Like somehow life has gotten too messy for me to express.
Series of catastrophes and celebrations run together.
And I feel lost.
And I feel blessed.
But oh so empty.
Poetry come back to me.
Nov 2014 · 432
Michelle E Alba Nov 2014
Now that the blanket is
lifted from my head,
I am gifted
With the gift
Of my own breath.
Nov 2014 · 990
Nothing of a Man
Michelle E Alba Nov 2014
Why did you do this to me?
What's the point?
Because I couldn't cook to your liking?
Because I wasn't freaky enough in bed?
Because I wanted you all to myself?
9 vehicles, 4 houses, 1 warehouse,
And yet you can't spare a thing for your family?
Our 3 year old cries to go home.
But we have no home.
It sits empty.
Void like the space where your heart used to be.
While me and your 2 children,
Soon to be three,
Share one small room,
As I work my *** off to try to make it out.
Almost 5 months pregnant,
Searching for work.
Begging for a miracle.
I'll never understand this.
I hate you.
How could you care so little?
I just wish I knew why..
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Michelle E Alba Nov 2014
Failure to flee,
Has lead me to be,
Alone with 3.
6 little hands,
30 tiny toes,
1 broken heart,
4 hopeful souls.
Nov 2014 · 648
How is it even possible?
Michelle E Alba Nov 2014
To hate someone
so fiercely,
To have been hurt
beyond conception,
And yet still

Wanting to so badly
just smash my head
against the wall and
make it stop.

How could I still..
After all you did?
No better yet ..
How could you?!
How could you throw me out
So viciously?
Naked, broken,

With that sinister smile
on your face
As you enjoyed it.
Every step of the way.
Growing gayer
off of my sheer devastation.

There is no way I could still..
**** dear god why do I still..
No I dont still..
I wish I didn't still..
Oct 2014 · 827
Looking Through You
Michelle E Alba Oct 2014
Sweetest sensation of blindness
Washes over my sight
As I gaze upon your soulless vessel.

Victorious, the transparency that
Allows for my spectacles to see

I look at you sitting here,
Only arm lengths in front of me,
Yet I cannot SEE you.

As if you no longer exist.
Oct 2014 · 652
Michelle E Alba Oct 2014
Haunted by the thought of you.

Nightmares terrorize
And torment my slumber,
Even though you're gone.

As if you never left.
Like I had never even ran.

Kicking my face in.
Pushing me to death.

You shower me with maggots.
And as they pour down my body,
And death seems like a gift,
You keep me.

Just enough.

To keep me.
Oct 2014 · 960
Renegade Routine
Michelle E Alba Oct 2014
Quitting is never easy.
Falling into the mundane,
Living in the crevices of routine,
Now that's simple.
Not a problem.
Repetition comes like a dance.
You reside in each move,
Muscle memory does all the work.
Until the music runs out.
And you stand without motion.
Without direction.
You realize you have been dancing,
For ages,
But have no idea what moves you even made.
Yet you have this dance.
Activivating automatically.
And as the awareness grows stronger,
That urge to repeat,
Grows dimmer and dimmer.
Until one day finally,
After ages of practice,
The music begins
Yet you refuse to dance.
Sep 2014 · 595
The Master Plan
Michelle E Alba Sep 2014
In love with life
Though I am not attached.
I am blessed with many gifts,
And loved by those who SEE.
I do fear.
I do loath.
Though mostly I rejoice
Just to be alive.
I see beyond this form.
To the dimensions which dance between.
And when my form here ends,
I know I will still see.
I love my life,
But I am not attached.
Sep 2014 · 871
Michelle E Alba Sep 2014
Sometimes I like to stare in the mirror.
Not because of vanity.
Not because of conceit.
Purely to see my own energy.
To look straight into my own soul.
My reflection releases me,
Reminds me this is just temporary.
I love to look at myself,
And notice something new everyday.
The days pass and I change.
I grow.
Not up or down.
But sideways.
And around.
I reflect on the past.
And even the future too.
I look in the mirror and I see.
I see.
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Michelle E Alba Sep 2014
Afflicted upon by mass ****** suffering.
Unable to decipher whether internally or ex.
I tremble under the wash of black that engulfs all light touches.
Blurred vision, impaired by sheer surprise.
Alone and ripe.
Black and blue.
Inside and out.
I fight for nothing;
For a man that knows no loyalty.
Broken hand.
Broken heart.
Broken home.
Four years of come and go,
Two and fro,
Back and fourth,
Lie some more.
Four years I'd loved him.
Forever in my heart.
Foolish I chose such, no honor,
no respect.
Little effort. Lazy ***.
Jul 2013 · 911
Michelle E Alba Jul 2013

Fed up
Jul 2013 · 1.9k
Michelle E Alba Jul 2013
Oh to be courted.

It's somewhat like observing

The bird of paradise tidy up.
Immaculate his display, his stage.

He proceeds to dance.
Hopelessly invested. Commited

To his caper. To her acquiescence.
Jun 2013 · 953
If I could still write
Michelle E Alba Jun 2013
If I could still write poetry-

I'd write about how you betrayed me.
I'd make it a lyrical nursery
That gently cradled all my insecurities.

They'd bounce around from wave to wave,

Like an ominous symphony.
Synomous to love,
yet fueled by defeat.

If I could still write poetry.

I'd write about being second best,
I'd write about loosing you, and
Above all else- loosing rest.

If I could somehow still write-

Maybe this feeling would flee.
Perhaps then I could show you.
Perhaps then you could see.
Mar 2013 · 1.5k
Michelle E Alba Mar 2013
In a world of reality and concrete,
We exist in opposition.
While you reside in the physical and tangible,
I resonate in the mystical.  
Our realms do not meet.

If I could alter my position in the stars,
For you I would.
I'd skew the right angle at which we sit
So we could finally see eye-to-eye.

I would be the flames for your airy aura to feed.  

If I could-
I would..
Michelle E Alba Mar 2013
The one you make up lies about
If you happen to see.
I become the trash every Thursday
and the Playstation 3.
The dishes in the backyard, and
the registration to my car.
Suddenly I am Coco's sickness-
and food for your worms.
Your abandoned NASA mattress,
And these forgotten words.
Mar 2012 · 2.4k
Riddler's Revenge
Michelle E Alba Mar 2012
Lamenting lost love
hidden behind harmonies,
(synonymous to symphony)
resonates absently.
Like making love
to a stranger.
Like you make love
to me.
Void of all passion,
like revenge of apathy.
Apathetic entirely,
the emptiness that fuels you
emphasizes decrees.
Standard-less standards
validate your need
to dismantle the mantled,
and devour the diseased,
to command and to seize,
to exploit the exploited,
and explore every scene—
every pelvis, and every scream.

How did I fall for such a—
loveless being?
Better yet,
How do I disintegrate re-memories,
Or abolish aplitic fallacies,
and survive soullessly?
(How must I do these things!?)
Here I plead
surrounded, unattentively,
summoning recognition
for the being
whom resides in me.

Resurrecting old wounds,
(chore almost seems daily)
almost seems like it’s alive,
like maybe one day
it might save me.
More likely, one day
it will concave me.  

But without knowledge
there is no upset.
And no upset means
no you and me.
Nov 2011 · 2.3k
The Destructive Departure
Michelle E Alba Nov 2011
Thistle pricked and tantalized by the hypnotist,
the heliotrope sunrise seemed bitter, offensive
at best. Ill-fated, my Magna Carta has been

stripped. Crossroads approach, I begin chewing at my
bottom lip. A simply shady azure, lewd blue lingered
our lime love had been missed. Departing, destructive at best.
Nov 2011 · 1.4k
Gnostical Skeptic
Michelle E Alba Nov 2011
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
Her heart holds Him, but her hand aborts.
Searching for confirmation of a better world,
She prays to discern it, but without worship.
A believer she is, yet still fully skeptical.
She deciphers reflections from the gnostic,
The reality from the deceptive.
And hoping to fully and optimally filter the fictive
She dances with Him, going solely with the wind,
To wherever His capriciousness takes her.
She bows upon His whim.
Oct 2011 · 793
Festively Free
Michelle E Alba Oct 2011
No longer shall I mourn the promises we never kept,
Miss the morning dances, or the nights we never slept.
I shall not miss how you inspired me to do my best,
Nor long for how if felt with my head upon your chest.
I leave you, for I love you more than you could ever see.
I pray for your happiness, perpetually set you free.
Oct 2011 · 3.1k
Synecdoche (of You and Me)
Michelle E Alba Oct 2011
Forgive the malicious repetitious dismay.

This quarrel so vicious, flagitious swordplay.

Inauspicious foreboding, one lover’s display.

Seditious naught, my miscarried parlay.

Delicious divulging- in this adventitious decay.
Oct 2011 · 949
Her Dad
Michelle E Alba Oct 2011
I live in a house of glass.

I wash the windows,
just as I wash my ***.

I sport shredded socks,

I never admit when I am wrong,
and almost always

throw rocks.
Oct 2011 · 1.0k
Her Dad's House
Michelle E Alba Oct 2011
Surrounded by burning pits
of flesh-eating nymphomaniacs,
a prison with no walls,
is the house I visit frequently-
but hardly stay long.
Oct 2011 · 2.5k
Perfect Imperfection
Michelle E Alba Oct 2011
The house I lived in was like a chorus
of five-hundred elementary school-age children,
singing with all their might.

No mention or worry
to whether they hit the right note or not,
all that matters is that they try.

The air rings with carefree melody,
dancing and charismatic.
Rhythmic- full of life, love, and passion.

The house I lived in was perfect--
in all its imperfection.
Jun 2011 · 1.6k
Michelle E Alba Jun 2011
So did you guys *** together?
Was it everything you had imagined it to be?
Or while you were pulling her hair--
Could you only think of me?
Jun 2011 · 8.7k
Roommates At Best
Michelle E Alba Jun 2011
I would stop the world
if you asked me to.
I would burn water and  
freeze fire if you said.
But all that you can give to me
is roommates
at best?

Would you hold my hand
if I were crying?
Would you please
just come to bed?
Would you kiss me
on the lips?
Would you just eat
dinner with me instead?
Would you whisper
salacious nothings?
Or wish me luck
on my big test?
All that you can give to me
is only roommates
at best.
May 2011 · 1.2k
Dear Lover
Michelle E Alba May 2011
Dear Lover,
I want you to hold me.
Hold me like you used to
when we first met.
Hold me like you did.
Please hold me.

I want you to kiss me.
Kiss me like you did when
passion was seeping from your skin.

I want you to love me.


I need you to love me.
Love me how you used to when
you still wrote poetry.
Please love me lover.
I love you.
Hold me.
May 2011 · 880
because i need you
Michelle E Alba May 2011
it only hurts
because i need you
to love me
like i do you
because i
see in your eyes
loving me is a
battle you despise
i felt it fade
like a majestic beast
tearing through me

it only hurts because
i love you
Mar 2011 · 993
Swallowing Him
Michelle E Alba Mar 2011
I swallow him like a bitter old pill.
But I do not blame him.
Condemnation of others is far easier to project.
When not living up to ones own respects.
Jan 2011 · 2.3k
Always Be Your Number None
Michelle E Alba Jan 2011
I scream
as unrealistic apprehensions
distort my perception.
A phenomenon!
Discretion dissection,
every line you
rings solely
of deception.
Complex and intricate-
a "homicidal contemplation."
A mathematical equation,
dividing every claim,
my undeniable calculation.
Allude confrontation,
as lying eyes recite,
despite self validation.
My fear, it-
dwells here,
amongst the impatient.
Perplexed and deranged,
I am your-
"recycled replacement."
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
Pleasurable Pain
Michelle E Alba Nov 2010
underneath my skin.
incomprehension coils.
occupies residence in.
my soul.
this soul.
pettily grim.
quibbling and nibbling.
depleting sanity thin.
my youth.
this youth.
a burden again?
whimsical fallacies.
maintained by the wind.
painted by the waves.
the echo of your name.
fissures through my flesh.
parallel to this vein.
pleasurable pain.
but no wound to tend to.
no one to blame.
just this plentiful.
undern­eath your reign.
Oct 2010 · 679
Moonlight Dance
Michelle E Alba Oct 2010
Even as the music comes to a halt-
and the sun begins its decent,

I pray you still dance with me,
silently content.
Sep 2010 · 855
Simple as 143
Michelle E Alba Sep 2010
I could sit here with you
Sta­ring into the sky.-
Melting into your           soul.
Not needing noise.
Modestly moving,
Embracing each-others warmth.
You owe me nothing,
Yet you offer the
I love you, ILoveYou,          I          LOVE          YOU!!!

             ­                     You are the roots
                                                           ­           To my tree.
Aug 2010 · 742
Fickle Fears
Michelle E Alba Aug 2010
you killed it.
maybe it was me.
possibly killed it with my jealousy.
or maybe with my own incompetency.
or with my ignorance.
or just plain mania, you see.
i guess i can't say you killed what used to be.
its my fallacy.
forgive me please,
this place no longer renders-
the heart of my vile poetry.
Aug 2010 · 826
Prison We Call- "Within"
Michelle E Alba Aug 2010
Feeling like a waste of human life
seems to be disgustingly more and more
familiar to me each day.
With every breath I take,
I can’t help but to feel it is misplaced.

I feel like drowning,-
just compiling all this hate,
all my fears, my repressed anger,
my feelings of loss, and self loathing,
and taking them-
and letting em' eat away at my pores-  
letting em' impregnate my lungs-
as I wither,
until nothing more but a hollow shell remains.

I feel like setting fire to this face.
Taking that cheap molten metal,
and instead of to my wrist,
applying it to my brain;
letting it simmer and burn until there is no more pain.
I choose to wallow, dwell, and hold onto this rage
for reasons we call,

I constantly, consistently,
no matter the consequence,
or the grief I may bring,
sabotage anything I could possibly EVER have going for me.
I am my own worst enemy.
I feel like I am screaming.
Like every fight we ever had,
I was blatantly clear of what it is I fear,
but I am wrong,
I didn’t tell you once what was REALLY going on.

Not once did I say I just feel useless today.
I miss my brother and his familiar face.
I think about him with every heart beat,
living in a tent, fighting this war of greed,
just counting down until he can finally be-
returned home to his loving new family.
I hold him very close to my heart,
and his absence is quite frankly,
TEARING me apart.

I wish He could have been here for our Father in his time of need.
I know Dad wishes that too.
I wish I knew how to deal with loss better.
I only feel guilt, and bitterness.
I feel like in the years I have been alive,
that I should have DONE MORE!
I should have gotten to know my grandfather before-
it was too late.
What a selfish, putrid being
I have grown to be.

I wish my brother could see
our beautiful Mother finally
get the wedding she always dreamed.
He will only see pictures.
He will only be with us in our hearts,
and on paper,
and on Anthony’s tux.
I hope Momma takes it well.
It will be an ever bittersweet memory.
What irony.

I have been thinking about using again.
As often as I blink,
I fight this demon inside of me,
just pleading to be set free,
yet instead,
I allow it to consume me.

Falling, flitting, failing, quitting.
A ****** battle that I just can’t seem to win,
silent, yet shrieking
from this prison we call-
Jul 2010 · 1.3k
bathtub drowning
Michelle E Alba Jul 2010
have you ever tried to drown in your own bathtub?
it doesn't really work.
unless yours is around five feet deep (or more),
it probably didn't work for you either.
sadly mine is standard.
maybe a foot and a half of water-
at the most.
and when i laid down to drown,
the water barely covered my face.
maybe i should try face down,
then in my very own tub-
i might actually be able to drown.
Michelle E Alba Jul 2010
Near 90 degrees outside today.
I did go out there once, maybe twice.

I'm wearing a sweatshirt (with the hood up)
and some basketball shorts
('cause it is near 90 degrees out today).

Lingering stares and strange faces
burn holes in the side of it.

"Whats with the hoodie?" she said.
I grinned the utmost, forged,
forced pirate-smile, i had faked,
in the longest of long whiles.

I pivoted to hide my tears.

"Its nearly 90 degrees outside,"
she is saying.
...little does she know...
inside this hood-
its raining.
Jul 2010 · 876
...surrounded by death...
Michelle E Alba Jul 2010
my only memory of you now.
many moons ago.
language barriers between us.
but you seemed happy.
seemed to smile.
a universal language.
even dogs speak it.
and crystal light.
spanish conversations.
my imagination
could only fill.
but smiles.
dad looked so proud.
proud to see us all-
in one room,
in one state.
i hope you made it
to the golden gates.
i hope he gives you the key.
i can't wait to meet you there.
one day.
so we can finally converse.
and reminisce.
Michelle E Alba Jul 2010
i once gave all my secrets away.
i gave all my hopes and dreams,
                                       even the horrible things.
i loved whole-heartedly,
                  one fragment at time.
                                       i did do that once in my life.

i attempt to unravel, undress
these barriers now standing-between
you  a n d  me.

i fear the parts i gave along the ride,
are presently no longer mine
to own,
              they were stolen somewhere-
                                              upon the irrecoverable road.
i search subdued secrets
                                   and invisible inclinations-
only to find,
              what appears to be,
this tattered tangled                                                 twisted mind.
                is diminished by
                                         long-lost-leftover             love.
                                                             stale but           dispensing
hopes and dreams,
                                     even the horrible things.
so long as you promise
to keep them somewhere safe

i promise                                         one day,
                to open locked gates-
                                              and give to YOU
                                                                            all my secrets away.
Jul 2010 · 705
Circle of Life
Michelle E Alba Jul 2010
Feeling guilty now.
Never got to know my father's Father.
And now he lays with grim reaper stalking,
Haunting, woefully taunting.
I wish I could have done more.
Had one more day, chance, conversation.
If only.
Lord be kind to ones you call home.
And to the ones who bear the aftermath.
Let him go in peace, and his memory soar.
I just wish I could have
Done more.
Jul 2010 · 789
Only Fools Fall For Tools
Michelle E Alba Jul 2010
No other man has made me feel so foolish.
Driven me to snoop and peek.
To prowl and scheme.
No other man has done this to me.
Made me question his story everytime he'd leave.
Never have I been with a man, who promised me he'd cheat.
How blind do I have to be?
I'm finding out....
Through this disgusting jealousy.
Jul 2010 · 900
Michelle E Alba Jul 2010
With the sun setting behind me
I behold, with my back turned away.
I feel its warmth fading as swiftly as it came.
I shutter, and shiver from the wet breeze-
And the fear that the sun may never come back to me.
I stand here, with your gaze upon mine.
You reassure me-
The sun will rise again.
And when it does, there you will be.
Grasping firmly to my hand.
With the waves fixed before me,
I twiddle but a twinkle of relief.
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