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 Mar 2015 Michaela
C Davis
The letter 'A'
Is type O Positive

and wraps 'round my ankle
at midday.

So many words for
So few for them.

like a chimney
Send fire from base up
Higher to the place
Where the ashes erupt

in the sky.

I stain my

He like a soldier stands
Tall and unphased.

Window print silhouette.

It vibrates, my gaze,
Sends moonbeams through space

and somehow I reach him.

Refresh the haze.
Danger is as dangerous,
Only dangerous as
the place.
I'm not so casual
As I seem,

my mind is bursting at the seams.
 Mar 2015 Michaela
C Davis

Is there solace in knowing that nothing will last?
The sailors at sea know that all winds change fast.

everything in life is temporary;
let us take comfort in this rather than fear it
 Mar 2015 Michaela
Ariel Baptista
Oh, she’s a killer
A knife-shaped *****
She’ll rip through your guts
In the rain-stained
Metro station
Down-town east-end
Blood spills on the bathroom floor
And she just smiles
And familiar
Walking along
Coffee in hand
Going to work
When she hits you fast
Black arrow to the eye-brow without warning
Stamped in the carpet
Cigarette-**** burned and bruised
And just when you thought you could be ok
**** you, Nostalgia!
You know just how to play me
Just where to slice me
All the right words
At all the wrong times
I’m a sucker for your curved blade
I wear your scars and curse your name
**** me quietly
I am always, only, ever yours.
 Mar 2015 Michaela
Ariel Baptista
Seven days
Seven days repeat them
Repeat them over
One by one
Seven by seven.
Seven colours the sky smiles
Seven times seventy
And seventeen years
Seven levels of hell
And seven sins to send you there
Seven princesses
Sailing seven seas
And seven sea monsters to sink them
Seven lies and seven truths
Seven wonders
On seven continents
That I will never see
Seven dreams
On seven nights
Seven kisses
Seven kisses
Seventeen years
Seven stars and seven seals
Seven heads and seven hills
Seven trumpets
Seven thunders
Seven bowls of wrath
Seven years for complete cell replacement
And it’s been seven
Seven years of plenty
And seven of famine
(which are we in?)
Seven seconds to count down
Seven candles to light
On seven golden lampstands
7-Up and 7/11
Seven days
Seven days repeat them
Repeat them over and over and over
Seven years repeat them over
Seventeen repeat it over
Repeat it over
Repeat it over and over
Seven cells replaced in seven
Seven tears cried in seven
Seven out of seven
And seventeen years
Seven dwarfs and seven demons
Seven secrets
Concealed by seven lies
Seven torches we bear
Seven oaths and seven gemstones
Seven crowns on seven kings
And seven horns
And seven eyes
Seven plagues!
Oh, Lord seven plagues.
Seven spells for seven curses
On seventeen days
And the Seven Years War
In seven days I built myself
And in seven seconds I’m destroyed
Seven feathers fall to earth
Seven stars all align
And seven Gods stole my soul
Seven slaves owned by seven masters
Seven burdens
Seven burdens
Seven beasts
Seven prayers leave my lips
Seventy Hail Mary’s to save you
And seven angels
Seven spirits to seven churches
Seven sweet friends
That left me
Here’s what they don’t tell you
Seven lives mean seven deaths
And seven joys mean seven pains
Seven sisters mean seven funerals
And seven suns mean seven rains
And seven
And seven.
I’ve been stuck on seventeen
For an eternity
Repeat it
Repeat it over
Repeat it over
And seven
And seven
Seven days
And I’ll be home to a house I’ve never seen
In a country I don’t belong to
And a language I can’t speak
And it’s all just seven
And seven
And seven
I posted this one a while ago, but I've made some important additions and revisions, a heightened symbolism from the book of Revelation.
 Mar 2015 Michaela
Isabelle Perla
The one he loves stares up into space
The one she longs for is so far away
He can’t count how many lights there are
She doesn’t care; he’s too far, far.
The moon shouts “There! There! He sits by your side!”
She sighs, “Where could my love hide?”
The one he longs for doesn’t see
He cries, “For - she loves, but not for me!”
She gazes at stars as he swoons at her
She longs for love, never returned
Under the moon, his heart is breaking
Under the moon, where she spoke;
“My love, I’ve had enough.
You’re too far gone.”
Yet she doesn’t give up; she carries on.
He sings a song, heard high up in the clouds.
But, the cruel ground is weighing her down.
She doesn’t hear, though he shouts,
“I would steal that big blue moon.
If that would make you satisfied.
Your feelings, now, are made clear.
But why can’t you just see that I’m here?
The moon knows, the stars do too
No one but I is meant for you. But that won’t make you satisfied.”
The one he loves will not sit and look at the moon that tells her,
“he’s been there all along.”
She is too discontent, too oblivious.
And he is too hopeful, too ignorant.
 Mar 2015 Michaela
Isabelle Perla
Suddenly, you appear.
Life throws you at me and laughs in my face. 'An Impossible Yearning' life taunts.
I want to be close to you, but you distance yourself. I want you, but you want her.
You are impossible. You are my impossible. Is she yours?
Does every soul have a mate, and an impossible? Or only one of the two?
What am I?
A possible, just waiting for my match? Waiting for my impossible, who never arrives.
Others who, just like me, are unwanted and unloved, wait for their impossible. Wait. Forever they wait, and life laughs at them.
You are so amazingly, unbearably unreachable. My impossible.
I am lost, in your eyes, I am lost, in this life.
I am lost in a sea of possibles.
But, no - wait. My impossible will come.

If not, how can I be possible?
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