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her smile was beautiful

but it was as fake as the promises my mother made to stay
The sidewalk crow
Picking at the stone
Like the streets were still his home
Nibbling at this mess
Of concrete flesh
Gasping and rasping
To catch a smog-less breath
Black thing shimmering
In the sweltering city heat
No worms to eat
Because he can’t crack
That grey concrete
It's always the same
"How are you?"
But are the answers actually honest
Probably not
Ask the questions that matter
the ones that hurt
the ones that strike a feeling in the soul
"How did that scar get there?"
"Have you ever felt your life slip before your eyes?"
"Is a rock bottom a place you've been to?"
"Have you experienced love? What is it like?"
"Do you hurt or get hurt?"
"Is receiving or giving love more significant to you?"
"What does your past look like?"
"What moment were you most terrified at?"
"Do you know what it's like to have a broken heart?"
We're not here to beat
around the bush
Let's get in each other's minds
figure out why we hurt
where we've been
and what we had to go through to get here
why is it
that he says he
does not
want a serious relationship
and then
he throws himself
in to the arms
of another blonde girl
who looks just
like me
Sunset on the earths saliva
Stick to the roads a snail trail
Wriggling inside like worms
Cant turn off the terror nerves
Nervous as never known nursing
An infant hidden in the closet
Fall asleep waiting for dreams
A ghost in the wire , fiending
Blanket wrapped around you
Naked on the porch , long night
Long sunrise , reflecting off the pool
my smiles to you means i like you
my laughter to you means i need you.
my jokes to you means i will accept you
my conversations with you, means you might have a chance with me.
i will stop running away if you do.
i will take step closer if you do
i will talk to you if you do.
 Jun 2014 Michael Stuhlman
he touches,
he breathes,
he caresses,
he tastes,
he sees, with his minds eye,
                                no need for sheets of paper with dots and lines,
                                he has lived this piece since his life became defined,
the instrument,  and hearts
the oxygen, with poise
with fine pressure, the pure sound,
sweat, saliva and tears,
he does not stray from the course,
                                                             sharing the talent, giving the gift,
                                                                to any who will listen,
                                                                   to all who are near,
                                                                       but always to an audience of one.
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