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 Jun 2014 Michael Stuhlman
I want to ask you everything and nothing
I want to know all of you
I want to dig down to the bottom
Dredge your lake
Find out everything
The good, the bad
And the unthinkable

I'm just worried
That if I search too deep
Go too far
Push too hard
That the only thing I'll be left with
Is a corpse

There will be parts of you
Maybe just shards
Floating on top of waves
Being pushed and pulled for eternity
Because I wanted to know too much
I know tonight's weren't for me, but they made me think.
 Jun 2014 Michael Stuhlman

please read the words
and then completely forget
pretend you haven't seen them
let's just say I haven't written them yet

maybe just glance at them
each and every private word
and it's possible you'll not remember
or it's likely they were blurred

please see the words in lines
as characters, empty, without life
disregard their impact
let them hide at the back of your mind

please read the words
and then completely forget
pretend that you haven't seen them
let's say I haven't written them yet

Uurrmmm.  This is a bit random really.
I may have been made of stars once.
I may have been a constellation,
Bright and beautiful,
And infinite.
I may have been a guiding light for lost souls,
But now my soul is lost,
And I am only empty stardust.
But I look into your eyes and I see a constellation,
Guiding me home.
My home are your arms, strong and gentle,
Keeping me safe, from the world,
And from myself.

— The End —