I swear, I love you, Robert. Drive me thence
Up every wall. In Spartan fashion scale
The hours down as I trim each sorry nail
Erm, with my teeth. And oh! What is it hence?
But you're the master of this ship, to fence
Unnumbered minutes with naught to avail,
Cuz I am spoiled? Or what?! In sheer betrayl
Oh help me! but I'm cussing in suspense.
To top it off you have compassion fer
My father. He swears I'm a task. You two
Make quite the pair to set me off as twere.
Okay, I'll take up knitting. That won't do.
You drive me bonkers! Tell me that's not your
Intent and I'll prove tis. I love you too.
I love you. There's no better word.