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In the coffin lay your body silent and still
As with wax, sealed were your eyes
Bared of all passion, pain and strain
You were at rest, tranquil was your face

When your body was lowered into the grave
Tears trickled from our eyes like streams of blood
We stood orphaned beside the newly dug up pit
Knowing quite well that the days of glory have fled!

When you left, leaving in us a contused wound
We hoped time would heal the **** quite soon
But with every passing day you’re sorely missed
Especially when our life goes out of tune

At times when I feel lonesome with none to care
In weariness I search you among the stars of the sky
When my heart twitches with an unknown pain
To your comforting presence, my mind does fly

Sometimes I envision you coming into my room
Smiling that sweet smile in the dead of the night
But soon I realize it is only a fleeting vision
And from my sight, you vanish like an ethereal sprite

Rambling through the avenues of vanished years
We remember your sweet assurance, tender care n’ love
But never will we have the joy of having them again
For you flew into the horizon like a gentle dove

Mom, your presence my tiny world once filled
With that old bygone past how I was content
A treasure of sweet memories still I do hold
Now your eternal absence, how deeply I lament

Oh Mother, though you are dead and gone
Our love for you is inscribed deep in our hearts
Which nothing can erase or erode and will last
Until finally from our body, life silently departs!
Mom.... you are sorely missed, though many years have gone by !
A broken soul
Never knowing which way to go
Constantly being cut to the bone
With edges honed
Cutting up a life force
That went so horribly off course

No one can love the shattered
Their broken pieces are to tattered
Get to close they **** and splatter
No place to step they are to scattered

One that lives a life in shards
Will never, ever put down thier guard
So they live a life alone
Love ever fleeting, or never known

Sadly only love can heal, it's what their needing
As they sit there hollowed eyed and bleeding
In the beginning, there was  Genesis (Life),
placing an emphasis
on expressing just what is stressing us
We keep testing ourselves and what's surrounding us
We're always hurting ourselves, shadows are doubting us

But sunny days exist to remind us
the road less traveled keeps our fears far behind us
We seek a glimpse of the hope we're taught to wish upon,
the secret fault in our stars, the ones we're wishing on

Truth is protruding a menacing declaration
Living life bottom’s up 'cause we're searching for inspiration
Matter over the mind, alcohol over manners
Obsessive, manic depressive,
we're always dropping the hammer

We feel the happiness, the hate, and the heartbreak
the undeserving hurt and the fears that raise our heart rate
the fond memories and the catchy melodies,
the lasting friendships and irreplaceable family...

...and then with Life comes  Death,
we see it everyday - the sick and hungry losing health
We make do with the bitter taste of joy,
that sweet scent of sorrow,
functioning in a manner
that distances our tomorrow

Bury the ones that we've lost,
the hands of time are clapping
Standing ovation to loss?
We question what just happened....

...and after death comes  Enlightenment (Synthesis),
We're taking sage advice
from the ones who brought us into this

You give a man a fish?
He's fed and on his way,
but if you teach a man to fish,
you feed him everyday

Rip off a piece of that canvas,
paint to your heart's content,
and trust that we'll understand this
and give you our consent

Very capable of manifesting a journey
so write to the beat of your rhythm
but please, not in a hurry

Just close your eyes and dream,
and listen to the stream
Tune yourself to the infinite
and find your inner theme.
Inspired by Jay Electronica.
You were once amongst the brightest star
That illuminated the world from afar
But now, they call you a dead one
Long ago exploded and gone

But still we see your light
You still twinkle in the night
You still light up the dark
Still a beautiful piece of art

They call you a dead star
But beauty I found in your destruction
How I will love explosion
If light will still be seen after a billion of years

They call you a dead star
But you still shine with the other
What a lovely death indeed
To die but still light will be seen
Late night thoughts. How lovely is the sky tonight.
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