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wear humility like a vest
it will keep you warm

wear truth like a badge
it will earn you respect

wear love like a crown
it looks good on you
  May 2016 Mfena Ortswen
Sedoo Ashivor
I am a cold and hard man
Brutal, without mercy
You want a name?
Well, you can call me Percy
You can ask all you want
I won't give, unless you call in Tessy
She's my soft spot.
  May 2016 Mfena Ortswen
Sedoo Ashivor
Close the curtains
On this last act
Call home the trains
Bring me back

Time has eloped
With my dreams
I've learnt to cope
On meagre means

Preach the truth
To he who hears
Dig up the roots
Bury your cares

Hide my letters
In an open box
Untie my fetters
Use all the locks

Life is a paradox
Running to its death
Watching all the clocks
To be the last one on earth.
I like the fact that I can have rhyme and beat even when I'm not exactly sure what I mean :-)
  May 2016 Mfena Ortswen
Sedoo Ashivor
He stands with her when she's strong
She sits with him when he's weak
He's off to war. He won't be long
She'll wait for him. She's unique.
  May 2016 Mfena Ortswen
Darkness ate up the sky
Concealing the stars from sight
My anticipation rose like waves
And then there was light

Fireworks burst in the heavens
A thundering serenade
Reds blues yellows purples
Joined in an explosive parade

They caused the night to sparkle and gleam
The beauty struck deep in my heart
In my amazement I realized the glittering sky
Resembled a work of art
  Apr 2016 Mfena Ortswen
Sedoo Ashivor
Love spat in my face
Stomped me under his foot
Put me in my place
Stole away my youth

Love wore an angry mask
Laughed me to scorn
Took me to task
Kept me forlorn

Love robbed my innocence
Made my fire quench
Crushed my very essence
Made me a stench

Then, I really met Love
Who was good and true
He wore no masks
And didn't look like you

Then I knew!

It wasn't Love
Who hurt me bad
It wasn't Love
Who made me sad
**It wasn't Love
It was you.
  Apr 2016 Mfena Ortswen
Paul Butters
At long last Winter wanes
Slackening her icy grip
On our frozen land.
Those tiny buds
Have shown their heads
Above the parapet.

Spring’s summer promise
Wafts through the air:
The ghost of life
Warming everywhere.

I found a rhyme!
That’s so sublime.
Those Muses have awakened too.
All’s moistened by the morning dew.

Wizards of the word can now rejoice
At Nature’s wonder,
Singing with a soulful voice
And a crack of thunder.

April showers
Sooth the bowers
As May is on the way.
Soon it will be June in bloom
And an August holiday.

Is Spring or Summer my favourite season?
Well both are better than Winter’s treason.
It’s great to have these longer days
And soon we’ll be lounging in sunny bays.

Paul Butters
It's Spring!!!
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