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The water had risen to just below the brim and
cracks were observed along the poured concrete rim.
For days now such troubling signs had appeared;
The Dam Keeper had expressed concerns, then been told not to fear.
The Chief engineer had come up and opined
that the mighty Dam’s walls would stand all tests of time.

Down there in the valley with the last of the light
The ranchers and their families bedded down for the night.
Their ignorance was bliss for no one foresaw
That flood waters obey an immutable law.

The Saint Francis Dam in the San Francisquito Valley
Was about to give way. There’d be no time to dally.
At three minutes to midnight came an unearthly sound;
Twelve Billion gallons of water knocked the dam down.

Bodies and boulders, stone structures and trees
Formed a wave of destruction that raced for the sea
A mighty Tsunami; a hundred feet high
All those in its way were those destined to die.

Man, in his hubris, seems always to feel
That he is the master to whom Nature must yield.
Yet, in reality, we are helpless and small;
Overcome by flood waters we are nothing at all.

Mulholland, the department head shouldered the blame.
Bravely I think- Who today would do the same?
The ruins of Saint Francis Dam still stand to remind us
That our works are ephemeral; Nature reclaims our dust.

Our land’s infrastructure is in need of repair.
We must not wait for more cracks to appear.
The innocent suffer if we fail to heed this call.
Its three minutes to midnight for us one and all.
( at 11:57 P.M. on March 12, 1928 the Saint Francis dam gave way and killed five hundred people in five farming communities in the valley
outside Los Angeles)
  Apr 2016 Mfena Ortswen
Paul Butters
People like that I speak plain.
They don’t like when poets are vain.
Hope they love this little refrain.
Think I’ll do it, again and again.

Flowery language isn’t always for me,
I keep my verses wandering free.
Simple words do hold the key,
So a sapling becomes a tree.

Paul Butters
A few nice rhymes.
  Apr 2016 Mfena Ortswen
Sedoo Ashivor
The slithering snake slid onto my windowsill
One of us looked mad enough to ****
I got a sturdy stick
Hit it hard, like a brick
Snake ended up that evening on my hot grill.
We walk not of this world way, but by Faith.
For each of us has been promise different things.
Yet we still walk by the same Faith as the other.
We each are on a different path with him as well.
Some Faith may stronger today, but not tomorrow.
For Faith is by hearing, then believing it is true.
We all have the very same objective here in life.
It is to finish this race=Journey that we are on.
Thus then being told by our Savior well done.
  Apr 2016 Mfena Ortswen
Timothy H
Brief love is greater than none
Tiny truths, more than some
Sunrises they are, reasons to wake
Keep fresh in mind, for soul's sake

Maps have regions that can't be seen
Pegs that fit, never intend to be
Betray not truth and love known
These are gifts, these your own
  Apr 2016 Mfena Ortswen
Ree Bunch
I was nervous and shy during our first meet,
but your zeal for fun set my nerves at peace.
We played dress-up; wearing heels bigger than our feet.
Rouge lipstick smudged all over our two front teeth.
We danced and twirled to the music’s funky beats;
as the moon crept- many secrets were released.
The sun awoke; a new day I was eager to see.
I waited to see what fun you had for me,
but you and your new friend played- not thinking in “we”.
I wore a smile, but my heart was in disbelief.
I was losing my friend with no way to compete;
while I gather dust in my dollhouse pink suite.
I knew as a doll sadness and neglect were always meant to be,
yet I hoped that this friendship would be everlasting and unique.
Losing a good friendship is very hard- sometimes it is not a result of a disagreement- it's just life moving on carrying you two apart; nonetheless it is a sad time in life when it does happen.
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