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 May 2017 mera
Arlene Corwin
A Problem And A Blessing

It’s a problem and a blessing;
I never do the same thing twice.
My omelets, cookies, ice cream –
Never twinned and absolutely never thrice.
My husband says, “That dish was consummate,
The best I ever ate…you must, must imitate it!
Why not write it down”.
And there’s my limit.
Always acting in the moment,
Home ingredients at hand,
Forced to recreate a dish
That will not taste of sand,
That may or may not turn out grand;
A failure or success – there’s no predicting,
But who cares!
My brain enjoys the dare,
For dare it is,
And there it is,
The blessing.

The problem?
Codes of norm, jazz (my profession), daily dressing;
Not recalled, created by improvisational necessity
New strains, all things thought through
As if they’d never been.
What do you do?
And how?

A Problem And A Blessing 5.12.2017
Pure Nakedness;
Arlene Corwin

A cutie.
 May 2017 mera
Joshua Haines
The window is up;
sounds of rain crinkle in,
like the static in the voice
of a faraway caller.

My cats are perched,
one grey, one tabby,
listening with me, as
we stare at miniature
mudslides glaze gener-
-ations of ants, probably
clinging onto strands of
grass; waiting to become
the past.

I think of success and
what it means to me.
I look in my wallet and
count one-two-three;
one reason to like the rain;
two reasons to embrace strife;
three reasons to consume pain;
enough zeroes to choose a life
not smothered in mud, not one
where I cling onto the grass.

I dream of a dream where
my dollar bills can last.
 May 2017 mera
Miss Clofullia
It doesn't hurt.

It doesn't feel good either.
I've lost my fishes
My pottery fishes...

ماهی هایم را گم کرده ام
...سفال بودند
 May 2017 mera
 May 2017 mera
your breath left burn marks on my skin
your kisses tasted of strawberries,
smothered in whiskey.

your words made my brain overflow with love
i felt the blooming long before you knew,
it was love.

love is a temptation
with bellowing whispers and,
glassy eyes in the shadows.

love is another "please don't go",
an "it's for your own good",
another "goodbye".

when will it end?
you have no idea how much i love you
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