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Her hand brushes
against my own
my mind screams
louder than even
the most horrific
of bombs to
hold it back
to close those
last few *******
feet between her
lips and mine
but all I
feel all that
shakes my entire
body and soul
is this crippling
shyness it refuses
to go it
digs its toxic
roots down to
the depths of
my stomach and
refuses to let
go and I
can't and I
won't and I
don't hold her
hand and I
wonder forever if
she could have
loved me back

an ode to all those awkward shites out there
I analyzed your typing pattern
The way you moved your
Index finger across the keyboard
And the way you type my name
Like it is precise but unimportant

I hope you see how my hands move
When I'm drawing on the walls
The way they say your name
Like they're begging Rome not to fall.

I anaylized the way you make your tea
And the way you stir three sugars
And regret
The way you hold the handle
Like my hands won't forget

I hope you see how I make the bed
How I tuck the sheets
Carefully on your side
The way I fix the pillows
Where we had once cried

I anaylized the way you speak
and with light
Hoping that a word you say
Won't induce another fight

I hope you see what we've become
This couple of medicocracy
Feelings of forgien beings
Of political democracy

I anaylized the way we
Tread with light feet
And heavy hearts
I know that soon
It all will fall
Your reign of Rome will end
but until then
I'll play an empress of pretend
Moment by moment, my love on a veil.
I swim an ocean deeper than the heart that I fail.
I breathe with remorse and regret no one I love.
I hope for a god,
and a backbone,
or lack thereof.
a story told I heard in passing
a face, a photo, some one laughing
shy eyes staring somewhere crowded
living softly, needing loudly

a funeral right outside my room
roses taking months to bloom
framing the past for all, revealing
black & white, every feeling.
I smiled as she looked into my eyes
Accepting, expecting
She wondered just what I had in mind
And I gave a devilish grin
I kissed her neck, down her torso
Ran my fingers down the length
Of her sides
Until they met her thighs
I ducked my head
Kissed her navel
Looked up once more
To see her face
Her closed eyes behind tangled red hair
Her mouth slightly open
Allowing only shudders of breaths to escape
And I dipped
To meet my lips
To her lips
I felt a longing
In the warmth of her thighs
Tasted her sweetness
As my feet brushed against
An empty bottle
There is a prison in your head,
with ice-cold walls named bitterness,
with red-hot wardens called hatred,
and sharp-jagged bars made of disinterest.

There is a prison in your head,
a prison you know fairly well,
a prison visited quite often,
a prison life is always hell.

There is a prison in your head,**
which grows upon suffer,
and shrinks down by relief,
which doesn't grant releases,
as long as you haven't belief.
I never knew honesty
Until the strands in your eyes
Held my pupils like a promise,
Shades of blue I didn't know existed
Wrapping me in trust and hope.

Light blue, telling me you're real,
That I can trust you,
That your intentions are pure,
You're carefree,

Dark blue,
Telling me there is a deeper story,
Secrets I haven't uncovered
But will, with time.
You've been hurt,
But you are so strong because of it.

Soft blue,
Telling me you are here for me,
And I'm the only one.
Though you haven't spoken it yet,
These eyes tell me you love me,
And make my heart melt for you.

Burning blue,
Intense and hungry,
When your lips intertwine with mine,
Your arms hold me tight,
I feel your need
You feel mine.

Sky blue,
When you are happy,
Smiling and laughing,
Joking around
When we make fun of each other.

Your eyes are the windows to you,
Your heart, your mind, your soul,
And I feel honored knowing
That I am the one who gets to see them.
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