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MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Those elephant's ivory prongs,
can bring down trees short and long.
have you ever seen it brush?

Those tiger's pointed canines,
can pierce through its prey's spine.
have you ever seen it brush?

Those cow's flat hard molars,
a grinding machine for bulky feeders.
have you ever seen it brush?

Those crocodile's theethy jaws,
hardly any quarry can withdraw
have you ever seen it brush?

Those shark's sharp dentines,
dangerous weapon to hunt and dine
have you ever seen it brush?

Those snake's sharpened fangs,
can inject venom with a spang
have you ever seen it brush?

Those bear's sturdy teeth,
fish, berry and honey it eats
have you ever seen it brush?

Dear mom and dad why y'all misguide?
why incorrect information y'all provide?
brushing teeth doesn't make it strong.
I've given enough of evidence to prove y'all wrong.
569 · Nov 2014
Distorted image
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
In seclusion when I sit;
And close both my eyes.
I travel way back in time.
Flying time vision defies.

Childhood friends appear.
Faces clear and bright.
I think of Raj, Arsh and Anas;
And they're in my sight.

A day I saw a drug-addict.
My friend Arsh he was.
Distorted image of puerility.
Sunken eyes, ugly Jaws.

Now when I close my eyes.
I see all but Arsh I see no more.
When I think of Little Arsh.
A drug-addict comes before.
567 · Nov 2014
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Love! a gift of God,
so beautiful, so precious.
A state of bliss, a state
of extreme happiness.
If you love someone love
from your heart's core.
Love that special one like
you've never loved before.
It's a promise of God
who loves us utmost.
That you will be resurrected
with one you love the most.
566 · Dec 2014
Spoken words
MdAsadullah Dec 2014
Last breath will go with gust.
Lovely body will become dust.
Properties a source of mirth.
But only for alive men of earth.
Will only remain your blood
in progeny and spoken words.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
[Quran-17: 42, Quran-21: 22]

On television ancient
mythological serial I saw.
Many powerful Gods
brought a feeling of awe.

Each plotting and planning
against one another.
Intention to become supreme
and dethrone other.

Their fights brought disorder
on earth and heaven.
Anywhere and everywhere
chaos and confusion.

Their ungodly behavior
was maddening, insane.
Couldn't control my wild
heart, oppressed brain.

Closed television to get
rid of their conduct lowly.
Started searching truth
and peace in verses holy.

Spotted few verses which
brought smile and relief.
In verses* I found truth
and it increased my belief.

*Quran-17: 42
Say: If there had been (other) gods with Him, as they say, - behold, they would certainly have sought out a way to the Lord of the Throne!

*Quran-21: 22
If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been confusion in both! but glory to Allah, the Lord of the Throne: (High is He) above what they attribute to Him!
563 · Dec 2014
MdAsadullah Dec 2014
It whispers my sweet secrets
into my ears until I start to smile.
It stirs up my passions leading
me into a state of bliss for a while.

Yes, silence speaks.

It tells me my mistakes
in words loud and clear.
looking into my eyes without
any hesitation or fear.

Yes, silence speaks.

It debates and argues
with me on matters confound.
giving reasons and argument
effective, solid and sound.

Yes, silence speaks.

It consoles me when
I am down and depressed.
Its soothing voice helps me
when I am mentally stressed.

Yes, silence speaks.

It shares with me
moments of past.
moments good and bad,
moments of contrast.

Yes, silence speaks.

It shows me my future
by its tongue imaginative.
future so beautiful
presented by voice creative.

Yes, silence speaks.

Have you ever heard
its voice unique?
Have you ever heard
the silence speak?

Yes, silence speaks.
556 · Mar 2018
A Prayer i
MdAsadullah Mar 2018

Allahumma! Send blessings upon (Holy Prophet)Muhammad and upon theProgeny of (Holy Prophet)Muhammad as You sent blessings upon Ibraheem and upon the Progeny of Ibraheem; indeed, You are praiseworthy and glorious. Allahumma! Bless (Holy Prophet)Muhammad and the Progeny of (Holy Prophet)Muhammad as You blessed Ibraheem and the Progeny of Ibraheem; indeed, You are praise worthy and glorious.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Drop by Drop
Drop by Drop
Everytime, anytime
Let it fall.
Let it fall.
My worthy tears.
Never stop.
Never stop.
Till I see
My beloved Mustafa(SAW)
550 · Nov 2014
In tiny heart..
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Vast expanding universe
with unmeasurable space
Yet not enough space for
'God Al-mighty' to encase.

All brains amassed together
to make one super brain;
If it tries to confine 'God All-wise'
will it not go insane?

Eyes reflects invisible soul
and mirror of heart is face.
For 'God All-loving' in tiny heart
their is much space.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
From oceans shocked vapours flee.
You pity them with malicious glee.
Pretend to be well-wisher, a saint.
Crocodile! sympathizer you ain't.

In troubled waters you want to fish.
Never will be met your vicious wish.
You laugh loud, you plan and plot.
All Oceans will dry up you thought.

You are so foolish, I am in shock.
For this foolishness, no squawk.
Remove mask of friendship, you foe.
Where rain falls where rivers flow?

Oceans are on rise, feel the heat.
Waters have reached your feet.
Soon it'll engulf your land and rocks.
My foe, Let me give you this shock.
514 · Nov 2014
Aimless iv
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Twisted, curled and straight.
Many of them reticulate.
Some are rough, some gloss.
And few of them crisscross.

Through mountains and canons.
Some desolate and barren.
Some through foliage unmown.
Ending of all is unknown.

Unalike yet all attract and allure.
With open arms tempt to explore.
Each path inviting like a *****.
Still another I search evermore.
511 · Nov 2014
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Deer is the target;
And tiger is on the run.
Thoughts are my prey;
And pen is my gun.
MdAsadullah Dec 2014
Many religions and many
more ways to estimate.
At times followed correctly
at times misinterpret.

How a common man
will know, how he'll judge?
Opinions are biased,
opinions made due to grudge.

Heaps of literature and
heaps of religious text.
Men have little patience,
it leaves them perplexed.

But their is simple way
to come to conclusion.
Easiest way for any ordinary
man to take decision.

Religion is all about
divinity and divine power.
It is about concept of
God and the final hour.

Definitions may be clear cut
or ambiguous and flawed.
For me a Religion is as
good as its definition of God.

Concept of God in Islam(surah Ikhlas) , clear-cut.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him.
505 · Nov 2014
Aimless i
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Sad and frustrated
I strolled here and there.
Lingered through narrow lanes,
streets strange and quare.
Here I am on crossroad,
where should I go?
Should I take the road broad and straight
or the one narrow and low.
Does it make any difference
which road I take,
when I don't know,
where I wan't to go?
494 · Nov 2014
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Bantam being give
me one honest advise.
Tell me where
your strength lies?
Hours ago you struggled
with load bigger than your size.
Your foolishness made
me laugh with surprise.
I enjoyed your scrambles,
little humorous buffoon
and left thinking you
will give up very soon.
My estimation about
you was so wrong.
Tiny creature your determination
was much strong.
You dragged the load
close to your destination.
You were far beyond
my humble approximation.
Everyone takes brave lion's
and fearless tiger's name.
Your perseverance can
put them all to shame.
Many may not find
a role model in thee
but frankly speaking
you've inspired me.
492 · Nov 2014
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
His Soul, sinless, impeccant,
hidden inside the body like a pod.
caught in the storm of emotions,
danced out of love for his God.

His body under spell of his soul,
came under soul's servitude.
body became soul's reflection and
danced for lord out of gratitude.

stones, razzes, taunts and abuses were hurled
but he danced, danced and danced ignoring this cruel world.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Above others, Mary, a woman pure and ace.
Withdrew from her family to an eastern place.
Angel Gabriel in form of handsome man came.
Scared and frightened stood this young dame.

As he informed of pure boy, she was disgraced.
She averred ' I am not married and I am chaste '
It was easy for Allah, he said 'Be, ' and he was.
Like Adam he was created, man without flaws.

Conceiving him she went to a secluded place.
She wished to die before cruel world she faced.
Baby spoke as she groaned besides palm tree.
'Shake tree for dates, for water stream flows free.

I am not arrogant or miserable but kind to ye.
If someone points at you then just point at me '
In summer took birth God's mercy, God's shade.
Mighty prophet of Allah came to guide and aid.

Everyone spoke but virtuous Mary did not speak
Without speaking she pointed at child unique
Child spoke when people despised and scorned.
So peace be upon him the day he was born.

He never died, Almighty Allah raised him high.
So peace be upon him the day he will die.
He will make clear, God is one not three or four.
So peace be upon him the day he'll be brought before.
Sahih Muslim(Book 030, Number 5836)

Abu Huraira reported many ahadith from Allah's Messenger (pbuh) and one is that Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: I am most close to Jesus, son of Mary, among the whole of mankind in this worldly life and the next life. They said: Allah's Messenger how is it? Thereupon he said: Prophets are brothers in faith, having different mothers. Their religion is, however, one and there is no Apostle between us (between I and Jesus Christ) .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Quran(19: 92)

For it is not consonant with the majesty of (Allah) Most Gracious that He should beget a son.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Quran(4: 171)

O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not 'Trinity': desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.
472 · Nov 2014
Freedom's Journey
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Freedom's abode was where sun rose.
Her desirous eyes saw where sun goes.
Rumours were unremittingly echoed;
That sun's path leads to lavish abode.

Freedom decided to follow the sun.
Leaving kinship behind resolved to run.
Duping father, brother, husband and kins;
She bartered her veil for strong wings.

Freedom left her culture with no regrets.
She reached the place where sunsets.
Exchanged some clothes with new culture.
Rest lifted in the name of art by vultures.

Now she started finding new husband.
Sadly available were only Boyfriends.
Property bemocked her and ran away.
Morality bled and outstretched it lay.

Freedom now looks with longing eyes;
Place which she left, where sun rise.
Now her mistake she knows and attests.
In the Middle of East was abode to rest.

Disappeared all enthusiasm and zest.
Naked Freedom is lost in streets of west.
Within broken societies now she roams;
Where there are houses but no homes.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Season of colour, buds and blooms.
Lovely roses, grass with large plumes.
Hiding high on some tree koel* sings.
How badly I wished for thousand springs.

Large blooming tree, shrubs and climber.
Busy bees fly briskly from flower to flower.
Numerous butterflies with colorful wings.
How badly I wished for thousand springs.

Yellow mustard flowers below skies blue.
Entire flora covered with tiny drops of dew.
Sweet fragrance gentle breeze brings.
How badly I wished for thousand springs.

Far from reality, wishes are just wishes.
It can vanish with gust of wind like ashes.
My fragile soul is covered from top to bottom.
Now sadly I am abode for thousand autumns.
*koel is bird of cuckoo family found in subcontinent
461 · Mar 2018
What Has Happened To Me?
MdAsadullah Mar 2018
Jittery blood in my veins.
Violently pulsating heart.
Anxious thoughts jam-packed.
Will my head rip apart?

Smile miles away from lips.
Big vaccum in my chest.
Weak body much exhausted.
Fragile brain is so stressed.

Eyes holding sudden flood.
Echoes of familiar sound.
Scenes of past flash by.
Nostalgic vibes all around.

I am not me, I am not me.
What has happened to me?
460 · Nov 2014
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
When you left your childhood to become an adolescent.
Your mind was elated, curious and effervescent.
You wanted to know the unknown and try the untried.
You were prepared to break laws and put rules aside
Then you smoked me bit by bit.

When you saw any girl having beauty immense.
You wanted love between you and her to commence.
You looked at her with pleasing smile.
You held me in your hand with great style
And you smoked me bit by bit.

When you were in anguish, pain and grief.
You wanted some-kind of respite and relief.
You held me between your fingers tight.
With help of lighter you set me alight
And you smoked me bit by bit.

When you wanted to show your happiness to others.
With happiness and smoke you wanted to create smothers.
With joy you cried, shouted and yipped.
Then tightly between your lips you gripped
And you smoked me bit by bit.

Now I became your habit and your need.
You were ready to surrender and concede.
You were losing a thing which cannot be bought with wealth.
You cared the least about your deteriorating health
And you smoked me bit by bit.

Now everywhere and anywhere you cough.
You are sick and your end is not faro-ff.
People look at you with pity and ruth.
You fool, now let me tell you the truth
All these days I smoked you bit by bit.
459 · Dec 2014
MdAsadullah Dec 2014
Rich and poor standing shoulder-to-shoulder,
disciplined, synchronized postures of beholders.
Overwhelmed with thankfulness and gratitude,
men in rows with humbled attitude.
In-front of Allah their sins they confess
so that they return favored and blessed.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
You may have done
extremely heinous crime.
World may not forgive
but come to God anytime.
Repent honestly and
follow correct path.
For God's mercy
prevails over his wrath.
450 · Nov 2014
Aimless ii
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
No shadow.
Unending noon.
Land barren, flat.
Running pit-a-pat.
Miles and Miles
left behind.
Miles and Miles
hours, days, weeks...
Innocent heart.
Which land it searches?
Which land it seeks?
450 · Nov 2014
A Prayer
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
I know not how to beg.
I know not how to pray.
I am immersed in sins.
I have just gone astray.

My sins like oceans deep;
Sins like mountains high.
But still I hope for mercy.
Your mercy wide as sky.

Words always so less;
And sea full of commotion.
I know not how to pray.
Just tears of emotion.

O God! listen to my heart.
Words always so less.
I know not how to pray.
Just beats of distress.
450 · Nov 2014
Elections 2014(iii)
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Dark souls within garbs bright.
Elegantly attired men in white.
As if politest creature on land.
Travel miles in verdure or sand.

Palms joined before the *****.
A traditionalistic Indian custom.
Faces with unending smiles.
False promises in stockpiles.

From street to street in clusters.
From door to door like beggars.
Their words like song of psalms.
Red or black, color of their palms.

But all are like seasonal bugs.
Many amongst them are thugs.
Their actions draws intense flak.
Tis a choice 'tween red or black.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Time and again emotional you get.
My dear friend unnecessarily you fret.
Don't give too much stress to heart.
Using brains at times is such an art.

For woman's right you speak and say.
'Equal' doesn't mean 'identical', I say.
Wife became pregnant and you whiled.
Fair man why not you delivered the child.

Behind Veil a woman oppressed you see.
Respected, protected she appears to me.
Freely she walks about to work and study.
Not stereotyped, not just known for body.

Clothes so scanty and no effect on you.
Go to doctor, you are amongst the few
Your body should burn like sun in may;
If you are not impotent, saint or gay.

It is sad, tis man versus woman you think.
Wrong idea, instead both are interlinked.
A woman is like delicate, tickly flower.
Their guardians and protectors men are.

If you think lesser the garb more she is free;
Then oblige me, earnestly I request thee;
Bring your moms and girls in-front of me.
And show me how much they are free.
Veil for man Quran: - - Nur (the Light) , in verse 30,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do.

Veil for woman Quran: - -Nur (the Light) , in verse 31,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know naught of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may succeed.

Veil for man Bible: - - Mathew 5: 28
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Veil for woman Bible: - - - Corinthians 11: 6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.(kings james version)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Few Prominent Veiled women: - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Khadija(May allah be please with her) - - Businesswoman [Islam]
Ayesha(May allah be please with her) - - -Scholar [Islam]
Mother Mary(May Allah be please with her) - - - mother of jesus(pbuh) [Islam/Christianity]
Mother Teresa - Nobel prize winner for peace - - social worker[Christianity]
444 · Nov 2014
Aimless iii
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
No force no intensity left in me.
I have turned into a dead feather.
Wind ******* wherever you feel like.
439 · Nov 2014
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Saleel suggested his name for moderator,
It increased my curiosity, and I understood he must be lover of our creator.
One day a man with same name entered a thread.
His opponents were angered and became red.
He was merciless and continued with his onslaught.
He didn't give up until the lesson was taught.
He held tightly the rope of Allah in his fist.
Very soon he was in Taskeen's friend list.
He believes in the policy of '*** for tat'.
He loves animal specially big round cat.
Now I see a different side of him.
He is polite, kind, lively and not grim
In both worlds may Allah give him fame.
Amir Mustafa is his name.
431 · Aug 2015
MdAsadullah Aug 2015
O you sparkling , bubbling teen.
O you  adolescent unwise, green.
Time has acquired wisdom in piles.
It is for all immature juveniles.

But wisdom is a thing much valued;
And time is also a merchant shrewd.
To get wisdom a lot it'll make you pay.
Your Youth it'll take n hair will turn gray.
wisdom adolescent Youth gray
431 · Nov 2014
Elections 2014(i)
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
This weather change will cause
rain which will flood the streets.
Many snakes will crawl and with
smiles many more frogs will greet.
Some snakes will hiss on streets
and numerous frogs will croak.
But beware, frogs are poisonous
too, don't take them as a joke.
Words rosy some will utter, words
filled with venom some will spit.
Responsible citizens do your duty
and arrange your survival kit.
Be prepared, all are enemies,
some open, some in disguise.
After the flood, it can be summer
of Sahara or winter in Siberian ice.
425 · Dec 2014
Only one
MdAsadullah Dec 2014
I want to please none;
but only one.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Fake Gods crumbled
Palace of Kisra trembled.
Lake sawah dried.
Cursed satan cried.
Fire of persia died out.
Allah's best mercy sprout.
Yes, Light was born.
Yes, Guidance was born.
Yes, Muhammad was born.
Peace be upon him.
Peace be upon him.
Peace be upon him.
415 · Nov 2014
Character Certificates
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Their words like needle.
Arranged smartly with trick.
So that it hurts maximum.
Utmost it ******.

My words when hit back;
Like some venom in cowl.
They scream with pain.
They cry foul.

Now character analysis they do.
Many of them, not just few.
Each has something to say.
And at the end of day;

Papers banged infront me.
My Character certificates I see.
Not one or two but so many.
But do I need any.

Now listen very carefully.
I want to make it known.
I need only one certificate;
And that is my own.
412 · Nov 2014
Homo sapiens
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Motives at times so noble, at times so base.
Jealousy and Satisfaction have human face.

Tongue coated with sweet honey, yet so ****.
Cruelty and Kindness have got human heart.

Intelligence and morality, little brain they flood.
But Satan circulates human mind like blood.

Weaker than Satan, sinner if likened to angel.
But a free will and inside always a fierce duel.

A bunch of contradictions! a set of antonyms!
But still greatest of all creations, a Paradigm!
This one came into my mind after reading William Blake's Poem 'A divine Image'
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
It is a gradual and a slow process.
From one species another egress.
Species can change and reshape.
They say humans came from ape.

But when I look at fossil records.
With facts theory doesn't accord.
Darwin's theory appears unsound.
Intermediate forms are not found.

Instead each species abruptly arise.
Remains constant in shape and size.
Question is how species change?
Science matches fairy-tale, strange!

Little frog was kissed by a dame.
A handsome prince frog became.
Theory like some old magical tale.
Should I call it science or fairy-tale.
402 · Nov 2014
Answering Atheism ii
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
You blame religion for war,
fights and all evils.
You blame it for acts
criminal, killings brutal.
You talk about morals,
you talk about ethics.
But I've got question for you
, faultfinders, cynics.
Why do charity? To hungry
why you want to give food?
Give scientific reasons for
morality, reasons to do good?
Don't you think humans are
born with sense of right and wrong?
Doesn't it point towards someone
merciful, mighty and strong?
401 · Nov 2014
Wealthiest of them all
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
I earned, earned and earned;
And thought I was wealthiest of them all;
But a wealthy wealthier then me stood tall.

I earned, earned and earned;
And thought I was wealthiest of them all;
But again a wealthy wealthier then me stood tall.

I earned, earned and earned;
And thought I was wealthiest of them all;
But again a wealthy wealthier then me stood tall.

And then
I learned, learned and learned;
Let the greed of wealth from my head fall;
And now I am wealthiest of them all, standing tall.
Greedy and materialistic people are poor !
391 · Nov 2014
Elections 2014(ii)
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Gullible people! , your condition
is deteriorating year after year.
Sometimes you live as refugees,
sometimes you live in fear.
But don't ever loose patience
, ballot is right, bullet is wrong.
Gandhi's constitution is timetested,
dependable and strong.
Violent protests, vandalism is
not the way, you must avoid, shun.
Blue buttons are triggers and
Electronic voting machines are guns.
You cannot destroy enemy as
ammunitions are scarce, not much.
Aim legs so that king can only
reach throne with the help of crutch.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Burn all these 'Old age homes.'
Standing like Satan's domes.
Shamelessness resides in them.
Helplessness resides in them.

Recall their childhood days.
When they were small and gay.
Whenever they puked or peed.
Parents fulfilled all their needs.

Now when parents are in need.
They show selfishness and greed.
Such off-springs are disgrace.
I want to spit, bring their face.
367 · Nov 2014
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Failure chases me
I run, I run, I see
a gate called Success
but a lock named Disappointment
is hanging on it.
I run, I run until I
bump into wall of Frustration.
Failure seizes me by throat,
Grief and Sorrow helps Failure
to subdue me, they drag me and
throw me in an abyss named Melancholy.
I sink in gloom, I sink, I sink
I look down to see Depression with sword,
I look up to see a light named hope
diminishing, diminishing, diminishing
until it appears like a dot.
I sink deep, deep, deep, very deep.
Nearer, nearer, nearer to Depression.
355 · Nov 2014
Give some time
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Give some time, sour mango
will become sweet in May.
Hate your enemy mildly; he may
become your friend one day.

352 · Nov 2014
Answering Atheism i
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
You mock and laugh at believers
, men rational and wise.
How foolish is believer's beliefs
you inform and apprise.
Each and every rites and
practices of beleivers you condemn.
Reject divine creation of
heavens n earth, things tween them.
But believe me Atheists also
have beliefs, faith and stance.
Your belief is everything came
into existence just by chance.
Earth started rotating and revolving
with precision on its own.
So that If it deviates a bit no
life will exists not a single one.
By accident were created all
plants and creatures in pairs.
Haply it was decided how they
will produce offsprings n heirs.
Hilarious, laughable are your
beliefs, O wise Non-believer!
Believe me your beliefs can put
to shame beliefs of a believer.
344 · Nov 2014
Gaza and The Warning
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Show of constraint during strife.
So much concern for innocent life.

Leaflets distributed, messages sent.
Warning bombs causes light dent.

To leave homes they recommend;
And save their families and friend.

Gaza just a strip, where they'll go.
Surrounded by walls, sea and foe.

They can't fly in air, can't swim in sea.
Go on with killings and stop hypocrisy.
342 · Nov 2014
Bomb Blast
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Stupendous sound vibration
makes numb all sensation.
Victims in blood, shock and stupor,
all around painful sounds of groaners.
Cruelty roams free, untamed.
for many, world will never be the same.
326 · Mar 2018
No More
MdAsadullah Mar 2018
In sunshine and in rain.
I knocked the door.
Morning and evening.
I knocked the door.
Kept my ego in my pocket;
And I knocked the door.
Kept my self respect in my purse;
And I knocked the door.
Finally when door will open
It will be too late.
Silence will prevail all around;
And I will be found no more.
323 · Mar 2018
MdAsadullah Mar 2018
Cut me with tongue, be rude to me.
Look down on with disdain.
Be as blunt as you can be.
Let the words be severe.
Let it be as stern as it can be.
Aim and throw them like stones
Or like arrow it should flee.
Do all these again and again.
My Silence will be my shield;
And my smile will hide my pain.
322 · Nov 2014
Different Perspective
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
In the foreign land across the bay;
Need or greed, best you can say.
You left the ancient land long ago.
Love for ancient land never fell, tho'.

You divide ancient time in slots.
Then you figure out traitor's lot.
Foreign elements traitor you brand.
Such is your love for ancient land.

You attack them with **** remarks.
Bullets you fire from mouth stark.
When I look from perspective new.
Then I can figure out the real you.

From ancient land I gaze at thee.
In you a real true patriot I see;
But from foreign land when I see.
A real traitor you appear to me.
319 · Mar 2018
No Matter...
MdAsadullah Mar 2018
No matter how much I resist.
No matter how much I try.
I can never remain me.
With those I interact with
And all those who pass by,
Leave something of them in me.
But it is not one way round.
In them something of me you'll see.
311 · Dec 2014
Or is that me who is sad?
MdAsadullah Dec 2014
Why sun is hiding
behind clouds?
why rain appears
as tears of sky?
why songs of birds
appears so grim?
why colours of
flowers look faded?
why the air
is still?
why thunder is roaring
nightmare lullaby?
why sea is
shouting with sorrow?
why trees are so
quiet and drooped.?
What has happened
to you all?
Or is that me
who is sad?
307 · Nov 2014
Is It Something In Me.....
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Why you talk about
me day and night?
Why everywhere and
anywhere you backbite?
Tell me, why like holy
verses my name you recite?
Tell me, why don't you
openly come and fight?
Why you always find
reasons to bring my name?
Why you want to hurt,
why you want to defame?
Tell me, till how long
will continue this game?
Tell me, what is your
mission, what is your aim?
Why my name always
on your tongue of fire?
Is it something in me
that your admire?
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