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 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
She Writes
I Cry
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
She Writes
You ask me why it’s so hard to forgive you;
I ask you why it’s so easy to hurt me.

When you hurt me, I cry.
If I hurt you, I cry.

I deserve the love I keep trying to give you,
Don’t you see?

You can’t reciprocate the love I keep giving to you.
Why can’t I see?
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
To me
you were the
but to you
I was only
a part of
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
She Writes
I often find myself longing for
A kiss I have yet to taste
Skin I have yet to touch
Eyes I have yet to gaze upon
How do I miss these things
I’ve never known?
I love her.
No not ******* worldly,
But softly, purely , celestially.
Not necessarily, just completely,
selfishly and I'm sorry.
I love her unconditionally, some say unconventionally.
But they don't understand me.
Yes...I love her.
Most spiritually, asexually, platonically and wholly.
I love her, truly, honestly, musically and poetically...
She doesn't have to love me.
Your looks may fade... my love shall not.
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
It's here, is it not? It came back like it said.
I felt it knocking, I felt it pounding,
on the doors, on the windows, everywhere.
I didn't let it in, how is it here?
There has to be a crack on the wall,
It slithered through like a snake,
a snake it is, I say.

Have you felt it yet, have you?
You can't see it, can you?
I don't think it has a shape, it's something else.
It can speak though, and it's got claws,
it used to scratch me all the time,
that's how I got these bleeding scars, see?
It spoke to me.

I have a riddle for you, can you figure it out?
It's got no mouth, it's got no voice, but it can speak
It can make you forget, it can speed up time.
It can cloud your sight, it can make you blind.
It will sleep by your side, and it'll follow you around.
I gave you a riddle, can you figure it out?
I'm sure you can, you can feel it too, can't you?
It's depression.
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