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 Apr 2020 Max Neumann
there is only late or early.
no such thing as on time.
If I could

I would write you a poem that speaks of midnight

And fill my pen with inky darkness and the bright cold light of stars

If I could

I would sing of the rolling moving sea that is never stilled

Cool grey and aquamarine would fill my palette as I brush the words

If I could

I would bring you lush hills and deep shady valleys in between

Pine green and Ochre are the threads in my rhyming tapestry

If I could

I would speak of dawns and sunsets bathed in infinite beauty

Hot pink and vivid tangerine silks gathered into a cloth of sound

If I could

I would write you a living landscape of colour to keep you warm on winter days

If only I could...
 Apr 2020 Max Neumann
You are tea,
serene in your surroundings.

                                                               ­                                        I am coffee,
                                                                ­           attention always bounding.

Your colour milkish pale,
creamy optimism.

                                                               ­                              I am taken black,
                                                                ­                                bitter cynicism.

Two sugars,
to match your disposition.

                                                               ­                                     None for me,
                                                             ­       I'll maintain my grim affliction.

                                               We differ so much,
                                                     it's obscene.
     ­                                              But in the end
                                               we're both caffeine.
Repost of an old one
 Apr 2020 Max Neumann
Ellis Reyes
You would find this donut
only at the day-old bakery
on the depressed side of town
On the bottom shelf
in the back

It’s unevenly frosted
With sprinkles tossed haphazardly around
It is neither appetizing nor revolting

It’s inviting and bitter

distasteful and captivating

complex and mundane

Moment to moment
Bite to bite

You can’t decide

Whether to try again

Or discard it forever
My bipolar mom became my responsibility when my parents divorced in my early 20s. She was a lot of work.
 Apr 2020 Max Neumann
 Apr 2020 Max Neumann
Rain falls like tears on my window pane
Images of us together fill my brain
I awaken from this dream in solitude
From my twisted face, anguish exudes
I'm the scapegoat
for sad people
pretending to be happy.
If they focus the attention onto me,
maybe for a minute,
they'll forget their sadness.
God forbid,
they'd feel anything at all.
 Apr 2020 Max Neumann
 Apr 2020 Max Neumann
sometimes i wish i wasn't so good at hiding my emotions.
i really need a hug.
 Apr 2020 Max Neumann
My feet
Hips lined up
Just so,
Arms reaching,
I settle
Into stillness
And notice
The twist
In my breath
My body
I follow,
And belong.
 Apr 2020 Max Neumann
I tell my secrets to children
in the form of fairy tales
A "Once upon a time," is enough
to quiet down their wails
and I spin stories as well as spiders
weaving webs that a lost child
must navigate the tangled trails
with cleverness and wit
sharper than any sword
more accurate than any arrow
I speak of children who questioned
the established path of rejection
and this misguided idea of reciprocity,
"You must suffer because it happened to me."
Because my blessing in life was not brute strength
but a clear mind and clever tongue.
I tell my secrets to children
so that they may grow smarter because of them.
What can I say, I like to share stories.
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