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I have a happy expression
Surrounded by unhappy faces.
Which were caused by me during my many destructive stages.

I ask myself
"How can they still care when I simply have no love to give?"
All this sudden realized guilt
Makes me not wanna live.

So mom, dad, sister, and friends,
Lets bring out the truth
and no longer pretend.

Just tell it to me straight,
Speak those aching words,
Say your lives would be better
If I wasn't in your world.

Because you can deny it all you want,
But your eyes speak the truth.
Telling me you wish i was never born would certainly not be rude.

For I am the storm that has rained on your parade,
Don't worry, my death by nature will come soon,
Maybe any day.

So I'm sorry for what I've said and done,
But I know that means absolutely nothing.
Though I would do anything,
To hit that reset button.
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Swallow me whole,
and let me dissolve into your bloodstream.
Let me flow into your brain,
and the rest of your body.

Your pupils will dilate,
your pores will open
at the realization that I am inside of you,
and I am taking over.

Swallow me whole,
and I will show you that I am not a temporary fix.
Just swallow me whole,
and I will show you what real happiness is.
 Sep 2014 Lambert Mark Mj
One for my shaking hands and the nail in the coffin
I haven’t been the same since then and I think I buried too much of myself with you
Two for the year we spent together without the sun
My darling Love I was not meant to be kept between four walls
Your lips were not enough to sustain me
And your hands could not hold tight enough
But in some ways I think I’m still there with you
Three for the hollow eyes you turned out to be
I gave you too much and lost what little you gave me
Does happiness still elude you when you sit still for too long
Or are you content when you feel his arm around you
Four for the parking lot that I know I’ll never forget
I don’t feel your hand in mine anymore
The taste of your lips doesn’t linger like it did
Your voice is no longer clear in my ears
I don’t remember what its like to hold you
And that scares me more than anything
Five for the disconnect
I lose something in every dream I have now
Because its all I can honestly remember
Walk with me!
Lets walk together side by side
my fingers and your fingers touch
Let's talk and talk
until we cant talk any more!
or we can just not talk
and walk & walk
until we cant walk no more
lets count the cars passing by
lets share silly childhood memories
and laugh together just like children
Let's get to know
what we both like to eat
and what we don't like
what we both like to wear
and what we don't like
what we both like to do
and what we don't like to
I'll ask you questions
and you'll ask me too
if you feel comfortable answering
and if I feel comfortable too
then maybe i'll ask you again
to come walk with me :)
This ones about meeting new people and deciding whether you are going to let them in your life or not :)
in ten thousand ways
i watch flames up ahead
swaying on ivory stilts
we sit in silence.
the color here is gold
ice at first, then the sun
we look skyward as far
as we can reach.
you're in the corner of
my eye, i need to
focus, jumbled music
are words we used to say.
sour turned sweet
peace to seep in open sun
morning windows
this is freedom.
"You can't make me do anything."
Whispers in the room.
"Ha!" Laughter from his eyes and words,
"Yes I can."
Lips violently reaching mine--
My body wants more but--


A mark of rejection left on his face.
I'm gone.
Running for safety
Down the stairs
In the bathroom.
I just want to run,
Running from him--
Did I lose him?
Is he gone?
I don't care by now--
My heart weeps too loudly
For any voice of comfort.

I might have been able to hear him
Calling my name and
But I was hurt too much before.
I might have loved him,
I might still love him,
But the injury on my heart
Had no justice done on his damaged
Whisternefet definition: A sharp slap.

disclaimer: this never happened
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