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I'm here in my bed
Lying awake
Thinking about you.
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
you said you'd drown in my tears

if it meant being with me

but you see, you were always under water

with one hand drowning in the density of my sobs

and the other over the surface holding her
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
Meenu Syriac
Paint the sky red
Won't you stop dreaming?
They've only hurt
Every single one of them.

Right underneath the starry sky
Dreams, untamed, they fly.
Nothing sane they intend,
Burns right through your heart instead

Keeps hope burning bright
At the end of the day
Just a dreamer
Wishing on a star at night
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
I like you early in the morning, before you even open your eyes to a new day. I like you in the middle of the night when you're mumbling nonsense and making weird noises in your sleep.

I like you in the afternoon when you can't figure out if you're hungry or not. I like you when you're upset, seeing your brown crease in frustration over some minuscule problem.

I like you when you're yelling about something and I like you even when we disagree. I liked you when you walked into my life and I liked you even when you walked away.

Even though you've walked away without a decent explanation... I still like you anyways.
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
It's sad...but true that I'm doing anything and everything to get over you.
I've kissed boys I have no desire for.
Lusted after them with teasing pleasure just to get attention... But I don't feel like a **** yet.

Its been a nightmare... It's all true... That moving on isn't the same without you.
I've let my walls rebuild with such height even I'm afraid to stand on the edge.
Screamed out for the world to hear but no sound came out.

It's pain... And sorrow... It's true... That I'll never get over you.
With such green eyes and such soft skin; you'll haunt me till the worlds end.
Love has never tasted quite as bitter as you.
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
A B Perales
the ones
the least
to have
most to
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
A B Perales
to those
in view.
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
A B Perales
I found her
drunk and
ankle deep
in the sand
curses into the
She called the
circling Gulls her
the bottle she
held a

I asked her
for a reason
and all she
spoke of was
the past.

She reached
to me and took
my arm,
made me
promise not
to ever leave.

I gave her
my word
which she
had already had.

These thoughts
we shared became

She opened her
arms to me
and I stepped
into her hug.
She smelled of
sweet sweat and
salt water,
a citrus scent
lingered from her
golden sun
blessed  hair.

Dismissing all
the heartache
I took in what she
had to offer.
Sandy kisses,
drunken promises
and all.
I held her tight
and quietly
begged the
Gods to never
let her go.

I placed
soft kisses along
her sand littered
deep tanned
She ran her
bitten down nails
along the back
of my neck.

Somewhere behind
us the world
cast judgement upon
our Love.

We sat as one
watching the children
chase the tide away.
Both of us
quietly wondering how
long this moment
would last.
Our time was now
but our time was
always ending 
as another
version of the
sun burned deep
into the sea.
July 23 2013.
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
احب نفسك اولا
(love yourself first)
From the moment I met you,
I was intrigued.
Your eyes were like
A vast blue ocean
That would pull me in
Sometimes welcoming,
Letting me stay afloat
Just long enough to enjoy myself
Other times willing me to drown
And drown, I did
You pulled me completely under
Without stopping to let me breathe
I almost died
Except I didn't die
Just as I gasped one last breath,
You helped me back to shore
Made sure I breathed again
That was when you told me you loved me
And right in that moment I wanted to kiss you
I craved you the way trees crave carbon dioxide
And you said there were times
When you wanted to kiss me
And just for a moment
I let myself imagine
I thought of your strong arms around my body,
Keeping me safe, while wanting every piece of me
Kissing the scars that align my skin
Like a map of my regrets
Wiping any tears I cried away
And that was when
You pulled me back under
you shattered every piece of my already broken heart
"I can't love you, because I'll end up hurt"
Were your exact words
And if I remember correctly,
Those were my words to you
The first time we exchanged
"I love you's"
And as I remembered this,
A riptide occurred
Riptide (n): a strong current caused by tidal flow in confined
areas  and presenting a hazard to swimmers and boaters

you were a hazard to my state of mind
You ruined what was left of my sanity
But it was when you decided to block me out
That I was finally able to realize this fact:
I was so busy trying to stay afloat, alive
In your fatal whirlpool of an ocean
In the ocean of your blue eyes
That I fell too hard for you
Before thinking to fall
For myself
Idk I like the last section (starting with the riptide) best. Feedback?
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