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Mar 2018 · 663
magicbroccoli66 Mar 2018
The sunshine,
The pain.
The light,
The dark that bites.
Her fine,
My coarse.
Her untameable soul,
My awkward presence.

The smile of a thousand suns,
Her face of similarity to a Goddess.
Five years.
Five years.

And it is her.

Sep 2017 · 251
whit lens
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
i lek cocan
et id good foe mu nosse

alt gr
Sep 2017 · 326
mee end me frendss
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
mefrends men soo mesh tome
widout dem i woodnet bee wer iam todai

i hav hed ah tuff tiem recentlie
lostboy has reelee hepled ne amd he dodent noo
dankoo aden zzz
Sep 2017 · 1.4k
me amd me ded
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
me amd me ded arr heppie
wee plai calll ob dutie togeter
hourr favoorit movee id het fozz

wun dai he sai to mi
hoedw olds arrr yyou
i sai i an 176 h3 sai wen i *** urag i
*** 177

it mak noo sensse too mre
Sep 2017 · 434
eggercize id good fo yoo
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
helo todauj we bee doong sumegdercizxe
ferzt we doo linges den wee doo skwots

dat *** a good werkowt waddunt it
pleez lik amd srbscibe amd fooloow
id meends aloot tome

fnakoo im hrappy mow
freeleng jood abowt minslef bow @lostboy
Sep 2017 · 624
ye fore mE
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
et id me borfday toodai
we ar so happi dso bee 16 yodqay
we wouldn lik to t6hank qaqdam rylander
he had ben  a grayt heelp

i wood lek jew also fank solari
he liked mee pomes and amde me go trending
if yoo cood chair dis wev ur frends and mak me famoos
i wood be appy
thankyou @solari and @lostboy
Sep 2017 · 595
wen i am hom
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
evri dai weni *** hom i say ello too mi famulee
dey sai hii bak
i an prowd perent
if i hav mi 909t cild i well be appie

wen i goo to slep i drem of mi famelie
wre arr habingg a jood tiem
eeting luch in de prak
ssomany appy memores
Sep 2017 · 522
scooobee doooooooo
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
wunteim i sad to mee mumu wor i *** gee
shaggie sakid we nood to do de smokeng
i sed noo is a bood goy
Sep 2017 · 459
im am an adect yes?
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
i lik poomes si mooch
we smell badd?

wen we do ti badroom we doo a triky po
somtems iit smell lik chandie floos47

boot rilee iss jutc pupu
wat do i rit noiw%
Sep 2017 · 172
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
wee engekt in our eyes
Sep 2017 · 456
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
we is no kind *** we lik de nazoos
dewinch cakle esz wbi pnik hedponesw are chool in mi book
hoorecane irmia no es divertido., we here at buzfeed tink we no wot u are dooeng
mnanspred is de goood teng ti do evri dai

gavery is dood cor my vanes
Sep 2017 · 241
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
we r sad bechos wer  not nic to otres
dadon tyhje hatertds
sxonetimews we det boolied bi odrse

@lostboy is a beast
good day to youu ser we no happee anymoor
Sep 2017 · 550
Lef is verry hadder
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
Whenj he shaikd I wasd not normilo I sad .
Feel insid I nit cirroct, thes maks me seddingtew
The bigg men ssai no tome, I lik deck en mi battem’
Wen je sai I soo sed I cri evy dai of aprel.

Wun dai I weas sed I mad mislef dei of rabbes
Wen I med dog hee *** do sed wot I dei
Hee tel me to no bee dei anymooor
Bow I em fin adn a shappy preson.
co-written by @lostboy

— The End —