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 Feb 9 Lydia
That’s the thing
with most men.
They’re takers,
not givers.
 Feb 6 Lydia
T h e   d a y s   s e e m   t o o   l o n g
A  n  d     t  h  e     y  e  a  r  s     e  v  e  n      l  o  n  g  e  r

Funny how quickly
A life can be-
Cut short.
 Feb 6 Lydia
"The sky is vibrant as ever; the thunderclouds aren't visible anymore.
The uncertainty, the acceptance—
I stand still under this vibrant and lively sky, letting my gaze wander around.
I have been here before, I have seen it before.
I have been soaked by the rain and tamed by the wind.
The profound beauty of it all has left me in awe."
you blame your past self
say you were so **** stupid...
but they're just a kid.
It wasn't your fault
 Jan 26 Lydia
i just want someone to say they’re proud of me
and mean it enough to make me believe it
We can be strangers if you like
We can talk about the weather
Our silly plans for the weekend
Or how life has been kind to us
Trust me, I'm a terrific actor
You'll hardly be able to tell

We can be strangers if you like
Or at least we can pretend that
It doesn't shred us to pieces...
Have you ever come across friends and lovers that meant the world to you... and then had to act like they were mere acquaintances?
Never mind... hello there, stranger!
Gazes magnetically meet
Across the crowded room
A slight touch of hands as we
Pass through the hallway
I steal a kiss when
No one's around

P.s. no one can know
About a girl I hurt a lifetime ago...
 Jan 23 Lydia
Mrs Timetable
Today feels
And yet
At some point
It will feel
Moving on.
We are led by our own desires

Not inspired by God

The wish is father to the thought

Born from what's desired
 Jan 21 Lydia
 Jan 21 Lydia
Something changed
I don’t see the bridge
It’s covered under a
thick and unwavering
I know it’s still there
Hidden beneath
hurtful words and
They say the weather
can change at any moment
so maybe I’ll just
keep standing here.
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