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  Feb 2020 Anastasia
just keep eating until you throw up,

until you can;t,

until you cant feel anymore
Anastasia Feb 2020
i lost you
the one i love the most
i'm scared of you
scared of your ghost
you're killing me
stuck in my head
haunting me
though you're not even dead
you're stuck there
floating in my mind
hurting me
every second, all the time
you're gone
but you're still here
taunting me
filling me with fear
Anastasia Feb 2020
i want to hurt you
but i want you back
i want to **** you
but i need you in my life

i want to watch you burn
have a heart attack
but i want to hold you
want to be your wife

i'm really mad
but i really love you, too
i'm really sad
and i miss you
  Feb 2020 Anastasia
I mistook salt for sugar
and it burned my mouth
every time I took a drink.
Sipping, I decided the sting
was more tolerable
in small doses.
But one accidental gulp
sent me running.
and now I’m just left with
a salty aftertaste in my mouth
Or maybe that’s my tears
Anastasia Feb 2020
"pinky promise"
they both said
fingers interlocking
"i'll love you forever"
two young kids
with starry eyes
holding each other
scared of dark
brave with each other
"don't let go"
words whispered
fingers interlocked
Anastasia Feb 2020
crystals flooding her eyes
she blinks, breaking the dam
they stream down her face, sparkling
the lights are a blur and the plane rises above them
she doesn't want to leave
"goodbye," she whispers
to their apartment
"goodbye," she whispers
to their favorite spot by the lake
"goodbye," she whispers
to the person who made her feel like she was worth it
she doesn't want to leave him
but he does
  Feb 2020 Anastasia
Maggie Lane
Rambunctious thoughts race through a mind already cluttered with worries.

He wonders if this will relieve his pain, brought on by years of abuse.

He shifts his feet curiously on the edge, still not allowing his eyes the freedom of glancing at the street below.

His balance is almost lost when the wind blows in flurries.

He has been a ticking time bomb all these years, and now they have lit his fuse.

Pedestrians gather at the bottom of the building, ready for the gruesome show,
          Then, he
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