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 Feb 2019 Leisa Battaglia
Aslam M
When close friends dont reply
It Hurts.....  

When you are the only person
in your college batch not invited.  
It Hurts......  

When you are the Only Neighbour
Not invited for the Wedding.
It Hurts.

When someone close to you
Keeps on Discouraging you always.
It Hurts.  

When employees whom you Empower
Became Competitors
It Hurts.

When you are contacted
Only when the need something  and Ignored rest of the time.
It Hurts.  

All I need to know is WHY ?  
As even not getting the Reason Hurts.
You are the artwork
disguised in my poems.
 Aug 2018 Leisa Battaglia
If I die in a school shooting
I'll never go home again.
My room will sit unused,
A capsule frozen in time,
A snapshot of how I was.

If I die in a school shooting
I'll never see my dog again.
She will sit at the front door
Waiting for me and wondering,
Why I never came home.

If I die in a school shooting
I'll never graduate from high school.
My yearbooks will sit stacked
Stopped short of their goal,
Missing years that should have been.

If I die in a school shooting
I'll never see my mom again.
She will sit distraught,
Planning a funeral
For a child taken from her.

If I die in a school shooting
I'll never see my friends again.
They'll sit together, missing me.
One empty seat among them,
A constant reminder of their loss.

If I die in a school shooting
I'll never see my little sister again.
She will sit through high school
Knowing I can't guide her through,
That she has to figure it out alone.

If I die in a school shooting
My school will be stained.
Pools of students lives will sit,
Blood tattoos on the brick structures,
Marks of death ground into it.

If I die in a school shooting
Everyone will wear black.
They'll send their thoughts and prayers
To a town marred by death,
Forever to be the home of a shooting.

If I die in a school shooting
Will the world change?
Or will I become one of hundreds  
Of kids who have to die?
What will it take?

If things continue this way
Children will have to live in fear.
They'll look over their shoulders
Always worried and wondering,
If they'll die in a school shooting.
The state of Florida is now home to the two most deadly mass shootings in American history. Pulse Nightclub was attacked in my city, I have friends who attend Marjory Stoneman Douglas in Parkland. My little sister often fears going to school. I'm afraid to graduate and leave her. I want to be able to protect her if something happens. I hate that we have a reason to be afraid... That it's reasonable to have these fears. I hate it so f*cking much.
On a walk companioned by my Muse along the sylvan meadows
We wandered away to delightful realms in unclouded ambience
Don’t know how long I rambled warming my fancies in sunset fires
Must be for long, all lights were out, the quiet hamlet lay bathed in sleep

Above  me, stood the starry firmament and the half hidden moon
Could see the vast plains stretching before me in moonlight, bare
My heart was flooded with joy, my fancies took to wings
Got drowned in Nature’s serene calm, my spirit lost in drunken ecstasy

In the gentle blowing breeze, the leaves twittered and murmured
All else was quiet and nothing disturbed the serenity of the night
But soon I knew the East wind strengthening around into a gale
And across the moon I could see stragglers of clouds moving past

I sat on a rock, lost, so lost staring into the clear night sky
Wondering how the celestial joy, made manifest by the twinkling stars
My thoughts began floating like a ship over the briny waters
And my temporal settings faded away like a cloud in the horizon

From the nearby woods, I heard the song of a lone night bird
In rising cadence, alone and aloud it fell on my rapturous ears
Was it a nightingale that poured forth that dewy delight?
Was it the same song, Keats heard long ago cascading from the woods?

      With my Muse in this unearthly hour let me sit awhile in this solitary bower
To my paper, let my fancies in unbroken crystal streams flow
Wonder if I can rightly recreate the image that my thoughts enfold
How I wish, I could like Coleridge, build a pleasure dome in mid air!
Drip drop
The voices of this house
Speak to me
And yet,
More comforting
Than the silence
We lived in
Before you left
Your key

© JL Smith
Deep in abyss of
The evening
I couldn’t sleep...
Just like a wolf
My mind always on the hunt
Body’s craving love
The beast crying inside
Ready to come out and play  
If you get my drift
The Sheep
My Queen
Deeply into her beauty rest
While lava running through my veins
Temperature increasingly getting hotter
Must find a way to cool off
So I stepped out the door
Ventured forth along the edge of night
Close to the creek
Not too far away from where I dwell
Momentarily I’ve noticed
the Moon wasn’t it’s  full self
Yet still so beautifully bright
Surrounded by shining stars
Oh my what a beautiful Sky
Goose bumps caressing my flesh
Loss of words trying to enjoy the moment
Not long after lava started piercing through my skin
A simple reminder our business not yet realized
Suddenly the moon appeared
back to it’s full glory self
So I went back inside
With silent foot like a predator
Gave my  Queen a kiss on the neck
she turned And smiled
Like always, she knew
She always knows
Never afraid of my darkness
For she knows it represents
Love and be loved
I slowly slipped away
The cover she was under
Her waist gave an invitation
Only a beast like a wolf
can truly appreciate
time for me to draw some blood
Forever  lightly never too deep
Just enough to taste her beauty
She dances like a wolf
Her wildness became wilder
It drove me crazy forevermore
The hair on my skin
Flirtatiously tango with excitement
Finally the beast awaits within
Slowly creeping out with conscious
Of safety
Flowers of garden forevermore
Beautifully arranged
I thanked the man above
For my dear Queen
And simply shut my eyes
And feast
Like a wolf!
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