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Leigha Fabian Sep 2016
A naive girl
clutching onto what was left.
An unruly love garden
that remained unkept.
Though tangled
and wild
and often upset...
She held on tightly,
for she loved without regret.

But as expected the love eventually
turned sour.
Once a beautiful garden,
now uprooted flowers.
She wept tears of wonder
for a pitiful coward.
A young, smart, girl...
who has lost her power.
The boy i love is a cheater.
Leigha Fabian Jan 2017
sweet gas station champagne
and rocky *******
melodic moans escape
as you whisper my name
our tongues dance
like children in soft summer rain
silky lips on my *******
desire surging through my veins

now drunk on your presence
and high on romance
you softly kiss my forehead
then slip on your pants
body tingling, mind racing
while lost deep in your trance
you waltz out the door and slur
"glad i had the chance”
Leigha Fabian Mar 2017
unwashed t-shirts
soaked in your intoxicating scent,
litter my bedroom floor.
they ooze memories of you,
and poison the air
with the aroma of forbidden love.
the familiar fragrance
once comforting and warm,
Leigha Fabian Mar 2016
last night
was the first time
someone called me
and i didn’t immediately
think of you
Leigha Fabian Mar 2016
you know
you really love someone
when you can’t
hate them for
Leigha Fabian Jan 2017
the spark of a feathered flame
rains strokes of light upon dark,
lingering smoke punctuates the air
with a crisp question mark.
as colorful visions of tangled hands
seep from the cracks of my heart
You whisper
“our love was an adventure in which you chose to embark”

— The End —