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Aug 2022 · 130
Mournful Morning
Nath Aug 2022
There is a season when new leaves starts to bloom
as the old times past away.
The rainy days start to pour
while we wait for the day of rejoicing.

Much grace was given
For a life worth living.
Although the dead may not boast.
Let Your glory shine to those
which embers of  coal had touched willing lips.
Isaiah 6:7-8 GNBUK
He touched my lips with the burning coal and said, “This has touched your lips, and now your guilt is gone, and your sins are forgiven.” Then I heard the Lord say, “Whom shall I send? Who will be our messenger?” I answered, “I will go! Send me!”
Nath Mar 2020
Depression sure is dangerous.
Alone, the stronger it gets
Lies in the mind they kept twisting
Like Wolves in sheep's clothing
When will this end?

Through a smile or through a shut
Through a rose or through its torn
Through a soul or through a ghost
Through a fork or through a knife

Water runs deeper in seas
While blood runs deeper in cuts.
All from the pain of tomorrow
Not me.
May 2018 · 287
Oceans and Skies
Nath May 2018
One hundred along coastal road we stroll
Vision reached horizon I've seen it all
Above my head a yellow blazing ball
I sighed under my breath, I wait your call

The rift between the oceans and the skies
Look below and see where the water lies!
Now, up above is where herd of cloud flies
Torn apart, decision made by the Wise

A sad story for one of them I think
At night, one asleep while the other blinks
If the skies in her beauty she gently winks
Then ocean's glad heart might at his depths sink
Feb 2018 · 373
To the Past and Back
Nath Feb 2018
A misty night, a cold cold room
Within these four corners I  hum
The memories of bright old days
Yet there's no horizon to gaze

Along the path of the rocky past
Stumbled upon the stone you cast
I held it close into my heart
Cherished it like a complex art

In my return to go forward,
I stopped again after a yard
Quickly knelt down and cried so long
Asked my aching heart what went wrong
Dec 2017 · 405
Moonlight Shadow
Nath Dec 2017
Have you ever walked under starry skies
A billion fire twinkling above your head
Between city roads that would never meet
With the midnight sun shining is what you seek?

And with this  endless walk I never thought
I would bow my head to lose sight of you
To look ahead remembered what I sought
What I saw is a horrifying view

Under this tired foot a dark reflection
Of horrible mistakes and discomfort
The beautiful light of the midnight sun
Showed my deepest fears, my moonlight shadow.
Oct 2017 · 275
Too Obliged For Everything
Nath Oct 2017
We are all obliged to give
We are all obliged to love
We are all obliged to live
Aug 2017 · 269
For you
Nath Aug 2017
I hope you'd read this
That I long to hear you
That I hope to see you
Yet every moment without you
Though it's hard to be
I know you're worth the wait.
Jun 2017 · 252
Typical Thoughts
Nath Jun 2017
Man, I feel so alone right now
Where's the people I used to know?
What happened to yesterday shows?
Why we wait for people to go?

Man, I feel so lost this instance
I went back to the past of me
And see the boy I used to be
I wonder why I left this guy

Man, I feel cold it gives me chills
What does a selfish man feels?
What does a lonely boy wants?
What does a mediocre kid needs?

It might be to get back again
Where the goal lies upon his path.
I wrote this 2 days ago but I forgot to post it in public. I feel less alone now, btw.
Jun 2017 · 220
Dear You,
Nath Jun 2017
I miss you right now
Yet afraid for you to know
You might leave and go.
Wish you were here.
May 2017 · 357
List of Things I Love
Nath May 2017
I love the sun on summer day
As I walk bare feet at the bay
I love the leaves of steady trees
The winds whistles their branches
I love the words of old aged books
But I don't judge them on their looks
I love the sound of the rustling grass
On the springtime field when I pass

I also love the rain at night
But loud thunders they give me fright
I love the silence of a room
Or in a hallway when I roam
I love to stay awake till dawn
To fill my mind until it's gone
And when it's dark and I am sick
I love your smile across your cheek
Just in case you go
Apr 2017 · 305
The Lone Wanderer
Nath Apr 2017
There I was standing
At the field of roses
My depression haunts me
Casting its shadow of regrets
As I try to escape this world,
I dragged my head down
As I draw near at the door
A blinding light strucked me
With all my might I looked up
And saw the spotlight turned
At the center of the universe
Stands the fairest of them all.
Sometimes we all need to look up to see the good side of the world.
Apr 2017 · 364
The Dusk
Nath Apr 2017
The road which I took awhile ago,
Is a long winding path and narrow,
At the borders from where my feet stands
Are the remains of dirt and burrow
I look beyond bending horizon,
Behind the mountain the sun had gone
The violent wind blew, clouds had flown
The gradient sky to pitch-black it turned
Then the lonely silver moon had shone
while the sea of stars danced on its light.
This might be the hundredth time I wrote about the sky so please bear with me.
Feb 2017 · 942
how a story ends
Nath Feb 2017
There's no wrong pathway
Where a person could wander
Only bad endings

There's no wrong timings
Which a person can regret
Only wrong choices

There's no wrong person
Whom your heart can fully love
Only wrong reasons.
Feb 2017 · 265
Nath Feb 2017
I walk down the street
An empty path of silence
Above my head is a blanket
Of a woven desert of stardust
I stared  blankly and there I wonder
Did that star caught your fragile heart?
Jan 2017 · 627
Shatter me not
Nath Jan 2017
I realized as I lean on the misty glass,
Of the car window beside my cheeks
That a glass half full or half empty
Whether your optimist or pessimist
If it breaks everyone will see you differently

One will see a shattered glass and feel remorse
One will see a heart like piece and fall in love
One will see a mess on the floor and feel infuriated

Yet the common thing about them all
Is that whether your sad, happy or angry
A shattered piece is a shattered piece
It will cut you down and make you bleed
Lesson: Don't break a glass
Jan 2017 · 451
Nath Jan 2017
I just don't fit to anything you see
I'm hopeless and careless to be
I stumble to fall, I struggle to lose
And for me, it seems I'm no use

Put me in a jar and it will break
Put me in a page and it will tear
Put me in a pond and it will dry
Put me in a tree and it will wither

I'm a disaster packed in a box
I'm the last piece that won't fit
And yet above I saw a shining Light
Whom which no one could match

And with this Light, I'm a perfect fit
Not of this world, but in His hands.
Jan 2017 · 273
Nath Jan 2017
The sky didn't light up that night
But I heard the sound of the flame
I stand on a different floor
Not the same where I was before
Where I lay my head to sleep,
Is where I slumber with the universe

(I wish the universe lullabies you, too)
Dec 2016 · 282
And so it begins,
Nath Dec 2016
The world revolved around the sun
And so he went back to start
But what he thought a new beginning
It is but the same void he went through
He started as nobody
Then met somebody
He laughed with everybody
Then cried with someone
But he stayed as no one

Yet what he taught a same fate
Within his heart a light shines
A star brighter than the sun
A sea deeper than the ocean
With hope embedded in his chest
He spun around with a gleeful dance
Nath Dec 2016
Morning sunlight, so warm and so great
There at a bench in the crowded park
Side by side, with a coffee at hand
To chat, to laugh and to be
A lovely smile this I see
The only hope
My wish
I plead
Nath Dec 2016
This art I sought, a masterpiece
Gave color, form; a new relief
The soft wave of thy paintbrush hair
Gave soul to unknown smile on thee

This music I hear serenades,
A rhythm of  nostalgic tune
This hymn of questions left alone
Thy chords of thy response awaits

Billion stars, thousand miracles
We are strangers and worlds apart
My wish bestowed upon the star,
The *miracle of second chance
Midnight Mind Mayhem
Nov 2016 · 723
A senseless call
Nath Nov 2016
This is not a poem
Or a song that would amuse you
This is me speaking out
Shall we have a little talk?

About the day
About the night
About the clouds
About the sky

About a person
We know we loved
About a thing
We like to have

To hear what you thought
To listen to what you hate
To see with your own eyes
To feel your own storms
Nov 2016 · 260
The End of a Beginning
Nath Nov 2016
Every word is a world
Every sentence, a system
Every paragraph, a galaxy
Every book, a universe

This is to express my thought
My anger, my grief,my anxiety
My love, my hope, my faith.
This word that worth a thousand pictures

An illustration, a sketch
Of the world behind the palace
The palace of the mind
The mind of the temple

If my thoughts were drained
And my heart left empty
If my soul can't speak
Tell me, how do you feel again?
BrainError404: Heart not found
Oct 2016 · 276
Loving Father
Nath Oct 2016
Shattered to pieces
Mended to be whole again
By my loving Dad
Sep 2016 · 232
The Final Dream
Nath Sep 2016
Time was a childhood friend
Whom I played with carelessly
Anxiety was not our guest
Stress was not our game

Then Time is my worst enemy
Whom I tried to cope up with
Anxiety became my friend
Stress became my work

Then I realized
Years became months
Months became days
Days became hours
Hours became minutes
Minutes became seconds
And seconds doesn't matter no more

Once we're caught in slow dance
I took a step with every beat
Now, I was chasing after Time
I took a charge with every leap

I know I'll meet Time again
In the final song of the final dance
In the final beat of the final breath
Together we knew our final dream

That Eternity might be our Destiny
Sep 2016 · 234
He who Does
Nath Sep 2016
The day might pass
And end with none
Should I ask myself
Did I try my best?

Somehow it's a yes
But I think it's not
I'm afraid what I did
Was do my worst

I lay my head back
On a month old pillow
A dream scented sheet
With a doubt in mind

Maybe tomorrow?
Maybe another day?
I strived to be better,
Then I forgot to be good.
Transforming others thoughts is good sometimes
Sep 2016 · 274
Letter in the Bin
Nath Sep 2016
She went on her way
A letter on her hand
Headed straight she was
She's focused on the bin

She stand there staring
The letter on her hand
Second thoughts it was
But the purpose remain

She tossed it with a slide
The letter on her hand
It was falling like a rock
Then it hit like a splash

She went on her way
Headed straight on
She's focused elsewhere
With the letter in the bin
Aug 2016 · 285
I Fell Asleep
Nath Aug 2016
I fell asleep playing with the moon,
She ran behind those clouds
While I watch her go and gone
A flicker of her hand in the tip of the mist

I fell asleep looking for the moon,
Long before I know, the sky is covered up
I found myself deep in the forest of fog
Then I started to hear a dribble of tears

I fell asleep tearing apart bit by bit
First, my feet went numb
Then my hands, then my chest all at once
Then a mountain slammed my eyelids shut

As the dawn approaches I found a light
Yes! The sun she was, as beautiful as ever
I realized that night was all but a dream
Fragment of Reality, Illusion of the Mist

Then that day went on like yesterday
Together with sunshine we sang all day
As the twilight approaches I lay my head

I fell asleep staring at the moon....
Jul 2016 · 262
This Heart of Mine
Nath Jul 2016
My mind is full of thoughts
My questions unanswered
A headache at midnight
A migraine at morning

The question: Am I Broken?
I think I am, I think I do
My body so tired
My eyes so heavy

Why does my heart don't feel anything?
Why does my heart don't feel?
Why does my heart don't?
Why does my heart?

Just a tiny teardrop will do
A sudden jolt should prove
A single scream must blew
To show me that I'm just fine

Help I plead
Hand I need
Feels I seek
Words I hear

Lord, please help me
Put me down on my knees
For all I know right now
Is this three little mainstream words

Jul 2016 · 639
Dear Child
Nath Jul 2016
You were so wicked!
You went on your own way!
You heard my voice,
Yet you act like you don't listen!

You were so coward!
You were ashamed of Me!
You saw My power,
Yet you turn a blind eye!

Yes, you were these things!
Yes! Yes you were!
You were and I was
I was because you were

I was angry!
I hid my face from you!
I was angry!
I let those things happen to you!

Yes! I was but then I am
I am who I was
But I will be who I am
I am after I was

I love you
You were wicked
But I will heal you
For I know you are My child

I love you
You were a coward
But I will guide you
Bring you comfort and rest

I love you,
I love you,
I love you,

This is My Love
I would say this many times,
I would tell you every day,
and I would sing that forever

So please comeback
Come back to Me now
My anger is set aside
I accuse you no more

Please child, come back
I'm waiting with open arms
I'm standing here until the day,
The day I see you to tell you...

Child, Welcome Home
16 I will not accuse them forever,
    nor will I always be angry,
for then they would faint away because of me—
    the very people I have created.
17 I was enraged by their sinful greed;
    I punished them, and hid my face in anger,
    yet they kept on in their willful ways.
18 I have seen their ways, but I will heal them;
    I will guide them and restore comfort to Israel’s mourners

Isaiah 57: 16-18
Jun 2016 · 664
Nath Jun 2016
Once I was afraid of the dark
I am blind and cannot see
I always fall, I always bleed
Once I was lost, running nowhere

Once I was standing in the dark
I feel empty and cannot speak
I always cry, I always break
Once I am dead, screaming so voiceless

Once, once and once, they were
They all happened once in the past
A tragic story once upon a time
Now I stand in the Light

Now I am living in the Light
Never will I be found in darkness again
For darkness is the absence of Light
And this will not leave, this Light I gain.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 NIV
Jun 2016 · 380
Staying Still
Nath Jun 2016
How does it feel to be stable?
When the line doesn't go up and down for hope
When the ocean is calm, waves found hiding
When the moment cease to move in an infinite void

How does it feel to be neutral?
When you picked no definite side, black or white
When you hide from war that shakes you, win or lose
When everything feels monochromatic  melancholy

Emptiness, Unknown, Lost
A heart dead with no beat
A scene replayed by past
A color not pure and diluted

The reason we pick sides,
To fight for something
To be defined by someone
To find the true comfort we need
Jun 2016 · 492
Nath Jun 2016
As the pieces fall down
The withered leaves
The burnt feathers
I looked the world tearing apart

As the final note play
The last song to sing
The ending lyric
I heard a loud crashing thunder

As the final wind blows
My skin trembled
My heart stopped
I felt my soul danced with none,

As I believe in the Almighty
My life renewed
My heart revived
I felt Love greater than none.
John 11:25
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die
Jun 2016 · 290
Same sky
Nath Jun 2016
Dearest rain! How i've missed you much!
The tiny droplets of your teary cloudlings
The furious thunders of raging storms
The racing  river to splash of falls
Where have you been all this time, my love?

Some might not saw that you have wept
At tragedies that you've seen among countless lives
Some might not heard that you have laughed
At little children dancing at your songs
But they question you why is life unfair?

They shall see the truth at all of it
That  tragedies will bring rainbows
That laughter shall be bitter tears later
What shall I say then to these people?
In fact, we are just at the same sky.
Jun 2016 · 1.2k
Nath Jun 2016
How wonderful you are Lord
That you made the stars in the sky
Like a lamp to an endless path
Like a thousand daffodils in a field

How wonderful you are Lord
That you made the vast oceans
Deep within are billion mysteries
A thousand stories not yet told

How wonderful you are Lord
That you made human, man and woman
Was perfect and free of will
But was lost, as sin began,

How great you are Lord!
For love was demonstrated at the cross
Gave Your only Son to save me
By grace, through faith, in Christ alone
Romans 5:8
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.
Jun 2016 · 444
The Tragic Teller
Nath Jun 2016
He spoke of words,  story to tell
A princess once upon a time
An instant, a moment, he fell
But truth be told, he cannot fall

He's the poet, not the prince
He's the narrator, not the knight
He's the teller, not the frog
He's the writer, not the beast

For the writer shall only tell
The poem, the story he wrote
And at every end, he shall say,
"They lived happily ever after"
I just thought how sad to be the narrator
Jun 2016 · 570
The Night
Nath Jun 2016
Stars of the night sky
Sing to me your silent song
The music of soul

The sweetest rhythm
Of breeze at twilight night sky
Comfort of Spirit
Psalm 74:16
Yours is the day, Yours also is the night; You have prepared the light and the sun.

— The End —