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The winds softly whisper,
Singing a gentle romantic tune,
As dusty pink roses ... bathed in dewdrops,
Leaving a pleasant fragrance,
In attune.

When the petals sway and unfold,
Into the tender breeze,
'Neath the lucent moon,
And the sky sparkle like diamonds,
Twinkling from above ... with ease.

Overlooking a refine emerald blanket,
Surrounded by sprinkles of white smooth pebbles,
Beside a lovely exotic tree,
On this playful summers night,
And it seems quite special.
It's getting late at night
The perfect time to start a war
All we needs a keeper
Someone to hold the score

I come on rather strongly
Right out the starting gate
Throwing two yawns in your direction
Because it's getting late

The first one catches you by surprise
The second you deflect
But you can see by the look in my eyes
I'm not through yawning yet

Before I have time to react
You throw one back at me
Pretty soon the entire room
Is in a yawning melee

We vow to take no prisoners
In this battle between you and me
We will both keep yawning
Till one of us falls asleep
Remembrance is
a form of meeting
Forgetfulness is
a form of freedom
 Jun 2014 elizabeth capital
cheap shots
cheap laugh
cheap heart
This darkness slumbers inside me
There's nowhere I can hide
How do you run from something
That in your soul resides?

I try to open up my heart
In hope that the darkness might leave
But instead of leaving me alone
To the remains of my soul cleaves

Sunlight makes no difference
On this darkness slumbering inside
I'm not sure how long I can last
Before I succumb to the other side

Please, can someone help me?
Hear my silent screams
Can someone draw the darkness out
Before it consumes me
Look friends, this is a only a lighted screen.
On which people paint their dreams.
Spill out their fears,
Perhaps cleanse their souls.
Words printed not in stone,
Gone with the strike of a key.
Meaningless to all,
But perhaps their own creator.
Never intended to live forever.
As if they were wispy clouds in the sky,
Shifting, changing and then goodbye.
Does the maker of those clouds care
Who sees them there, need comment
of awe and splendor, an adoring audience
from below to lavish him with praise?
My guess is he does not,
Like our thoughts on this screen,
impermanent and fleeting,
His are flights of artful heavenly whimsy,  
A clear endeavor of self expression,
Not meant to last.
Put up there on his canvas,
Merely for his own enjoyment.
We should not take this endeavor too seriously.
Or ourselves either.
That kind of thinking caused Vincent Van Gogh
to loose both an ear and his life.

There are endings to all endeavors and
never are they worth your life.
"It is truly a blind man who views his
own worth, only through the eyes of others'."
Creation should never become obsession.

For a friend in need, he knows who he is
and his worth.
I only have two requests for God.
To let me bear the burdens of my mistakes,
And to spare him from the pain of them.
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