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This is what I can promise you:

Your journey WILL NOT be a straight line

You will know heartbreak, like it or not

You will spill your blood on this earth,
expect it, just don't let it define you

Your thoughts are the only thing
you have
control over

Don't take and take and take from
the universe
and be surprised when the universe
takes from you in return

Always give first
We are frozen in time,
Fingers are so near to the touch
But fate keeps us apart,
I will always look upon you
Your beauty frozen in eternity.

If I could shed a tear
It would fall petrified
Before it landed
Below shattering on the floor

My love will never erode
Over time
It may weather my looks
But as long as I see you,
Know that even though so near
We feel so very far apart
'Twas not the way we lived
not the way we chose to die
But the dragon ships keep sailing
towards a foreign sky
Keep up the stroke to the beat of drum
Soon the wind will you have
soon you will be home
Swept ashore on a foreign shore
the gods now speak for us
put them to the sword and spear for our wealth
they must posses
They were men but fourty strong who did our lands asaill

They were vilking, strong off arm
and yet we still prevailed

Applauds and Likes is a humbling experience
Poets and friends make a community thrive
Bustling with encouragement and fresh poems
Reading poems has been an eye-opener
Place where Muses visit regularly
It’s a cohesive bond created by strands of each lines
Written by all the remarkable poets and scholars
I reach out to each one of you, with a humble poem
And express my appreciation, for the reads and comments
This poem is dedicated to all my HP friends and poet's for the constant appreciation and likes, and support, which encourages me to write everyday.
It's not about you
Or that I love you
Or that I even like you
Because I don't

You fill a space
In my heart
That's not so easily occupied

And for now,
That will do

Even if I Don't Love You
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