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Brooks sing in spring
And in the summer cease;
I who sang in youth
Now hold my peace;
Youth is a noisy stream
chattering over the ground
But the sad wisdom of age
wells up without a sound
Another part of my childhood memory, a friend of mine had this framed in her hallway no writer name, anyone know who wrote it? I treasured it enough to keep many years.
I never meant to make him jealous.
I never meant to be a flirt.

Im scared to tell him the truth.
Im scared he'll leave me in the dirt

Last night I skyped with him and his friend
I'm talkin to his bud

I tell him he's right.
About me liking my bestie.

First day I met him.
I fell hard.

I never told him.
I didn't want to **** up our friendship.

He's just the sweetest guy i've ever met.
He's just so smart,
And talented,
And funny.

He's the only guy,
I've ever been really attracted too.

NONE of my ex's compare even close to him.

Now I gotta find the guts.
To tell him my secret.
I cant sleep
but I would rather stay up knowing
you are somewhere awake thinking about me
We cant sleep
My nickname for you was "broccoli".
I called you that because
Your hair is so curly
That one of our classmates
Tried to describe it and could only
Come up with "broccoli"
And somehow that name stuck in my heart.
To this day, I can't eat broccoli
Without thinking of you,
Picturing your curly brown hair
And kind green eyes
And strong yet tender fingers
And brilliant ear-to-ear smile
And smirk just for me.

I miss you. A lot.
I never told you I was in love with you,
And I regret that.
So I want to write a book of poems
And promote it far and wide
Just so I'll have the chance
To maybe catch your attention
And see you again.
Then, maybe I can tell you
"Thanks for the collection of Emerson
You so thoughtfully bought me...
That's what made me fall
Head over heels for you."
Coffee salvation
Caffeinated ambrosia
Beloved Barista
 Jun 2014 elizabeth capital
 Jun 2014 elizabeth capital
It isn't love
If your heart wasn't broken.
Good to know.
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