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most days i sleep my mornings away
sleep the deep feeling of my pain away  
running away from my depression into the comfort of nothingness
no sweet dreams
no beautiful nightmares
just a wide oblivion  
but today.. this morning
I woke to a wonderful sunrise and pain so strong
everything I've kept suppressed
I felt every ounce of pain shooting throughout my body
through every nerve  
I felt like i was drowning
imagine three hundred pounds of held back emotions.. no longer just pain
Throw me into the ocean
swarming me
i can't breathe anymore
History's repeating itself
In a lot of different ways
Just think about it...then message me what you think
I once sat on the horizon of the universe
Wondering the concept  
Of Nature
Seems like a curse
Like a song played in reverse
Undoubtedly insensible
To the spirit of the eye
Do I dare to die?
Even if I could
The sounds of men & women
Still stand by…
As if I didn't exist
Do I even exist?
I do feel love & pain
So must mean I’m alive, but
I’m unseen to the vision of others
I can't be heard either
So I must be dead?
I ponder whether reality is real or not
I've lost track of time
Honestly, I don’t know if time is real or not...
I feel the same
And look the same, but I've seen the sentient sphere
Grow from the smallest seed into
The greatest tree of energy and
Into the dust
Drifting away carelessly
To be discovered
Like poems
And plays
An anthology to knowledge
To become philosophy
And into theology
To cause war
And then finally
Am I the cause of this?
I ask again, am I alive or dead?
It is said, we are born from something
I came from nothing
I was created by nothing
I wonder, what is nothing?
Is it my mother?
Is it my father?
I seek truth as you do
I seek comfort as you
Am I one of you?
You say I am all that is perfect
That you descend from me
So that must mean we are one entity, but your stories say,
“Nothing is equivalent to the”
And you doubt my existence
Soon I’m forgotten once again
My question again, am I alive or dead?
I forgot to post this last year... ta da lol
her heart,
disfigured and cold
with a burning hole
dead center.

empty and dark,
was her fragile heart
no hope, no fix
dead forever.
 Jul 2014 elizabeth capital
 Jul 2014 elizabeth capital
The yellow eye
of the sun,
like the ancient eyes
of an old man
who's seen too much whiskey,
used to brown my skin
now just dries me out
like an old boot
turned the wrong way
on the post out by the highway.

r ~ 7/8/14
  / \
don't tell me that I'm beautiful
until you've seen the marks
etched in my skin,
and the ones on the inside,
on my heart,
that I hide.

don't tell me that I'm strong,
until you've seen me break down,
fall apart,
time and time again,
and cry until the tears no longer come.

don't tell me that I'm a wonderful person,
when I shut you out completely,
and push you away,
because I promised myself,
that you are just like the rest,
and you'll get tired of me, too.

don't tell me that I'm lovely,
until you've seen what nights are like,
and the terror that sometimes possess me.
seen me sob and tremble and question, "why me?"
until I run out of air
and collapse.

don't tell me that I'll get through this,
that this is only temporary,
until you've seen the inner torment,
inside of my mind,
and the demons that refuse,
to be silent.

but if you have seen that other part of me,
the scars, pain, insecurities and bitterness
that I hide,
the voices that whisper during the day,
and scream during the night,
the darkness lurking behind my smile,
and you still stay by my side,
and think i'm truly beautiful,
then maybe.. just maybe.. I believe you.
Would you dare
To know the truth
Even if it will hurt you;
Or just continue
Living your life
While being blinded by lies?
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