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The grudge you hold
is eating you whole
For you don't see
your soul seems
like a festering sore.
Oblivious to time  
wasted my prime      
I did a crime          
of wasting time
 Nov 2014 Kyla
Sydney Victoria
So, How Has Everyone Been?
 Nov 2014 Kyla
 Nov 2014 Kyla
it doesn't take much to shut me down

one word from your mouth and i'm crying
in the bathroom third period
looking at my reflection
praying no one walks in

one look of disgust across the cafeteria
and i have to be excused
i have 'business' to attend to
good thing i don't eat
because i wouldn't have been able to keep
the food down like my stuffed emotions

one condition and i'm crushed
by the lack something i wasn't even owed
Another "day" poem. This one is shorter than the last one I did, back in... September... I think.
So here's my day, given the off chance someone cares.
 Nov 2014 Kyla
Yasmeen Hamzeh
 Nov 2014 Kyla
Yasmeen Hamzeh
I can barely remember the contours of your face,
but I memorized the way your hands bend and the way your fingers curl. It's because I can imagine them pressing against my ribs.

Your name comes to me in vague shades of letters, but I remember the tone of your voice.  It's because I can imagine you howl all night,  and if I feel calm enough I can imagine you whisper my name.

I can almost feel the ridges of your throaty laugh rustle against my skin.  I can almost picture the vivacious color of your eyes staring back at me.

I wonder if it is a weakness. I feel all these thoughts filling up my head, constantly multiplying until they spill. The overload only worsens the tightness in my chest.  This is all because in this time and age I can't tell you what I dearly want to say;

I want you.
 Nov 2014 Kyla
Theara Steglaidias
Your eyes
Fall ever so slightly tilted
In that perfect way
That melts my heart
Like the chocolate
That is them
When ever
Your beautiful gaze
Pierces mine

Your round lips
So uniquely tainted
So that they aren't
The red everyone wishes
And some how
This dull color
Makes them that much more special
And I want them to be mine that much more

Your hair
Like perfect rings
Wrapped around my fingers
Flows like waves
Of coffee
In a beautiful dream
To good to be true

Your face
Eternally planted on my eyelids
So that every time I blink
I see your complexion
And never can I
Remember faces
But somehow my mind
Captures every piece of you
And I replay it to myself
As you keep me awake
Unable to sleep
For you have stolen from me
And the loot you have robbed
Beats in your hand

And your smile
Always put on your face
Staying strong and happy
Untouched by the world
Even when it tries to cause you pain
And I can only stand by
With an ache in my chest
As I am helpless
Against what life will throw

For you are too good
Too sweet, too kind
Too caring
Too ready to apologize
Too prepared to make the world perfect
Too innocent yet too haunted
Too good to by true
Too true to be mine.
Repost if there is someone in your life who is always smiling and always trying to make life better for everyone. Someone who is too good to be true and too true to be yours. Or repost if you just like the repost button. Or if just managed to read the whole thing since it's really long. And coment if you can. I always love to hear interpretations.
 Nov 2014 Kyla
          Apart from
is like
          Apart from
           Apart from
           Apart from
          Apart from
My heart
           Apart from
                              My other half.
 Nov 2014 Kyla
melodie foley
I always thought I had thick skin
But then You touched my body
And I realized how much I wanted
To melt into Your hands
And live within the grooves
Of Your fingerprints
So I could be a part of anything
Beautiful or disastrous
That You felt
 Nov 2014 Kyla
melodie foley
 Nov 2014 Kyla
melodie foley
He says that he is broken
That he is Empty
He must not realize
That the moon
Does not have to be full
For it to be loved
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