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Aug 2014 · 5.7k
Short Erotic Story
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
I can remember that first encounter. He was a man in his early thirties, bright eyes but with a dark grin and was smoking your cigars wearing a black hat and he was also carrying a guitar. He was here to show me how to strum an few chords.

I remember him distinctively saying...

"Guitar playing I am about to teach you is really the same as love making you know?"

I  laughed and blankly said
"but how so?"

" Well... (grinning)
Each string has to be carefully plucked, and contains a different  sensation and vibe if you mishandle the strings that final note will sound awful.

He was showing me how to re-tune and play a few chords which were C, D and G then pass me over the guitar back to me.
"Its your turn dear, and be really gentle"

While doing this and playing the first few chords of the guitar which was D I could feel him rub my shoulders and chest gently.
"Don't worry you can trust me, I was just loosening you up we can't have you feeling tense"
"Now, show me a G"

I begin to play the chord G while doing that he then grasped firmly on my other hand : I can feel a surge of heat from his hands firing up my fingers. This heat was making its way to my chest. He now caressed and circled around the chest and then higher up to my *****. I can feel his breath and his tongue swirling and stretching out to **** on my *******.

"Okay ... final note play me a C"

I crouch down to the floor and begin to strum that final chord and can then feel him stretch his hands beneath my skirt I could feel the sensations further of his fingers strumming my ***** in the same rhythmic motions of his guitar previously.

"See what I said? music playing really is the same as love making"
"I nodded and said yeah I suppose"

A bit shaken and uncertain how to respond but he kept whispering into my ear and repeating that same line: while kissing me on my cheeks, stroking me up and down in circular motions in which I could feel a tense feeling of release and then silence again

Was that the final note?
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
Lucy walked slowly from her bed to open the window and was about to go back to sleep
when all of a sudden she heard.

Rustle, Rustle, rustle, Crash.

She tried to run to her window but her legs were like glued matchsticks.

Lucy could see nothing outside.

Her eyes were still hypnotized though, to that single spot- transfixed – on the garden and the

sky smeared with grey ink.

She didn’t notice the tiny footsteps moving closer. They were fast and quiet until they reached the last step.

They were now clonking closer and heavier than before

and then they stopped.

Something made Lucy shiver- a breath of ice at her neck. The light slowly, flickered to reveal a pair of dark eyes and blood red lips.
Lucy screamed but it was too late and her scream was no more than a muffled echo in her hollow room.
horror short -
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
I know that you are always with me. I follow that scent, the calm folded crisp smell of cigars lit on the rainy morning in the streets of Calais. I pass through the art galleries, boat docks, pubs, markets and old churchyard buildings. That scent again? It draws me in and embraces me close into secluded streets. I see friendly faces wearing the same weepy eyes and bright smiles every day. They were buskers, street tramps, just in my eyes fellow lost rebels who I admire. They haven’t yet given up even now their naked without luxury, starved of food and clothing they wander around building up a new home every day.  

Every time the buskers see me they each greet me in turn shake and kiss my hands. I drop a penny down; they play out their beautiful music and sing their songs into the early hours of the evening. The air of the night is surrounded with the distinctive smell of cider and cigars. Outside the docks of boats the pub is festered with local communities drinking and talking about previous nostalgia. People laugh and cheer at the buskers who come into the pubs and applaud even louder when each of them comes on stage. They play, they dance, they rant in their own unique way in time to the guitar and banjo. When the evening is finally over music and laughter without question just stops, I can hear those... heavy awkward whispers, muffled voices and coughs of things left unsaid. At that point each of the smiles of the lost rebels fades out into the night, they know they must face and enter that filthy alley alone forced into the solitude of old cardboard boxes. I thought they did a splendid show and award them money and praise in return some of them come up to compliment and kiss me again.

The next morning I visit the library to indulge in my long lost passion of French poetry but I keep on getting distracted. I pick up on that very dangerous scent of cigars, wine and … aftershave. It was just so intoxicating, the fuel I craved. The aroma got stronger outside, something was around me. I was feeling that someone had just touched my breast, pinched my ******* then started to bite, caress and kiss my back but that feeling had quickly faded out.I sat down, unable to detect anything. I open up an loaned book of poems by Christina Rossetti. Before I could read her first poem, a written letter had fell to the floor. It was encrypted in my name with a place and time. I begun to read it out aloud as if it was some fairy tale enchantment.

The cigar smoke started to rise, embrace and surround me it filled my eyes again. A young man appears at my feet. He is *****, long black hair; smile cheeky but eyes concrete and dreamy when magnified they melt into a fire. I gaze into his piercing green eyes; I can already feel my body heating up and chest feel tenser. We start to greet each with a handshake, he grabs my hand and begins to put each of my fingers into his mouth. Straight away I could feel this urge to share everything with him to plant that warm kiss onto his lips. We start with talking for hours about our previous past, poetry and art. I read out some of the poems in French and he was translating them for me. He asks whether I would want to go Paris with him; he knew the best historic sites to take pictures and then without any hesitation he flashes out two train tickets. A charmer no less, but I feel drawn to follow him hoping he would lead me to more adventure. We both catch a train together from Calais to Paris. He takes me into the French café near his apartment we end up drinking coffee together out in the balcony. He drove me around in his car; we end the day with having a great picnic of red wine, sandwiches, cakes and croissants out in the jardin. We end the first evening having a smoke or two out in the beautiful countryside air. He drops me back to my villa and kisses me slowly on the ears then begins to whisper softly the words k.i.m.m.y into my ear. I could feel the last of his words really start to linger, the final words before leaving me and promising to meet up the next evening outside his own apartment.

I came out the next evening wearing a tight red frock and bright red lipstick on the ****** cobbled streets. We both embrace each other with small kisses on the cheek, walking down with our tongues tied in knots and arms locked together to the local tavern drinking more wine. When it finally got late I was allured to follow him into his apartment a classy one bedroom with a double bed, rose flowers on each window ledge. There is another classy rose wine bottle on the table and a room of old books. We sit on the sofa watching movies, eating chocolate and sipping on wine. My head begins to spin, lose some focus. Could this really be love or was this just another drunken lusting daze? I droop to his shoulders; He recites bits of his own poem, I can’t help but stare into his deep eyes when he reads them, I look up again at his moist lips when he reads out aloud the final words. I yearn to snog him or for at least him to make that first move. I feel dizzy and high on red blooded wine and cigars. I could then feel him starting to kiss the temples of my neck and feel his soft teeth mingle and bite leaving small indented marks on my neck. I draw even closer towards his mouth; I can feel his beard tickle me. I love to taste him, love that aroma! He tastes of dimly lit cigars which mingle with my fruity perfume. At this point I feel that the ember inside surround and heat up my whole body. I want him to really light me up so I can explode into them blue flames. I begin to clench up my body as he bites my neck, we both kiss frantically. He whispers into my ears and begins to nibble on them. We end up huddled up together in bed! The window reflects that the sun is approaching, he sits on top of me staring at me blankly in silence. He takes time to admire my calm sleepy concrete clay features.

He knows that when the sun comes up that everlasting rainbow of color we created together will begin to melt and transform back into monochrome. It just comes to the end. we know we can not argue, we must leave each other. I know I must say the two forbidden words. The very two words that turn me back into this empty corpse. I hate them; I greet him with a long lost embrace, the in-completed hug and the final words to end everything! Bon- Voyage At the same time trying to hold myself together, I leave on that last train, feeling tired and drained but only for a second. The whispers of his voice fill up the station crying out… KIMMY, kimmy... kimmy! . They echo out and embrace me again, they always make me smile.

I catch the last train back to Calais then head off home to stormy England. I never feel sad to leave him or the place behind because I will always remember him. Just as any dying whisper, music of buskers, words of a poem. The bond you share is never really gone it ignites again to finally burn on eternally.
Not a poem or a complete short story yet just a snippet at the moment hoping to work on it at some point but this is my first real attempt of writing a ****** short story so tell me what you think?
Aug 2014 · 522
Love With No Rules
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
Relationship that stern, thoughtful Sonnet:
passionate words are restrained.
Pass that beer and tonic
drown the scars of pain.

Does this forced enough?
covered in kisses, lost in time.
We lay in bed about to make love.
We are not at the same rhythm.
We couldn't keep up that rhyme.
Words of utter distortion,
treading further with careful feet:
lips kissing with caution.
Us both leaving slowly
in that black hole,
behind the last train.
Rules been broken.

This isn't a sonnet, just random
spontaneous incomplete words
spun together. GRR... Words
GRR... that twisted verse.

You are an inspiration, a Muse
Fed me ideas, fed me words.
Your not to be abused.
Your meanings are heard:
the free bird, the free poet.
I could never make you suffer
Trapped in kisses, hugs of Envy.

I wanted to admire you:
admire that beauty.
Your the art I discovered
never to touch.

I love your voice, twisting
words, metaphors of
politics... knocked up.

We read such beautiful
ballads exposing the
crooked past we share.
We wrote, we read and recite.
Drink to share that regret, that shame.
Watching protests of pent up anger
sharing the same humiliation
that same physical... pain

We search  for that one person,
the Muse to set us free.
Heal scars of
the scorned heart
escape the scolding fire.

You are the best friend,
the comrade, the big brother,
never my lover.
Aug 2014 · 609
Night In Nottingham
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
part i

Sardine in a cardboard box
you cradle me in your arms.
Your voice burns the cold
Winter in my mind.

I feel you caress again:
I rest my eyes
Your arms locked in mine,
minutes perfect
time stops.

We leap forward
into an final kiss.
We leave the place behind.

Nights adventurers
wandering through
streets, half alive
half dead
we never sleep.

Part ii

I hoped sunday would never come
we depart;
we wait for the train.
seven, eight, nine
both insane.
Two swollen eyes,
twp shaking limbs,
a sore head:
t-shirt soaked in *****:
cider mingled in cigarette
That awful, awkward
wait to Leicester.
We stare in silence:
we say no more.
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
You return like clouds on a summer day.
Darken the warm glow,  with the black night.
You smell of stale air and soiled decay.
Burning my beacon with pale blue light.
I feel your bitter, cruel hands in the cost frost.
The dogs moan with a melancholy bark.
I hear musical notes of their sweet loss.
They are divided, but are never apart.
I would hate to erase your pale pasted form.
Will you always be, in my memory?
I want you to shine bright as the rise of morn.
To be majestic and calm as the joyous melody.
  Lady Fate paid her debt, and took your life;
  Therefore if you have arisen... are you my wife?
Aug 2014 · 487
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
I see my reflection
she grasps my hands.
The water ***** deeper:
drags me down.

I go under.

The world is a distorted chasm
  surrounded by shadows
  creeping around

Roads slide into the night
  with no light.

Gardens decorated with
false fiery bulbs.

Curtains camouflage the windows:
chimney lights up
loud load.

Red handed.
They blow out.
Aug 2014 · 565
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
Women whirl
in flutters of white.

Men stomp
about in bleak
black suits.

Music stops...


Led into hallway
festered with doors.

The door thrusts


They enter church.
Aug 2014 · 628
Ode to Time
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
Last fragmented seconds
stopped your
hour glass heart.

Time was playing
with you.
Snapping your
spare parts.

Time left you alone:
You now have no
rules or boundaries.

Your free,
free to roam,
Anywhere, plausible.

You are immortal.
5th poem collection of death verses nature in Marked Of Death.
Aug 2014 · 300
The Feast
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
The shadows leech
upon my body.
I can hear them.
Their mouth foams.
I feel them slice:
they lick and fight
for my affection,
******* up my dried heart
to emptiness.
I can see the blood stain walls:
sharpening up my axe
I cut their tongues.

I can't bear to hear voices.

I want to hear silence!!
Aug 2014 · 884
The Naked Violet
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
The violet strips
her purple cloak,
slowly to reveal
her pallid features.

She exhibits her
two fleshy cushions.

The rose burrows
inside her chest,
soaking her in blood.

She shrieks her final breath...
in a frenzy of passion,
he seizes her by the stem,
slicing her feeble petals
slowly to the floor.
2nd poem in my nature verses death collection Mark With Death
Aug 2014 · 326
Marked With Death
Kimberley Leiser Aug 2014
Leaves are my
green corset,
they flutter to
the dance of
the wind.

My book
feels empty.

There are
no words.

I press the
flower into
the pages.

I blink.

My eyes open
fully dilated.

I can see words.
the ink fades and
splurges red
into the corner
of the page.
Jul 2014 · 341
Kimberley Leiser Jul 2014
Life is up and down
the maze of trick questions
Wearing that confusion
that frown of deceit.

That part you find
impossible to explain.
The very monster eating
every moment
makes you quiver
Feeling on edge
then doubt turns
you in and
out again.

Brain working at hyper speed
with mutterings of irregular
words, dreams that magnify
into focus.

The real world is that
roller coaster moving in
Words and thoughts
spin faster.
Then all of a sudden
something hits hard
everything in reality
held you back.
Time seizes
every thing blacks out
with nothing to hold you in.
May 2014 · 578
In This Existence
Kimberley Leiser May 2014
If we could throw away Greed,
starving people would feed.
Politicians fires the gun,
let's aim it back at them.
Do we want them to
brain wash the future youth?
Make them live a life of
ignorance, hatred and abuse.
Living it all over again:
following the same bags of lies,
not giving a ****
who lives or dies?

We should be fed with
thoughts, harmony
and new ideas.
Not starved with greed:
blinded by hatred,  
swallowed with fear
from hierarchical leeches.

Politicians drain us dry:
feeding us false promises,
stealing from us:  
planting more lies.

We need to unite
brothers and sisters 
pull together,
question information
in order to beat
this endeavor:
that is the lesson.

— The End —