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Sep 2021 · 546
Fused Strength
I looked up into the skies
A message blasted into my open eyes
"The World Needs A New Way"
"You Are Part of A Society"
"That needs a recharge of it's dream."
In order to live free...
to Live True...
To Become one with one another.....
We deserve a better Weather than this "Storm.."
One another - we need to remember.
This conflict is "never a norm"
Join in my strength
Fuse with me
We shall defeat this despair
Through strength.
Aug 2021 · 379
Respect Your Time
"Respect Your Time"
Respect…the gift of “time.”

Ignoring such a warning and wasting such….

Moments that are measured and utilized with a purpose can help you climb…

Up life’s ladder to the brighter side…

Lower will you be struck down too

As those wishing to break you down..

You became to complacent.

Then, you fear that time will keep

you from wearing your legacy crown.

Be one step ahead.

Still living in today…

Completing the magic of hope…

You shall always be strong and bright enough

to evade Depression’s Rope.
Jun 2021 · 310
I awaken , Alone.
Chills of emptiness freeze my soul
to the bone.
Emptiness without a substance
in which to fill this space..
See all of the effects mark a look
upon my face.
Jun 2021 · 683
Broke Open Mind
I awakened to a bright light
A feeling of energy and of Emotion
The likes of which
I have never conceived or even contemplated
My once closed mind has been broke open
A rare situation in a Fear-Filled Life
A Once Narcistic Soul
Now Humble and Glistening
With true sounds of wisdom
Then of sharing Ideals and Thoughts with others
There are , now, no more boundaries that keep me
From free falling into clear waters of cleansed thoughts
A pool of creative, heartfelt, and Spiritual Energies
Created by those other open and true minds
which fill the emptiness of this world
With these big, blue oceans of Bright Hearted Humanity
Jun 2021 · 287
Time Murderer
There once once was a time
When you still felt young and full of life
Until the world came to a stand still
This is all the same old rhyme..

Stuck without time moving with the Earth, "Forward."
You begin to stack up the Memories in Books of Journals
of your teenaged years
Cutting you open
With cold blades of "Future Fears."
You are young...Yet older.
Years whisk by you quite quickly..
Until stagnation and Lazy Wastes
of your Colander fill up all of the year's spaces...
Old and not young enough to be part of those "peppy and in Crowds"
However, your not old enough to be among the respected old timers...
Alone in the center - tears of regret fall down your cheeks...
Until Your Higher power's Voice
Get's sick of lending you tissues..
From his voice...….
"Keep on Going and Become" - his Booming and distinct voice speaks.
Jun 2021 · 692
Stagnant Waters
Waters frozen in time
A Stagnant waters
Holding the Debris of the Past
In wrappers, Lilly pads, and used masks
So sublime.
Limited Time
You never realize how much time you have lost
Until you are "frozen in time"
From Virus Conditions to World Government Unrest
Your youth starts to shake in fear
as well as your mature part
Will I drown in a Body of Water like this?
In the Future in which I am headed?
Maybe so if I fail to keep active and vigil
and allow my soul to be ****** in and sink in Feelings
Resulting in The Frozen Ices of "Dread."
May 2021 · 277
Evil Cornea Val?
See him grow older. See him laugh as he crawls...
No way out...
No one to answer his call...
Fear Consumes his soul...a bite it takes every day.
He feels lost..
Alone....Never needing to be..
Trying to signal those who he wishes to have near
Another unheard signal..
Will he die?
Wil he fall to evil?
Or shall he destroy himself doing ****** acts?
Stunts.. Just Like … Evil Cornea Val?
When ‘cherished friends and relatives’ are within your presence..
They can smile, bless you, and laugh with you
at your corny jokes..
Compliment you on your looks and talented creations…
You fall for it every time.
Outside of your dwellings of hours in your
living space…
They gossip and they avoid letting others now that you even knew “that someone”
The signals work their way, slowly, to a heart
Choking on the smoke screens
That spell to his heart “what a morbid disgrace.”
Everyone has their “painted on perfections”
To hide crooked teeth, skin blemishes, and such “outer imperfections.”
Deep down. .Inside  their souls..
They are the ones who look at themselves and over-question
What and when they are to become..
The head of the “pack”
of “sought after sheep.”
Instead of the Black sheep
Always eating by himself
Alone in the far of forgotten pastures…
When the wolf comes to devour you…where will the outcast be?
Surviving past this horrid situation….
At least the wolf couldn’t catch and eat him
As he only knew too well that being in the spotlight
All of the time. Over working. Over sweating…
Leads to a temporary perfection and trend…
A sign inviting “the wolves of greed”
To an “easy to find buffet special..”
At the “café du’ Sensuale…”
Licking your blood of his saliva and blood stained chops.
He looks for the next sign..
Of those who flag him on..
Needing to be the light that always shines
The magazines printing your “perfection” in Tabloids
and fashion Magazines….”
These are his snacks, in between…
His meals

As he stalks the likes of you down…
The ones who are more imperfect than I….
the ones who “act” and who “never get the education…”
This is his delight…his favorite dish.
A mislead group….hand picked for their “shine..”
Soon, upon their souls, he shall then dine.
May 2021 · 386
A Cast Out Hunchback
Would any person shed one tear
If my sad and breaking heart
Stopped from all of the beatings and silence..
Would you say a eulogy when I'm gone?
I bleed red
Just as any one bleeds
An artistic soul discarded due to a mirror
and a shallow glance
Do you forsake the original and cherished writers
and artists?
They have no perfection to their works and appearance..
They were out casts just as I
When I try and Join a crowd...
Find my sweetheart..
Work my talents.
Alas I'm scorn and reminded of my dark imperfections
That only can be perfect as a shallow mind
places a celebrity as a mannequin sitting within a photo
of a fairytale story....
Living in a tabloid
A destructive "wishing star: "Fairy tale shoot"
I am the "Hunch Back Of Notre Dame."
Quizi  Moto and his brilliant mind.
Hiding in his dark and lonely quarters
due to his "monster defined appearance"
Never wishing to be anything but a part of a
social gathering which cherished and needed his writings and paintings.
After the Hunchback failed to ding the time with the church bells..
He was found, motionless. Cold.
Tears shed of guilt.
By those who tortured   his soul and had him cast
in hiding....
Due to nothing more than ugly chants and appearance comparisons
that should be cast in crumpled ***** down wishing wells.
Apr 2021 · 173
Magic Soldier
Magic Soldier

Locked up like a criminal

A recluse

A lone straggler

I treat life as an auction. Yes, I’m a Haggler.

I am bankrupt inside

I am a magic man

See me thick skinned

Here is a broken man,,,

Strong enough to make his stand.

Hiding my broken heart with this stubborn pride.

Losing my family

Blamed for other’s financial and heart destruction..

Respect is a luxury

Life is a school. A learning institution

I hardly taste this Caviar

I try and out run my history.

I have traveled with my baggage quite far

A damaged good

Inside and out

Beaten, *****, and emotionally controlled

Another travel to the glamorous neighborhoods.

Those in which I see the inhabitance gawk and

Point in their polished homes.. shocked at this visitor and feeling
“April Fools” Tricked and trolled..

I rose up like the Joker

I’m the crazy man “who just sits there to pout.”

Giving up the future

Half way to an elderly ward

He gets through the thick scenes

In his strength.. spirts used in bouts..

Words cut a man to his bone..

Stitch my heart with sutures

“Make due and mend.”

I am brave and sane

Even though it hurts to see others as one

and I am all alone..

Even when I was stuck in a corner

Drugged in a mental ward.

I look out a window. Tears hitting the pane.

I became the spokesman for strength

Take my words, my hand, and Human value

I refuse to stay

I am far from what these images of my shell appear to you.

Alone without his plan and potential forefilled

Even the Pandemic couldn’t **** me

I manage a miracle and provide some skills

That set my pain free

Even on the wrong chemically induced life path

I dried up and learned

The right ways to be a friend

A rogue soldier

Strength like a tank’s armor..

Dreaming and fighting for the life

In which he has always yearned.

I shall never let myself end this life

Even though moments of hurt cut me like a knife..

without gaining what I deserve

After losing the battle

I’m winning the war

See him stand tall

A tall man matched with challenges

That never to his they rattle

Steady and viable

Due your worst

As I can fight and dance to this “rock and roll”

Now, see him his feeling heart

Through his Starts to burst.
Mar 2021 · 165
The Protector
Beacons of light
Created through my souls' power
Of bright hearted care, visions of clear accomplishments, magnetic self-confidence, and unfiltered sounds of a thunderous power
of true goals in loving reason
Such energy shot from my heart
Flying like the colors of the rainbow
Seeking out hearts weakened.
Those hit the hardest...
At their weakest hour
Those who have had their blissful natures battered by darkness' treason.
And their peaceful notions replaced with the haunting shrieks of darker horror.
It scours...
All bright particles from its victims.
A creature of destruction...
A blood thirsty vampire.
in need of another's soul
In which to nourish and quench the endless evil thirst
Your memories of brighter days.
Your bright emotions...
Such are fluids of power.
Shedding darkness as it attacks...Exchanging such dark energies for the more powerful bright ones
In which to feed him...

By the entity's black storm of " non creative, self-hearted selfishness, - a cold arigance, and shallow hate."
As it feeds upon you.
The beast steals the valuable and great powers that are the inner warmth of beauty and self-hearted strengths...
Inside of your heart.
Weakening a soul as it floats away
Leaving a comatos  heart in darkness
Once such which was bright and true.

Exchanging the Happiness and Kindest of your soul
Filling your beating heart.
Strengthenin' the hatred, dark filled impulses, and destroying your self-empowered energies... This beast is "cheerleading the darkness" as it has once ****** from your soul.
Replacements of the evil, in which in your soul, was empty.
This beast enjoyed to have ,started a "Depository of A Parasitic Empowered Stride"
As deep, within your secret portions of your soul's closets, in which you have dark moments held there/
Locked, inside this vault.
A Means in which to maintain an "empowering and healing self stride"
You remain.
Stripped of love and burning with anger.I witness such and fight for your honor.

Upon my "white horse" I ride.
Chasing the "Beast of Sorrow"
I have armed myself with the " sword of tomorrow."

With " Truth's Scepter of Selflessness.." I chase this beast and wish to vanquish it from your soul...

I charged up and stabbed the enemy visitor's energy source.
A cloud created of pain, fear, and the energies of despair
A foul creature who feeds upon his victims.
No more energy as my Scepter blasts it back inside of your battered will.
Until your soul is clean and bright "
You can "build your newer kingdom "
From the ashes of darkness and the building materials of light...
Through ******* all your happy, blessed, and loving memories from your soul.

Through ******* the energies, which his fangs feast upon, he starts shooting the "blood of the darker visions and fears"

Exchanged from becoming light.
You start to grow to the dark... within your soul.

Into it's void...
I struck hard and destroyed the monster.
Once bitten and dark I had to fight and prepare for the fight
I was one who would overpower and destroy.
That " One, who has feasted and plagued...
a now bright heart leaps before you.
Sheltering  you from his touch and presence.
A "Trojan Horse" acting with a script until this evil partnership is ended.
Protection of others feeds my energy as it refills yours...New rules to employ.

Fighting to the end
Battling this Greedy Monster
In protection and ensuring that innocence will never be forgotten.
A fight worth the blood, sweat, tears, and a broken truth "******"
Through " Blind ignorance."
Energies which are that of PURE Evil.

So that loyalty, love, and the caring, and stronger wills
Beings, once strucken by him or once darkened by his feast upomn them

Such forces Can be restored..or remain as such...
I stay strong.
I enjoy.Fighting for those " stricken and now weakened."
True Souls...
Stripped of Truth and the honor of "Dignity's Flag..."

I conquered the beast of Darkness by the light of the Scepter.
I wield my sword and shot it into the "vacant area" that once was this beast's heart.Your soul was renewed out the dead one's.
from my own " Heart's energies shared with your werakned will
and fighting for true care for you and Humanity
I return to my "Fortress of Valour."  My "Happy Place" and My "Strongest Fortified  Laier."
Dedicated to those ful of sadness, being treated wrongly by others, or just lonely. I am here with you.
Dec 2020 · 287
Unknown Artists
Stuck in a jail cell

"Up and Adam"

You have to obey their rules

Or no basic freedoms. No garden of Eden.

No equality.

No excuses.

They own your space

You wonder why that matters

They suppress your dreams and passions

Yet flaunt the same to aid in their suppression.

Try the limited ways in which you can create or share your visions

Not one person seems to see or enjoy

artistic creations that you have worked with with limited resources to employ.

They wouldn't do this to Picasso
To: Aristotle

However, this is the future.

There you are

Beating all the odds

Your position stays the same

Communications in question

"Why must I always have a forgotten and unknown name?"
Dec 2020 · 333
Paid off Inspiration
Money talks

Truth walks

Green paints a new world

Blood red stains the profit

of pain unfurled

From those who seek its power

Above life

A sick patient

On the operating table

Gets the treatment

Suffocation in quicksands of poverty

You bleed to death

Inspiration appears to only belong to the wealthy and their benefits
Dec 2020 · 128
Listen to my voice
Echoing in the background
Can't you hear its message?
As you walk your common grounds?
Can you see where it is coming from?

A heart's signal which feels neglected
it is message is going forth, unheard
A telegraph of s.o.s sent from this Titanic
A sinking feeling from a heart sinking in quicksand…

Cannot save a light
That you fail to pick...
Through the crowds that are gathering in your city of life…
Are you listening to all who live there?
Are you aware?

Or shall they burn out through neglect...
Candles in the wind failing to resend....
A message that they have tried to direct to you...

Or are you Like Stalin
"The Man Of Steel" whose needs and understanding of the few
were built upon a soul on legs
which were unwilling to bend.
Dec 2020 · 125
Wash It Away
Wash it away.
Cleanse my soul
With the gentle rains fresh and new.
A newer form of a once repetitive way.
Tapped in a loop
In time
Rusting like steel...
Rotting away like a corpse...
A boat lost on the oceans....
Needing a fresh chance to Navigate
Open negotiations
Unlock once locked doors....
Shine upon a once darkened stance…
Lost gambling with the odds...
Do you believe what you see with a first glance?
Or do you investigate what you have just been introduced
too…a bright new opportunity…
Or a dark or sinister cover in an overpopulated city?
The way you look at such
Through the colored glasses that you have chosen to wear
can destroy you or the other...
You could even win from this chance...
A needed "element" that has been missing from your life…
Which you have needed OH too much.
Dec 2020 · 125
Thrown Out Relic
An ancient relic

From an unknown time to the younger.

You are not worthy as an outdated relic.

You become a discarded piece of ancient technology.

Unneeded, avoided, and pushed away from others……

Your time is not Deeply Historic

A museum piece that beauty is never seen emulating from

A cobweb laced unnecessary creation too old to draw any attention

Of those who judged you due to age, unique beliefs, or honest creation

Due to these younger and more appreciated Human machines

Demanding you stay away from town as an ugly unwanted and outdated piece of furniture

No one gets your true meaning.

Youth and the better half can act so immature.

So you must die alone and never succeed due to your “Disease of an older age and disease of not fitting in anyplace.”

The majority make their rule.

Slowly executing you.

So they can get rid of what they considered junk

As you didn’t fit perfectly into their requirements to be an equal

or allowed to find a lover, start a family, or have a time when you didn’t have to be studied and misjudged

Due to you being an unwarranted old ghost

Breaking up their events made only for worth sequels

to their shallow expressions and gates to block out what they fail to truly understand or see clearly

They bring death quicker to your door

Trapped to watch them only from afar

A nomad Castaway

Who aged, disappointed, and broke the perfection of their rules and disciplined like we are living in the Soviet Era.

Trash ignored and forbidden from being a part of certain societies or relations

Being a relic from a time that passed and you become

Obsolete and forbidden in every way.
Dec 2020 · 117
A Thrown out Relic
An ancient relic

From an unknown time to the younger.

You are not worthy as an outdated relic.

You become a discarded piece of ancient technology.

Unneeded, avoided, and pushed away from others……

Your time is not Deeply Historic

A museum piece that beauty is never seen emulating from

A cobweb laced unnecessary creation too old to draw any attention

Of those who judged you due to age, unique beliefs, or honest creation

Due to these younger and more appreciated Human machines

Demanding you stay away from town as an ugly unwanted and outdated piece of furniture

No one gets your true meaning.

Youth and the better half can act so immature.

So you must die alone and never succeed due to your “Disease of an older age and disease of not fitting in anyplace.”

The majority make their rule.

Slowly executing you.

So they can get rid of what they considered junk

As you didn’t fit perfectly into their requirements to be an equal

or allowed to find a lover, start a family, or have a time when you didn’t have to be studied and misjudged

Due to you being an unwarranted old ghost

Breaking up their events made only for worth sequels

to their shallow expressions and gates to block out what they fail to truly understand or see clearly

They bring death quicker to your door

Trapped to watch them only from afar

A nomad Castaway

Who aged, disappointed, and broke the perfection of their rules and disciplined like we are living in the Soviet Era.

Trash ignored and forbidden from being a part of certain societies or relations

Being a relic from a time that passed and you become

Obsolete and forbidden in every way.
Dec 2020 · 93
You asked me to
I shed a tear

I held out my hand

After I  offered an apology.

I am a one man band

Who struggles

I wanted to explain my need for you to be in my life.

The loss of words cut into my soul like a knife.

Lack of communication cuts through my soul

Quiet hours create fear of never hearing your voice, once again.

Or the voices of others whom I miss.

Friends and others you truly started to deeply love.

I missed the right time and my right way to the chance.

I tripped over my two left feet as I tried to dance.
Dec 2020 · 93
The storm raged.

From the seas of China to the endless boundaries of the globe.

The monster ate up countless souls.

The Monster Still Claims Our American Dreamers.

How long will the rains pour and the lightening blast?

We were hit with this nightmare standing apart as the skies started to turn dark.

We have failed to head Mother Nature’s warning.

Our People went unprepared, and we were almost carried down into Hell’s depths.

Those of us who did see these warnings decided to become smarter

Then the Surge of Man-Made Pandemics and Political Storms

We soldiered up and decided to stand by our fellow man.

We took off our colored sunglasses, and we viewed life in real colors.

As we rage onward wishing for an end

We shall see the end come when we continue to fight, together, for what is right.

When we came to live across these fine American borders

We are not separate but equal

We are “American Lives” as Forged Equal in the “purpose” for the land of the free.

As long as those within our borders stand alone and mislead

We shall have a heavy burden to recover and rescue them from added plights.

The fires still rage within us to brighten and warm up our days.

Let us use this energy to release upon the lost and wicked the same warm blessings and recover our brothers and sisters still lost.
Dec 2020 · 102
The Drama Is All Mine
My nerve endings feel as if acid is poured

Upon them eating through

Like rains on ice

My pain sours.

I crap so hard that my ******* feels like concrete trucks

Trying to dump solid concrete

By letting time fly and the mixture hardens

What did I say?

I beg your Pardon?

I wish for this storm to leave

For the Sun to shine…

Until then…

Alone with this pain

This drama is all mine.
Dec 2020 · 104
The catch 22
What a disease

This catch 22

Find what will help

At a price one can charge to you.

You silently sit and look for a vaccine

For this disease of ill drama and health.

The government doesn't want to help

Or get you on the healthy road to wealth.

The disease becomes a fester

After sitting with such

Dormant for so long.

If I wish to win and live

I have a soul that fights to remain strong.
Dec 2020 · 81
Thanks for Life
Thanks to life.

A force that is a miracle

Powerful and Bold

Sharp as The Sharpest of Knives.

Blessings abundant

When one’s eyes are wide open

To see the gifts

That appreciation holds importance.

Once a year we celebrate our pathways

We celebrate Our Breathes of Fresh Air



The truer items in life

Which money and possessions are the least of the Soul’s Cares?

A fabulous feast

Some tasty drinks

We hold these values true and strong in our hearts

Cheering for another year

Of a fabulous existence and a new Start.
Dec 2020 · 110
Trust in Waking Days.
Every day as I awaken

I think of the blessings of each breath…

As death has not yet taken

A brilliant and bright loving soul

Although troubled times have come my way

I look to the skies and count the beautiful items…

Counting all the details against misery’s toll…

I smile in delight

For all of my selfless and wholehearted plans

shall become successful

As I trust in the miracle of waking each and every day.
Dec 2020 · 124
Chain of Hearts
I am one

However, I am not alone.

I am just one of many.

Who has his downfalls, his physical handicaps, or dark feelings

Raising my heart to warm it from the truth and the sun...

I am warmed to the bone.

I spring to life and reach out to the others

Who shares in similar events or life struggles…

I consider them my true sisters and brothers.

We are all links connecting a strong chain

Of true heart changing the world

Standing behind those bullied or weakened by their dark moments

In life, this is the only true way

In which one can be part of many and then be a happy loner

Who has more than enough warmth coming from other caring souls

To warm him through the days.
Dec 2020 · 91
Haunted Fame
Haunted Fame

I’m that ghost

The spirit that you hear howling in the hallways.

I’m the Invisible Man that you sense around you

Yet you fail to share a spare moment of your days.

A mirage of a man that gets lost in Life’s Traffic

Only recognized when your social club has emptied out

You stop for a while, feel the empty and cold air

Isn’t such tragic?

I’m the invention that the public doubts will take off

With purpose in society

Like an airplane

In my years of living

Failure to connect with new souls

Since the Cats in The Cradle

with Their Silver Spoons

and you are the slow moving one

Wishing to be more like that...

Wondering what recipe that success needs in its soup

To out perform the cooks who make such a reality

and scoop out bowls for fans with their

Awards and Name’s Ladle.
Dec 2020 · 89

We all have our methods and timing

In which we connect with another

Phone Calls

Words in Texts

Visits with them In A Favorite Hang Out

Hear my message within this poetry sing.

Do you fail at this craft?

Do you choke and fail to pick up a phone?

Answer a message?

Accidentally never see a person you once valued

Due to failed connected passages?

Where your life was once too hectic or busy

Where you had a clouded mind

As it cleared you went to reconnect

A busy signal was finally heard…

As your absence was remembered

A connection cut due to neglect.
Dec 2020 · 113
Museum of The Heart
I walk through portions of my life’s memories

Like a curator in a Museum.

Dusting off those old memories that I once held fresh

Paintings and Sculptures defining my journey within life and its journeys.

Now they are old and less important exhibits

That I stumble upon

Doing clean up of my space - almost lost or forgotten

Sweet and Clear Flashes of Remembrance fill the moment

As I walk further down my mind’s museum halls

The empty spots

Along these spaces

Are the memories to be filled with your face and heart

A soul in which we shall share in the future…

Of friends and places I wish to visit…

As this late night watchman secures his stronghold of shows..

Emptiness fades with the visiting of such a place

holding the most important items

In his heart which is held in place by Love’s sutures.
Dec 2020 · 78
I am Man
I am man


I am man.

Who  Can play certain sports

I love my cars and mechanics

I can be a pain with my antics…

Seemingly Full of Only Testosterone and Pride

I can be shallow

I can be flirty

However, there is, to me, another side.

My heart feels

I cry while watching sad or romantic movies

A feel lost while alone

I judge the man that I see in the mirror

It couldn’t be any clearer

That I have a more feminine part

This man that you see

Is also a true loving Lady, inside.


Listening with a true ear.

Giving too much of himself

Hiding his pain to save another hurting and who has cried

on my shoulders

I offer the warmth and strength


Discipline like a Man

However, I have just made my stand.

Just because I am the image you see

In physical form on the outside…

Does not mean I’m on the prowl

Like a Lion on the hunt for his Pride.

Looking for his next conquest

Like a flesh hungry Zombie

I am more alive than I look

Inside and out

I am Man through and trough out.

I proudly have declared myself, whole, in a sweet

and loud shout
Oct 2020 · 103
A Thrown out Relic
An ancient relic

From an unknown time to the younger.

You are not worthy as an outdated relic.

You become a discarded piece of ancient technology.

Unneeded, avoided, and pushed away from others……

Your time is not Deeply Historic

A museum piece that beauty is never seen emulating from

A cobweb laced unnecessary creation too old to draw any attention

Of those who judged you due to age, unique beliefs, or honest creation

Due to these younger and more appreciated Human machines

Demanding you stay away from town as an ugly unwanted and outdated piece of furniture

No one gets your true meaning.

Youth and the better half can act so immature.

So you must die alone and never succeed due to your “Disease of an older age and disease of not fitting in anyplace.”

The majority make their rule.

Slowly executing you.

So they can get rid of what they considered junk

As you didn’t fit perfectly into their requirements to be an equal

or allowed to find a lover, start a family, or have a time when you didn’t have to be studied and misjudged

Due to you being an unwarranted old ghost

Breaking up their events made only for worth sequels

to their shallow expressions and gates to block out what they fail to truly understand or see clearly

They bring death quicker to your door

Trapped to watch them only from afar

A nomad Castaway

Who aged, disappointed, and broke the perfection of their rules and disciplined like we are living in the Soviet Era.

Trash ignored and forbidden from being a part of certain societies or relations

Being a relic from a time that passed and you become

Obsolete and forbidden in every way.
Kevin Michael Kappler, I like your method of writing. I write sonnets. I enjoy a "Shakespear" type of reading and flow to my readers.
Oct 2020 · 129
A Narcissists’ Quicksand
I wish to travel to a distant place

Where you are valued equally like all the rest

Finding my home rather than a floor in a room

Treated like an Adult

Rather than a stupid “Adult kid” or “Creative overly nice pest.”

Some people become “nice predators.”

Everything you need or want gets weighed upon their scales..

as they act like ******’s “S.S”

They control and place your needs upon a scale to weigh.

They push you to only seek the interests that fuel their egos...

You begin to grow bitter and cold

As the one you cared for has put your happiness’ lot on sale.

Circumstance keeps you in their controlled spaces.

Transportation lacks, viruses, and lack of being allowed to pursue your social arts

Prevents one from growing to know you in other places.

One feels like a slave.

I captive.

A failed overly nice discredited idiot

Inside you fume like Chernobyl before the explosion.

Having no place to go and a government unwilling to help you get out of an abusive living space

Fuels their egos to demand constant attention to their ideas

not yours to invent and earn

You feel like destroying them and excepting a park bench or a room at dangerous living area walls built

in hastily expansion.

If nothing you do is good enough or right

When choices are asked for diners and or events

they don’t matter

Having a fuller life such prevents.

Your psychic becomes rusted and destroyed

You wish to abandon your identity and run to a free but unwanted, freer, but limited life where one feels they live work and are simply employed.

How does one break the locks when family is gone and one is unknown?

How does one ask for partners in creative careers and help to get out of life’s quicksand..

No help or supports in sight.

Sinking down to your demise

You try and fight the situation...

However, you sink even faster. Feeling old, failed, and quite the one acting unwisely.

You need education and their mission is to discipline you

weighing you down instead of letting one evolve and travel.

Their own interests sold for the need to satisfy

an ego that needs to be tossed out or a win in a war of intelligence

when people think they can do more but cannot

you can use talents to improve the world

In their eyes...

What they see you try and succeed at

The sabotage, threaten, and allow you to have less and rot.
I need a soul mate
Not out of Desperate Reasons
Not for selfish wants and sick needs...
Darkness of lust and greed are merely dangerous acts and thoughts of Treason.
Watch this heavy heart
Pumping beautiful writings, signals of love and a Human Partner
Calling out for you.
The sight of the one who has chosen me
Running towards my empty life
to add sweetness to a life well rebuilt and refit
With items useful in promoting views of a beautiful soul
Once weighed down in the murky depths of the dark and corrupt
A talented soul and carpenter
Rebuilding his home after destroying it
Out of his mind misguided due to unwarranted emotions
Or anger fits spewing lava of hate and uncomfortable vibes
from the Volcano of a heart exploding as it was lost
and finally erupted.
So him as a new structure
Tall, majestic, and a marvel of the soul and it's architecture
Se the welcome mat welcoming you into his newly rebuilt existence
Worn out from making too many mistakes and harming so many hearts
He warded off and found a new property and better materials
In a well fit area
The reconstruction his light and soul
A marvel of a once misguided mind
waking up and curing his created diseases
of the Hurtful Kind
Words are deadly weapons

Words are also beautiful Poetry.

Watch how you use these in a ritual manner

Your messages can hurt and damage the Human Heart.

A beautiful sculpture of the Human spirit shattered with Misunderstanding’s Hammer.

Colors are Dark

Colors are Bright

Mix the right shades while shining your diamond’s light

A wrong shade of gray or the too bright blood-red paints

Can make you into a sun with the Dark Side of the Moon’s


A disguise in accident due to reactions and actions

That were wielded like a deadly sword

Damages came quite soon.

Fixing the disrepair of a once full and loving home

Repairing a Human heart battered until it became too weak

To pump the Happiness of life and love

Such dies from a Heart Attack.

For some “words of ill faded wisdom”

Can never be taken back.
The Weapons of Words and Colors,kappler,relatinships,poetry, feeling,acts of hurt
Oct 2020 · 228
Flashback Cinema
Flashes of memories

Blood Red, Death Grey, and Fear Yellow

Waking hours turn to Replays

An unwanted Movie Show

On the screen of my life

Destruction, Assault, and Reckless Harm

A house of cards that fell apart

As I stumbled to fight back the Replays

This process has to end

One day I shall become stronger

I shall whipe these reels clean

They will cease to play.
Oct 2020 · 136

Our soul and our bodies are always traveling

Two feet stirring up the gravel

As your mind plots the next stop

As the Judge in you Bangs his Gavel.

Disciplining your self too harshly

Yet not excepting redirections

At times you are a fire

A flame that emits light and within such


The pool to cool the anger boils up

Better cool down before the steam causes your bottled ego to explode.

A rocket to the stars

Out of Control

Your wreckage is a battered soul that starts to implode.
Oct 2020 · 134
The day tears into night
The rhythm of the rain sets the tempo
For despair's song
A Delight
For an intoxicated heart to the addiction, it has for pain...
A fake smile
A Dark Mind Lost to the Insane
The soul is the foundation of your life's structure
Each day is the brick
With education fixing the defects in your future.
Years stretch, tall, like the Empire State Building
What you make of the people, places, and events to fill the empty spaces
of the offices inside
Mold into one "Hotel of Pride."
Aug 2020 · 121
Fake Oz
Once upon a time
In the Gum Drop lined streets
of his Narcissistic Chocolate covered  ideals
Walking through a "counterfeit Val Hala"
Faces smile
Inside they weep and fail to wish to greet
Strangers who visit their country of "Perfection"
Visit here - one shall be needy  for the Royal Telephone
Calling back home shall cost one candy mint Dime.
Finally, eyes flutter open to truth
Wishing to feel free to be able to become different than all others
The warm welcome comforts of change
Fears of action by 'His Imperial guard
"Mr. Root Bear Ice Cream Master"
Displays failures in his "Candy Land"
Placed along the streets to display
"Rotten candy"
in a recycle booth"
He pushed his power through the "sweet rewards of Misleading Compliance."
The promise of this "fantasy land"
empowered "bliss and happiness."
Breaking his teeth counting his money.
and ever-growing fame.

Ice cream grass signs mark the emperor's "stringent laws"
Displayed along your travels
Molding your soul
a forged and copycat soul
"reminding you of  the consequences"
Failing to become like he
Every so often we fall.
Sometimes our souls break.
Never to allow ourselves to " stay Knocked out and down."
Recover the pieces and complete this puzzle.
A lot in our time to come - some extremely intense ways, the future of Humanity remains at stake...

At one time, sorrow and doubt force us to wear a frown.
Taking in breaths created by positive energies.
Allowing a strong well enhaloed blow...

Inventing Powerful forces
Pushing out the negative poisons...

Like Rocky Balboa
Never to shift our eyes of the light.

Performing all of our hearts

We get back up.
Standing stronger,taller,and rising back up.

To pursue life's more noble fight.

Merely giving the relaunch of the positive and bright...Personal intentions
Human endeavors...

Like rare instruments
Tuning the emotional brain.
Like struggling musicians in this " Grand Symphony."
Our full Orchestra portraying a meaningful and cheerful "musical drama."
A musical composition that shall make them proud...

Our forefathers, fellow men, children, and women...

Also, our family.

Like our own Father's, Sisters, Brothers and Most Importantly, Our mammas...

For the words "can" and "Will" are fused within our psychic.

Staying in the deeper stages to remain defeated?

The ring of life is contacting our spirits.

Inevitably arise and spit contemptuously in overwhelming challenge's ghastly faces.
Not to become severely weakened by dreadful doubt
Or Insecurities
Obtaining Triumph's Championship Belt...
Experience the wind of opportunities.
Penetrating the soul!

Bettering Mankind, the self, personal life and the surrounding communities...

We constitute all parts of a bigger, quite powerful and defined attractive energy.

A force that has a light much Brighter, a wind indeed brisker...

lighter,,,, and more stronger,much proudly profound army of Boxers.
In this critical time that Goodness shall "Draft"

Into the " Ring of shattered life."

Nothing can stand in the way...
As we are in contrast, together, from within tragic destiny

We overwhelming lead here...

Only defined and merely written into "Future's Defenders of Justice"

Brutal war books

Tragic chapters meaningfully written throughout false messages and within truer Reasons,

More heroic narratives

Used ink scratched within these brittle pages

Tragic stories we conquered in Celebration.

Where our own Human egos

Weakiness within them which could ever imagine...

Nor can living minds scarcely comprehend...

" United as one. "
"Divided we inevitably fall..."
As we merely form, together, as one all-powerful and united force...
The Continuing and Progressing Children of the Earth and Spirits of Humanity
Tireless energies unwittingly unleashed in personal unity..."

We are an obscure legend Called "Evolution's Dragon"
Jun 2020 · 262
Evolution's Dragon
Sometimes I fall
Sometimes I break
I never allow myself to stay down
I pick up my pieces and complete this puzzle
A lot in my future - bright ways, for me are at stake..

I might once wear a frown
I take in positive energies
I blow out the negative poisons...

Like Rocky Balboa
I never take my eyes of the light

I get back up
I stand back up, tall, and continue to fight

I give the relaunch of my positive and bright
future Human  endeavors

I tune my brain
Like musicians in the Grand Symphony
Orchestras playing a meaningful and cheerful musical drama
I make them proud
Both my father and mamma

For the words "can"and "Will" are fused within my psychic

I never stay at stages that are lower...Never!
In the ring of life
I arise and spit in challenge's faces
Not weakened by doubt
Or my Insecurities
I win Triumph's belt
I feel the wind of opportunities.
Fill my soul.

To better Mankind, Myself, my life, and the surrounding communities...

I am a part of a bigger and more beautiful
Brighter, lighter, and more profound army of Boxers..
In the ring of life
Nothing can stand in our way....
As we are here for reasons bigger than our egos could ever imagine...
United we are one..
Divided we fall..
As we form, together, as one all powerful and united force...
The Continuing and Progressing Earth and Spirit
Called "Evolution's Dragon."
May 2020 · 202
Trapped In Wonderland
It seems I try and speak. No one hears as to the silence no response.
Hardly anyone notices my presence
As very few react in emotions or welcoming actions
My work and my lonely beating heart
Seem to be invisible and the beat of questioned empty rhythm is never heard
I’m here although a ghost
If I disappeared should it make a mark?
If I stay would I make a difference?
Or am I in another dimension?
As I am Alice
Trapped in Wonderland
Shouting through the tiny door’s key hole
At myself
Shouting “wake need to wake up!”
As the waking hours become the quiet pergatory and my dreams are a horror rated
Movie played in loop while in wonderland.
Can I wake up to be seen?
May 2020 · 151
The Wheel of Fate
Hold those close to you, tightly.
Moments can define when or if they shall be taken from you
Or if they shall be allowed to remain by your side
Distraction  and Misunderstanding are parts of ego and it's  pride
Tragedy and Victory marks the outcome
What person will fill the once occupied spaces
of those who stood by your side
Through time and space
The wheel of fate spins once again
Either taking one with it
Or passing by another
To leave it dwelling in the lives that it has been connected to
or what homes where it has lived and where it  has been
One moment from another
Such can bring new things
The moment can also leave, bring, within the still of tragedy or at the miracle of brilliance, it can even  take a sister and or a brother.
A blink of the flirtatious energy of a storm's eye
Such an energy can be a blessed of the tones in which it sings.

Also, a sad tone can, at its cold will
The siren Can take even you up past the skies.

Away from your kindred folk
and friends
To another life
A song never sung until life's bitter and tragic end.
May 2020 · 112
From Old to New
Out with the old and in with the new.
People are once fresh and exciting
Many are forgotten of
Legends are few
Before they age and become antiques
Groups remain  fresh while the newest of faces speak
Ideas are inspiring when fresh fires rage
Until their pages of their book
The story of their life
Written in worn pages
Are left unfinished
Readers browse and find another tail to start
However, the following of these stories are never continued
As the most amazing portions are left unknown
as the journey to this long "point" in their life's story
Become less amazing and start to devolve
Fresh excitement wears apart
Since most books are not read all the way through
People are never quite well known
As within their pathways to the written end of their lives
Fail to entertain the young and the restless
The story tellers are often replaced with those
Less than in experience
or patience
this tree of knowledge fails to become fully grown.
May 2020 · 148
Viral Decay
Sickness passed through the land of souls.
Razor strikes of blades cutting the once flourishing artistic minds down to a skeleton
An unfair ritual flashed to action by the Reaper as he was demanding payment for such beings to cross his bridge.
A hefty toll.
Such prices were paid as the best fell and the rising were starving as they sank in despairs quicksands.
However weakened by this nasty storm
Many more artistic, brave, and caring souls rose up and challenged this "troll" on his bridge..
Clashing swords and knocking down the sentry
These, us, brave warriors won passage and to the brighter and more flourishing of futures and days
Over and through this bridge
We earned our entry
We are an army
Bound together in common grounds
Fused together by our hot welds of heart
Open eyes to the other and more hopeful grasses with a sun blasting on the other side
Of this blackened grounds of current despair and grounds of thorns of hopelessness
We waged a fight, onward, and creating an energy that created a force to carry all through to a land of true self and Thankfulness.
Grabbing the hands as those who were sinking
Dying due to letting go to doubt
We lifted them up
Through the lights that warmed them through our hot and kind vibrant glowing souls of truth and hope...
We are now on such grounds of bright futures and well earned peaceful and relaxing areas
as we watched the Grim Reaper Sink in his own words of vile disease and hateful *****
As he grabbed for leverage to pull himself free to finish what he had started
However, due to the evil that he stands for, no one bothered to through him a survival rope
Apr 2020 · 125
A storm was brewing
Lightning Bolts  of Anger
Droplets   of Blue scolding hot Rain Drops of  Lightning
Pouring out the Rain Drops of heavy tears
Flowing down.

Contempt and bitterness created a meaner self
A witch's brew...
I began cooking up a broth.

Hurt Flames start stewing
Up a mixture of misunderstandings and deadly bitter  chemicals
A toxic food in which it fueled the Devil's Soul.
Closing my eyes as I wiped away the heavy tears
I blanked out my mind...
I closed my eyes.
I heard the voices calling from the Teacher
Who showed me the future and the past full of golden and beautiful Years.
Through self-doubt's blinders
I became  a horse only wishing to run in one direction.
Off the deep end I was hurtling toward

My soul started an astral journey
That lead me to the "Museum of Light"
Nothing is edited out or failing to be displayed
stamped  as "non-valuable"
or "Censored" by unfounded feeling
Pieces that were actions of truth and moments of success in the smaller moments of a larger life
Discarded due to my loathing
Clearer tours, of my heart, show  A mighty  "Fort Knox"
The fortress of  my true inner worth....
A treasure trove like the great pyramids - this structure
was built up by one thousand golden blocks.
The inside was bright
The halls were lined  full of bright and intelligent pieces
Art that was well conceived of
by my soul
A force that I can  now clearly see
was worth this journey's toll.
I have strength within myself
When I take the Blinders of Doubt off.
I returned to my body
Flying like an Eagle on the Wing
Opening my eyes
Drying my tears
Smiling wider than I had
Before I started the rain in my soul's once bright and sunny skies.
My soul was now lighter and I  could start hearing  the harmony of happiness sing.
Apr 2020 · 115
Feeling waves of your soul across distant lands
Sending a "thoughtful" post card of blessings and light
Safe and warm wishes for others
I have nicknamed this world The Kindred Lands."
Tragedy may have brewed a longer-lasting storm
Together, in communication and in thought, we can last through
The brunt of the nasty winds that may come our way
Doesn't hold one another back from sending enlightened vibes
each other's way.
Blessings to all during this time of Tragedy. Stay safe, bright, and full of hope. I am sending all my blessings and my warm thoughts of those we lost to Covid-19
Mar 2020 · 143
Death To The Contagion!
Death to the contagion!

The invader needs no introduction…

He has been destroying countless lands…

Countless lost souls…..

A forced “Vacation.”

Mr. President proclaimed, “This is a war!”

He could never be far from 100% right.

World War III.

Just as we were attacked in Pearl Harbor…

Failing to fully understand that current enemy…

Alike the Soviet’s Chernobyl Reactor blasting its diseased radiation

Breaking people down to their deaths

We are here trying to find the proper weapon

to place an end to people’s eradication.

No scientist seems to be able to identify or find the evil

Virus empire’s true weakness…

Countless soldiers fell and tears have fallen.

Showering the once happy lands with oceans of sickness

Like “The **** Powers,” Forced Europe and most of Russia

Into fear and Bomb Shelters

Trying to avoid their bomb blasts

Helping the world gear up to shoot at an enemy

At least one we could see.

This foe who is killing all 140 Nations

Has an upper hand due to our lack of learning the code to the machine

Replicating our own viral predator that feeds upon its own brothers and sisters

We need this “Ghost in the Darkness” to meet his match

We need to wipe him, off the face of this darkening Earth, spotless and clean!

Mother Nature, where have you been?

Did you neglect your job?

Or merely forget how to clean up after yourself?

You allowed the Dinosaurs to become extinct

You allowed the Black Plague and the Spanish Flu

To eradicate all of society … except for a few

US souls left to evolve into scientific soldiers

and **** germs

that were left under your carpet?

Your dust caked onto all of the lands

A thin layer of death

As a biological army we won over this evil stranger

We shall win again!

After all is said, done, and damaging to our Countries….

To our families…

To enjoy each other’s position in Society

We’ve forged an alliance

From all parts of this Earth.. a “Majority.”

We shall stand,together, stronger….longer.

We have won other wars without your help.

So, Mother Nature what is the next irresponsible tragedy ?

A new form of “Life” you ,recklessly, shall create or Invent?”

Should it force another “challenge” on another Billion Souls

Who has had their souls weakened from the fight?

Energy spent separating land and creating a fight against a relentless and invisible enemy?

This world War that Mother Nature allowed to start

Until such a monster has damaged the land, forced the loss of some of our livelihood, and clashes of nations?

No! United we suffer and united we shall WIN
Mar 2020 · 267
Nothing lasts forever.
Except for the human soul.
The biggest damage
To anyone
It's this energy, inside it, that takes the biggest toll.
After all that has been said and all that shall be done
Remember that a battery needs a positive terminal
Not just the Negative
Terminal to ride the electric rail
to a recharged future.
Mar 2020 · 176
Wonder Island
The clock rings the alarm
"Time to awaken....Why?"
You try to work with every cold and isolated moment
You have no tears left to cry.
Social rafts to escape this island are non existent
No access to another to this forgotten inhabitant.
I'm invisible even with   a signal  flare
Even as strangers tell me.  "Don't   feel like it's the end."
I laugh inside
Like  the Joker
"You are not wearing my shoes?"
"Want to see me rot until I'm dead?"
Still, I work on my trades, by my own company.
Trying to understand their  "rules."
So, what does this "creator" invent when he runs out of tools?
No one wishes to visit you or your "Wonder Island."
You married a curse that is being the one left on the outside.
Now, "enjoy your fate's wedding band."
Mar 2020 · 107
Stay, Patient
A victim of anger
Both inside
Down and out
I clashed with the forces of reality
A scarecrow  in the trash
Thrown forth from the energies
storms of "The Stranger."
Wicked beauty...
I rolled down town
A cracked out clown
Down with the sickness
I never wear my permanent frown.
I will hold on
I surpass all the danger.
So look at me
Stronger and free
The sun now shines
and the new inner me.
Rap rhymes, kappler,chrystal kaye, poetry, victim of anger
Mar 2020 · 131
Merry Christmas 2
The holidays
You've earned them.
A rest from work, school, or the grind of life.
A day to remember the miracle which we were given..
Loved ones, sweet memories, a brighter future, and then tomorrow.
From solo gigs on Christmas or New Years
To family get-tethers with family and friends..
It's moments that we make, such as these, that our feelings with never seem to end.
Merry Christmas
I send blessings to "all in the land."
You've worked hard and earned a "happy" and a "restful"
Celebrations with family, or even in rest from work or school by one's self..
It is memories, the futures, and the single moment in a day which we remember the miracle
in which we were given...
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