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  Jul 2015 Kaazmeya
I am but willing prey to the wiles of the full grown moon.
She guards the night sky...
While I patrol these grounds...
Grieving over the seconds that have gone too soon.

I am a vessel... all emptied and barren.
what once was full,
now echoes faint
the glories of yesteryears.
Afloat still, adrift upon the currents... aimless and sullen.

I am a ghost... haunting no one but my own.
to a body of mist and haze...
Occupying this space where worthy wind had once blown...

I am a beggar offering nothing but my open palms.
Hope etched tight
into my knackered knuckles
and calloused digits.
Please... take them in yours...
soothe them...
grant me your touch, your coveted balm.
Kaazmeya Jul 2015
As wise men ponder
And fat women sing louder
A child cries ******
Kaazmeya Jul 2015
Colors drain in eyes
Since blinded by smiles unreal
Lost to light and lies
Kaazmeya May 2015
Everything in moderation
three words
Seven deadly sins
Never heard

Love just wasn't enough for lust
Love fades
Lust burns til satisfied

Needs weren't enough for greed
Just wasn't cutting it
More became a must

Confidence didn't go a long way for pride
A boost sat you high enough to see the table
But you still had to get fed

Satisfaction wasn't sweet enough for gluttony
What worth was the taste of victory?
If the victor was numb?

Anger wasn't fulfilling for wrath
Can't hold a candle to
An all consuming pillar of fire

Relaxing only got sloth halfway there
Swaying in content
was nothing like
Sinking in lament

Envy is blind to self worth
Vision obscured
By your successes

You are enough
Three words
Seven deadly sins
Never heard
Kaazmeya May 2015
How timely it is that the sun sets
just as you indulge your dark desires.
How timely indeed that just as your first tear slipped
rain fell down from the heavens!
How did the thunder know
right at that moment
you wished to scream?
How is it possible
just as lightning struck
you were given the chance to do the same?
As you ran through beaten paths
Felt the earth shift beneath your feet
And suddenly the grass was greener!
Suddenly it all made sense!

The earth sympathizes.

For she has her secrets too.
shout out to mother earth!
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