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  May 2015 Kaazmeya
raw with love
everyone i've written about
has left me.
so you must understand
why i will not immortalize you
with my words,
why i won't turn you
into a poem.

maybe this way
you'll stay.
  May 2015 Kaazmeya
I thirst in my search
for words
that came first

in verse and in song
what's been here all along

since Peking (wo)Man
singing in the womb
at Zhoukoudian

when the first moon climbed
above branches frozen in time -

our rhythm and rhyme -
a memory of a memory
of the history

of how a poem came to be.
r ~ 3/21/15
My apologies to the great poet Archibald MacLeish (1892 - 1982)
Kaazmeya May 2014
Tame this itch that refuses to be scratched
It starts behind the eyes, digging in your
tear ducts, pulling on irises, blowing pupils wide
Moving to lips causing a trembling, a stilling
Wet heat glides over, the pink muscle performs
Under every skin cell, the itch ripples through
Inside, the heart shivers, stomach flops, gut wrenches
Heat spreads, head to toe, burning extremities red
Kaazmeya May 2014
Hold thy tongue*
it wriggles
between my fingers
it stutters
across my palm

my lips
long for its
most loyal companion
my tongue
basks in its
I literally have trouble speaking, can't get words out without stumbling over them
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