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48 · Jul 2020
You are my pillar..
To lean on
To hold on...
To support
To stand firm !!

You are my life
My love
My breath
My heart
And it's beat !!

You are my sun
Whom I rotate around
You are my days
You are my nights..!!

You are ...
My treasure
To be Proud of
For myself !!

You are mine for me...
But you are not mine!!
That's the irony
For me!!
48 · Jul 2020
Disguised as light...
Light walked into my life
Disguised as my life
Spreading the light so bright
Making my future so bright and right
Making way  ahead without any fright!!!
48 · Aug 2020
Words of pain
Deep hurts finds it's words
Understandable only
To paining souls!!
47 · Jun 2020
Your anger
Your anger on me
Your hunger to **** me
All for a minutes time
For the mistake of mine
That I don't decline
Is understandable to me
As your botheration for me !!
47 · Aug 2020
Burning ...
Words from my pen
Assays the feelings of my heart...
Lies there a heart undiscovered
Filled full with overflowing love
Concealed to your mind, ignorant
Making me burn to incessant fire
Of you...and your thoughts!!
47 · Jul 2020
I  dream  ..
Ever, it remains a dream !!
47 · Aug 2020
My country..
The most emotional word
Bringing memories of martyrs
Bhagath Singh to Mahatma Gandhi...
The struggle for freedom  to breath
The air of  liberated  great Indian soil
From the colonial imperialism...

The wars waged...blood shed
For a free India
Is a gift of the generation old
To the generation next..
To see  the self dependent India...
Ruled boldly but not rudely ....
In the path of democracy....
With prayers, for non demo of craziness any so...

Wish Long live Indian democracy...
46 · Jul 2020
I love myself
You call me selfish ?
No bother...
It's self love...
If I don't love me...
Who else will??
Will you???
46 · Jul 2020
Mind's voice
decision is my choice
You are my mind's voice
46 · Sep 2020
Ways of love
In the twisted interprets I make
In the tiny fights I create
In the romantic look I give
In the emotional words I speak
In the angry faces I pretend...
There's only my love for you
That flows from the deepest of my heart....
In different forms!!
46 · Jul 2020
Wishes to a friend
Seen always with pleasant smile,
Inspires others too to smile…
Strictly follows school motto
Heads anything good “Suo moto”

Love and peace loving person
In every season for every reason
Will make it to his mission
To become a politician
And we wait to present our petition
For problem solution

Simplicity and affability is you trade mark
Backing you in your pragmatic embarks
Wishing you best to reach your goals
Outstandingly in chief minister's role
Running the race slowly
Yet winning the race steadily...
46 · Jul 2020
I'm taking your pain
Come...let me give you a hug
To take your pain as mine
For I can't see you burn in pain...
45 · Jul 2020
Secret love
You and me are one
And is no fun
Though known to none
Under the sun. !!
45 · Aug 2020
On a rainy day...
Met on a rainy day
Together we stood
With tiny parasol over head
Shielding each other
From the downpour
Of the magnificent monsoon rain!!

You held me tight
To your shoulder on right
I felt the warmth of your love

And in that .....

I lost myself
45 · Jun 2020
I know I can't have you..
Still my mind resists giving upon you..
Will I have to give upon you??
Decision depends upon you ...
45 · Feb 3
whole 'n' pieces
You see me as a person
A single one,
But within me,  
There are thousand me
One who cries within
And sometimes shedding tears
In the loneliness of own world
And then there's another me
Stamping out melancholies with a smile  
Talking to faces me on the way
Known to me, with bursts of merry
Sometimes cry my eye’s out
Within hands that hold me tight, as own
And sometimes I refrain from dropping tears
As not to drench their heart with my tears
And pan out to  opt a happy face..
Not letting anyone know
What's within me …
Again, The world sees me as a whole..
While I'm whole in pieces .!!
#pieces #loneliness
45 · Jul 2020
How to treat you...
Treat yourself well
As you deserve it so well
For you are an original one
With shadow of none !!
44 · Aug 2020
I had only one mind
That was so timid
With no fear jealous and anger
As of now  there’s  always a hunger
to be with you……
And jealous  on people around you…

My mind has now become two
With a conflict in between them too
Each taking positions left and right
In a struggle to know wrong and right
Each with reasons so valid
And  firm on their views solid…

The war is for you
One mind wants  more of love to you
The other wants to stop loving you
As is too hurt by you ..

Wish both my minds unite together..
To what my heart wants altogether
To love you more than ever..
For I can live without you never

Try a bit to understand me
If no... let me know ...
Understanding is the base of love!!
44 · Sep 2020
My destination
my acts
all my thoughts
all my walks
To reach!!
44 · Jul 2020
What you think me of...

I'm made up of..
I'm walking away......
I'm walking away from negativity
I'm walking away from atrocious vibes
I'm walking away from jitters
I'm walking away from obscurity
I'm walking away from all that makes me who I'm not...

I'm walking towards light
I'm walking towards prosperity
I'm walking towards hope confidently
I'm walking towards the right path
To be who I'm !!
43 · Jul 2020
What is it??
Inexpressible something
Hurts  me so deeply
Able to do nothing
Than cry meekly
This happens every week
Leaving me so weak
Is it my feeling of loneliness??
Or feeling of emptiness??
43 · Jul 2020
Standing alone
Stood alone
In the wilderness of the darkened  thoughts
That ravaged my peace of mind
With sight of light no where near
With none of my friends so dear
And family for whom I'm dear..
Alone I stood
Like the sky
Without the stars, moon and the sky
All alone darkly clouded...

Waiting for light..
to set everything right!!
41 · Jun 2020
Being human
Just got to get my garden neat
To get rid of unwanted herbs and nest
But as I pulled the plants so small
something stuck my throat and swell...

Is it the cry of the plants ?
Just come out to breath a life
To see the rain and sunshine
And dance to the tiny breeze
Dreaming to rise and raise...

"Pull them off" heard a voice
Mind clouded with various noises
Won't it be a deprival of right to live
So tiny and just born to live..

"Won't it pain them" , if pulled out
Took the leaves and and held it out
Looked and looked till tears filled
"No"....I can't destroy or pull
Any lives that's creation of nature
For in them hold nature's future.....!!

I don't mind my garden being imperfect
Sometimes imperfections add beauty  so perfect !!!
41 · Aug 2020
Right or left
If in your shoes , I stand
What is right to you
Might be right to me too...

Distance  apart...
if against you I stand
What is right to you
Is not  to me all right ...

What be my right
What out to be left
No one knows
Unless in my shoes
You stand !!

Never judge others..
From where you stand !!
Cup your cheeks
rub on your lips
Get pricked by beard
Rest on your chest
And lose my every sense !!

I want you to love me....
And me love you!!
40 · Jul 2020
Seed and love
The seeds I sow
Are growing every day
Like my love for you!!
40 · Jul 2020
Only If my world smiles
Even when
The whole world smiles....
I can't smile...

I can smile...
Only when I see you smile  ..
As you are my only world !!
40 · Jul 2020
Rock salt from eyes
I laugh
Laugh out loud
Painting a cheerful smile..
Springing two drops of tears
Fall from my eyes
Glittering and dazzling
Like smoothed diamond stones
But none will know
It's not the happy diamonds
But sad rough edged indian rock salt
Out ....having my heart torn apart!!
39 · Aug 2020
Words and deeds
Believe in your words
As it soothes my heart. .
Even if contradicts your deeds
That hurts my heart....

Love expressed by words
Melts my heart and drains my pain
Actions, again forms the pain
To hurt my heart in depth...

May be ...that's your love
May be that's what you love
To do with me..  
To hurt me in depth with your deeds!!!

But still. ...I love you like hell…...
39 · Jul 2020
Nowhere to go...
I thought you as my sun
Shining only for me
I thought you as my moon
Gleaming only for me
I thought you as my star
Twinkling only for me
I thought you as my sky
Guarding high above, only me proved wrong...

Like the sun you shine
Like the moon you gleam
Like the stars you twinkle
Like the sky you guard
Not just me alone...
but many more along!!

Where the hell am I to go now??
39 · Aug 2020
Two sides of a coin
Sea shells on seashore
Shine under bright sun
Stray dogs walk and bark
Few with pieces of bones mouthful
coloured umbrella house two heads
One on the other ready to fall
Steam flying peanuts
Surrounded by kids and matured
Striplings walk like on moon
with boundless joy
Far from other side vibrant tide
Rushes to cast its cheer on all....
Happiness all over....

Few faces on sand gaze fixed
on sky and stars
Few eyes shed tears blended to waters of sea
Painful mind set sight perched to the evolving tide
Some inclined to end breath along with roaring waves...
Darkness spreads.....
Two sides of a coin....
38 · Jul 2020
Let me to die
Liked me and loved me
loved me and left me
Left me and let me..
To die..
I'm dying...
37 · Jun 2020
Moving away
You don't have to **** me dead
To move away from me
For I will already be dead
Before you move away from me!!
37 · Jul 2020
Trust my belief
I don’t feel your love
But I believe you love me
And I trust my belief matters!!
37 · Jun 2020
My wishes
I like to
Laugh out loud at even silly comedy
Do small helps unasked to needy
smile to the ones who lack wits
Make friends with innocent kids
Have silly fights with besties
beg to talk again,calling them testies
Compel him to accompany for walk
walk away with friends leaving him back
Stand to get drenched in the rain
And Pull him too to play in the rain
Many a tiny wishes like this
Happy to have fulfilled, writing like this.
37 · Jun 2020
My world
The light of my life
The beat of my heart
The  thought of my mind
The  vision of my eyes
The love of my soul
My ONLY world
Gifted by GOD !!
And that's you!!
37 · Jul 2020
Fear of night...
Freightening sound of night
Dark tight without light
Sends shivers bones straight
And my mind moans outright
But then,
There you come as knight
Landing me in delight
To enjoy the beauty of night
Holding you firm with no fear in sight.....
Rhyming words are my weakness
37 · Jul 2020
Ocean of tears
In the compassionate look of your's
36 · Jul 2020
Mind.... like sky
My mind is like the sky
So broad and high
With boundless dreams
To reach high...

My mind is like the sky
At times  it gets clouded
With a thousand worries and thoughts
And to get cleared again
Needs downpour of tears ..

My mind is like the sky
With bright sunshine
Paving my ways so bright and clear
Vanishing all darkness of thoughts..

My mind is like the sky ..
Seems so near to touch and feel
But to too distant to reach and understand ..

My mind is like the sky .....
36 · Jul 2020
Sleep at night
U never let me sleep even light
By  being in my thoughts all night

I never let  that you know
For u never have time for me to know!!
36 · Jul 2020
Behind the woods
Beside the shrubs ..
Waiting for the rain drops
To dance nonstop
feathering out its beauty
Making us call it naughty.

But ...for the peacocks
It's a way to attract their mates
And pair it as soul mate !!
35 · Jul 2020
Missing friends
When I miss myself
And  my friends ..
A drive to the nearby monkeys' park
Is all that I need!!
35 · Jun 2020
Not outspoken
I speak out my mind
But don't term me
35 · Jul 2020
Without doubt..
Don't know if
I'm one and  only of  your's  
Or one of the many of your's !!

But ...

For me ....forever
You are the one , only for me
And the only one , for me !!
34 · Jul 2020
What am'I to do ??
Should I

Your answer decides!!!
34 · Jul 2020
Without each other
Who am I without you..
Who are you without me..
If you can answer me....
You can be you
And I will be me
And there won't be any WE......
33 · Jul 2020
Absence of
Your presence always
Hurts !!
27 · Jul 2020
Scurrying thoughts
I lay on the bed
Literally dread
Accompanied by the darkness of night
With no ray of light.

 Thoughts scurrying over my mind
With tears my eyes sensed blind
Past memories hit me a thunder
For coming out of it is wonder.

Reminisce of the Wonderful days
Together with dreadful days
Disconcerted the offended mind
Leading  tears ..tears behind
Dancing to the velocity of thoughts in mind till ....Sleep abides!!

— The End —