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 Jul 2016 katie
Keith Wilson
 Jul 2016 katie
Keith Wilson
Another  day  is  over.
Another  day  is  done.
This  week  went  past  so  quickly.
This  week  went  by  so  fast.
My  life  has  gone  so  quickly.
Old  men  told  me  so.
And  now  I  tell  the  young  men.
That  life  to  quickly  goes.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
 Jul 2016 katie
I'm fighting every fibre in my being
every synapse in my body
that pulls me to you....
I hunger for your touch
I'm captive in your aura
I am completely under your spell
I      love       you
If you can't see that
I can't help you

(C) Pixievic
Fairly self explanatory .....!!
 Jul 2016 katie
Rainy Days
 Jul 2016 katie
There really is no better way
To spend a rainy summer's day ......

over mine
like a dragonfly
beating it's wings
my desire
Spreading like  
through my veins
Neurons alive
with ambition
I tremble
in anticipation
of your caress
for you to
take me
owning my eyes
my body
my soul
as you hold me
on the brink
over and over
until my passion
bursts .......
Like the rain clouds
that orchestrated
this encounter
another little fantasy ....!!
My beloved angel
One with
Radiant hazel eyes
Chatoyant like clusters
Of stars
On a moonless night

My beloved angel
One with
A warm sultry smile
As to tempt wary kissers
Commit mischief

My beloved angel
One with
A pristine voice
So fresh
As to wake the dead
From their desolate
Silent graves

My beloved angel
One with a vivacious voice
So euphonious
As to elicit
The descent of angels
Down unto earth

My beloved angel
One with
A melodious voice
So harmonious
As to leave one
In a daze
Just mesmerized
Whilst stars scintillate
Athwart velvet skies

My beloved angel
One with
A dimpled cheek
Giving way for onlookers
As to be hypnotized
Whilst stars scintillate
Athwart velvet skies

My beloved angel
One with
Bona fide pulchritude
Which brings about
Myriads of creatures
From across all environs
Surrounding her  
Gravitate towards her
As to crave
Such a ravishing queen

My beloved angel
One whose
Exuberant personality
Had me thrilled to bits
Vanished like whispers
In the wind
#Love   #Poem  #poetry  #stars
     #Hearbreak   #pulchritude
 Jul 2016 katie

Noonday sun
Casts the darkest shadows

But they huddle


(C) 7/12/2016
Thanks for all your love and support friends. I have to go off site for a while. But I will be back this evening...
 Jul 2016 katie
Jurtin Albine
It’s funny how when nothing matters the focus can wonder…

I thought so long about the world within a word,
I didn’t realize it was within it the whole time…

And the hole can be such an uneven thing;
swallowing up all (everything) that dares to get near,
or peer within,
without a fear...

And to just jump in without a care…

to turn back time and relive again,
or a consciousness that settles upon a thin lit mind
that tries and tries,
but can never look in,
for if it did it would go blind
to a reality
that never even treated it kindly
to begin with anyway.

So death creeps in,
from within…

But the gathering,
who's so far down
in the blackest of black layers,
finds it can’t go down any further.

It’s fabric has gathered such a mass
that no more thoughts can get passed the openings grasp
and so the whole begins to pop,
like a bubble whose air has stopped,
and deflates back out and in
with all the flaws that turned out not to be flaws at all,
for all the folds get stretched flat
and rejoins everything...



That’s actually me.’

And so it goes on until another hole is found
to go down,
but not to worry you see…

*You are actually
also me.
some nights
I dream of worlds
that must have come from childhood fairy tales

people work happily in various trades
politicians are actually fighting for their citizens
    to make life easier and more rewarding

skin color does not matter
    nor does religious orientation
a person’s character creates distinction

women don’t live in fear of getting *****
nobody is sold into slave labor or prostitution
education is of high quality and free
    from grade school to college
financed by affluent corporations
whose shareholders just get a bit less

when I wake up
I recognize
the dream was just a dream

our reality is different
 Jul 2016 katie
Jeff Stier
When I first met her
God put a speaking trumpet
straight up against my ear
and stated
very slowly
in that Godly voice
that is a mix of
the ocean's roar
and the singing of
Barry White

"This is the one
you've been looking for."

The stars were in on it
bubbling like champagne
in the night sky
singing a sweet accompaniment
a singular poem
of one word:

What would you do?

I took the only possible path:

Gave up my wandering ways
quit my womanizing
got hitched straight away
tied the knot
didn't know a thing
about knot tying
but the **** thing held.

And here we are.
Poet number one
that would be her.

Poet number two-and-a-half

Marriage solved nothing
brought more questions
than answers
more unfinished business
than completed tasks

Yet at this late stage
a sense that against all odds
against the evidence
of my hands
against every argument
presented by the priest
who reluctantly married us

Something has gone
wonderfully right.

The stars,
dear friends,
truly know their business.
 Jul 2016 katie
There is a love that rages here.
A kind that's incredible.
One that's illogical
and addled.

It sees through eyes though blind.
It thinks with mind though insane.
It feels with heart though unscrupulous.
It chooses with thought though reckless.

It is selfish and it wants what it wants.
It doesn't care because everything else
bears little weight.

There is a love that surges here.
And we are but...
collateral damage.
Love makes you do crazy things no matter the cost.
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