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 Oct 2014 Kassel D
 Oct 2014 Kassel D
Nothing seems to complete me
Someone took my other half
She left a void in my soul
Love? not even a single drop...
And then you came...
 Oct 2014 Kassel D
the hardest words to express out loud
are always the ones that we need to say
and sometimes what's spoken in the shadow of night
is too much to face in the light of day
so if I choose to bare the naked truth to you,
will you be able to finally look at all of me?
because I am not ashamed of the bright sun anymore
and the darkness holds secrets I no longer want to keep
 Oct 2014 Kassel D
William Blake
Never seek to tell thy love,
Love that never told can be;
For the gentle wind doth move
Silently, invisibly.

I told my love, I told my love,
I told her all my heart,
Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears.
Ah! she did depart!

Soon after she was gone from me,
A traveller came by,
Silently, invisibly:
He took her with a sigh.
"They"* say 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall'
Well, if that's true
Then...  My heart must be huge
Cause I always fall so hard
So fast
So incredibly hard
'In love'
I try to tell myself it's not love
When I have that dreaded thought
"I think I'm falling in lo..."
I stop myself,
Because I KNOW
When that feeling comes...
Only a broken heart is sure to follow
I always fall...
TOO fast
TOO hard
TOO wholeheartedly
I think it's a curse been given to me
So, even though I may lie to myself
Thinking that I'm not in love with you
I know deep down
That it's *not true
 Oct 2014 Kassel D
Tony Scallo
When silence is strong,
That side of me comes out
The one that creeps in the shadows
When optimism's in drought

My body will shake
And slowly vibrate
Sending chills up my back
Like an arctic earthquake

Which starts up the agita
In the back of my throat
That silences the thoughts
I want to promote

This feeling is wrong
And I'm well aware of that
But every time I try to stop
My mind just back tracks

Reminding me, of why I should be
Feeling this way
For all eternity

It's like my minds programmed
To follow a track
That leads me to pessimism
And I can't look back

Everything is black
From the sun to the moon
Positivity exists
But i'm overrun by the gloom
Depression is like walking down a long dark corridor, never knowing when the light will turn on.
 Sep 2014 Kassel D
 Sep 2014 Kassel D
I am not
a statue.

For you to put on a pedestal.

Waiting to break
the minute you drop me.
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