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 Jun 2018 JWolfeB
Stephanie Choi
Today I miss my body in your bed
& your being
Next to me, breathing

I miss my head burrowing
Near your heart worrying
About everything
You don’t know

The silences swept in my soul
Wanting to unknow every hurt I’ve ever felt
Keeping you from seeing
A truer me
 May 2018 JWolfeB
Brent Kincaid
I want to be the sunshine
In my own world today.
I want to shine on everyone
Who passes my way.
I want to be the breezes
That cool my own brow
I want to share that knowledge
That now that I know how.

I want to be the spring
In my own blessed year.
I want to see the joy on
Everyone who comes near.
I want to share the laughter
That comes from living free.
I want everyone to be glad
They happen to have met me.

I want to see if I can help
Make the world a better place.
I want to see serenity
In every person’s face.
I want to spread love and hope
To everyone I meet or know.
I want to do this every day
For the next century or so.

Yes, I want to live a long time
And do what I can to make
The world have a great picnic
By a peaceful calming lake.
I want to hear music play from
People I pass on the street.
I want to know people are glad
That their life has been so sweet.
 May 2018 JWolfeB
 May 2018 JWolfeB
I met gravity in the deep end. Saw that god is just
a stadium light casting for bacteria at the bottom of menisci.
When her hands held me under, I forgot my name.

Seven years later, the water remembered me. A force timed
and terrible dicing my skin, grinding my scalp into unsieved wine.
Three point eight billion years came and went, a single exhale.

One day the ocean will consume me. She’ll claim my eyes,
pick my bones. Then pluck what is left
and bury it under the weight of every raindrop.
I have heard her pacing the foot of my bed.
I have smelled myself on her breath.
 May 2018 JWolfeB
The Hard Part
 May 2018 JWolfeB
Bury a man and he stays
under your fingernails and in your pores, bleeding
out in every sweat drop and tapping
on the earth your favorite bass lines, becoming an itch
you only get from lying
on airport carpets knitted like mating tarantulas
or from picking at the underbelly of a scab.
For months you’ll smell like him.
Like a dead man’s hole.
 May 2018 JWolfeB
Bone Deep
 May 2018 JWolfeB
This raw hunger
Only a product of youth?
Or from a deeper need.

A bone deep craving
A lack of protein.
Skin calling out in desperation
From the acrid thirst.

My hands want to hold and pull close
These teeth long to chew and swallow.
You are more than just pounds of meat
More than working muscle and skin
I wake only to see your face
All I have is solid hope for that grin

You are more than a primitive animal
More than hair on a somber hide
There is a special glow radiating
Shining from a place inside

You amount to more than the atoms
Meandering throughout magical matter
Please tell me what led you to believe our ideas
Would boil down to pointless chatter?

I would gladly rip my flesh
Endure the darkest agony
It would show you the love I feel
Is much more than biology
More than a chemical reaction
 May 2018 JWolfeB
 May 2018 JWolfeB
The last of the contractions
Are almost gone
And I can’t help but grin
Through the pain.

Many days I have labored
Sweating and straining
And now soon it will be finished
And I will be cleansed at last.

It is with a final push
That you slither into the doctor’s hands
And my god, what a beauty you are.

A miniature little girl
Squalling as you burn my hands like ice
When I cradle you close.

I give you your final words
Before I nestle you into your basket
And send you away to a different life.

You won’t ever love me
And I can accept this
For you burned me so long inside
That to be rid of you is a relief.

Let another love your iciness
I relinquish my claim to you as mother
Knowing you will always struggle because of it.

I am glad for this.

An eye for an eye sweet girl
And this only the first of many lessons
You will learn.
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