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Juliet Claire Jun 2014
She suddenly felt safe from taking one glance at you
For my love
Juliet Claire Jun 2014
Like the Sun and the Moon
I will always be beside you
Like the stars resting with eachother at night
I will save you from your fright
Like the Earth and all its life
I will always treat you right
Because I love you.
  Jun 2014 Juliet Claire
I shouldn't love you,
But I do.

Because your smile, makes me smile
Because your laugh, makes me laugh
Because I feel butterflies everytime I hear your voice
Because everything you do and say, I completely adore

I shouldn't love you,
Because my smile, doesn't make you smile
Because my laugh, doesn't make you laugh
Because you don't feel anything when you hear my voice
Because you don't care about what I do or say

I shouldn't love you,
Because you don't love me.
I shouldn't love you,
But I do.

– billiondays
Juliet Claire Jun 2014
She was about to give up then she saw you
Juliet Claire Jun 2014
Your eyes ignite the looming and beautiful night sky
  Jun 2014 Juliet Claire
just because you can't see the stars it doesn't mean they're not shining.
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