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When each of us, reach another,
a soul can be eternally saved;
the path has been laid out and
you must be courageously brave!

Are you willing to die to self?
Can you access the mind of Christ?
Do others see that you live for Him?
Do you have… His everlasting Life?

Better than a sermon on your lips,
is a contented spirit of humility;
in Life’s brokenness, you can shine
with His Light and vulnerability.

Christianity isn’t for wimpy souls;
many have died, having been martyred.
Become born-again on this very day;
Faith with Christ, can’t be bartered.
Author notes

Inspired by:
John 3:7; Matt 28:18-20 and

You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.
-Oliver Goldsmith

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
It’s too easy to trust God,
when Life is good, pleasant
and free of everyday strife.

When we’re comfortable, joy
is often experienced; lost is
sight of Him, Who gives Life.

Unfortunately, tragedy’s pain
is released upon us, whereby we
succumb to despair, unbelief

and the darkness that envelops
a World with sin’s rebellion.
We’re now unfocused; no relief

is available to our sad souls;
we’re swallowed by an evil that
stabs us… with merciless grief.

Calling Christ now, that is Faith-
when we choose to move forward,
rise up and reaffirm our beliefs

in the One, Who truly saves us.
Author notes

Inspired by:
Rom 8:28, 38 and

To trust God in the light is nothing,
but trust Him in the dark — that is
faith. -C. H. Spurgeon

Dedicated to the memory of D.J. Breunig
1 March 2016

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
Are we God’s garden of wild flowers,
bringing fresh color into this World?
Can we find His fingerprints on us,
with divine patterns that are whorled?

With the coolness of His Holy Spirit,
there is a calming cascade of grace
that waters and refreshes our souls.
Under the Gardener’s careful embrace,

we’re given the individual attention
that promotes our spiritual growth;
He made the commitment to Humanity,
by the promise of Christ’s blood oath

for our everlasting Life in Salvation.
Though our days on Earth are limited,
no differently than the grass of Earth,
our innate potential is still unlimited

since we’re designed after His Image.
From the gifts we’re given, we can bloom
into the people He has imagined, with…
the lasting scents of Heaven’s perfume.
Author notes

Inspired by:
Psa 103:15-17; Matt 6:28-30

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
My missionary work, to an extent,
has been accomplished under grace;
most of the poetry I’ve composed
has been shared with the World,
with the intent of drawing others
towards The Kingdom and the face

of Christ, beloved Lord and Savior.
Pushed far out of my comfort zone,
I’ve taken this notion of identity,
that’s found solely in my Christ,
and pushed bravely forward with it-
at the dismay of brethren who bemoan

the label of Christian poet and author.
I can’t and won’t apologize for actions
taken to glorify God through evangelism;
Christ is the living Word; His Truth
courses through my spirit, as I explore
my Faith and understanding of Salvation.
Author notes

Inspired by:
1 Thes 5:19 and

"A life fully lived out for Jesus is never a wasted life, because in it the true reward starts only the moment one dies, and from that time on wards the  dividend for the earthly investment they made continues to comes back without limit for the eternity that is ahead of them." —Abraham Israel

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
The shape of Love is not a heart,
but that… of a solitary cross;
the burden of Christ’s sacrifice
was a desire to redeem the lost.

For Him, to reflect the Love of
The Father, is unimaginable to us;
such mercy and grace required God,
Who was embodied by Christ Jesus.

By the actions of one man, sin was
birthed into this world by Adam;
and now, through Christ, its affect
can be diminished, as we imagine

ourselves being made in the image
of God, according to His Holy Word.
Through the crucifixion of Christ,
the power of God in Him was stirred

to raise Christ from Humanity’s grave
in the sacrificial act of God’s Love;
therefore, we should mirror our Lord
daily, pulling down Heaven from above

by living with Grace, Mercy and Love.
Author notes:

Inspired by:
Eph 1:7; Isa 53; John 3:16

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
Is it possible, to be walking worthily,
before our God, in a world that’s dying?
While we have some defined understanding
of the constraints that are placed on us,
are we making the effort or even trying?

Are we operating with humbled mindsets
of lowliness, meekness and long-suffering?
Have we grasped the full purpose and plans,
for our vocation within His eternal Kingdom?
Do our actions show that we’re endeavoring

to move beyond personal crusades and desires
to impress anyone, whose lives intersect ours?
Is there a unity of The Spirit, whereby we
can have serenity with everyone around us?
Are we being productive or just wasting hours?

Does our Christian lifestyle reflect the idea
of us having one Lord, one Faith and one Baptism?
Are those, within the Church or outside of it,
being edified by the way we conduct ourselves?
Or are we acting out… in spiritual vigilantism?
Author notes

Inspired by:
Eph 4:1-16

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
The tangible presence of Jehovah,
is an overwhelming ease in my soul;
the wearisome cares of this World
slough off, reaffirming His control

over all of creation, time and space.
His sense of freedom from hardships,
constraints, embarrassments, pain,
and efforts dissipate as relationship

with Him, overpowers Life’s moments
in quick glimpses of divine intimacy.
The peace of Heaven calms my spirit,
whenever I give myself to Him and see

my identity, that’s found in Christ.
Author notes

Inspired by:
Psa 124:8; John 1:12; Eph 1:5

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
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