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 Dec 2014 Jon York
Am I hideous
 Dec 2014 Jon York
So many years have drained,
slowly taking what was once mine
scattering it over endless thoughts and memories
And I wonder why, where has it all gone…
Silver finds locks once dark,
muscles speak in much louder tones

Sleep is something of youthful moments
and nightmares wrap me where once bloomed orchids

Coming down that mountain…stumbling,
gazing on the valley below, green and lush,
envying those who still smile,
holding hands and drinking of life
one happy sip at a time
from that half full glass held next to their hearts

Not a drop spilled on their dance floor,
mixing with saw dust and erratic footprint designs

A tear finds my cheek, lonely as it is
asking what did it mean, why has loved passed me by
Nary a wave or a nod, eyes fixed elsewhere
Am I hideous…the thought has crossed my mind…why did I just grin,
did something soft touch me and I didn’t notice,
until now…perhaps

There’s that word again…seems overused
though it hasn’t been spoken in ages

Entering that final path, winding…tiring so
but a spring in the old step, a bounce found in place of a crawl
“Sweet the fragrant air doth find me of you”
Why did I just say that, and in a voice I hadn’t heard in so long
Seems to be singing…and it is me…me
and funny…I hear harmony

So it has come, the voices of my past belting out a few notes
into the mind of crab cake crumbles and starched socks

Yet it is not in my head, it is on the wind…a cool breeze of song
wafts along aged skin and tickles…and I laugh at the feeling
When she appears from a field of lavender, different yet perfect,
beautiful eyes, lips…I must be going insane…they said it would happen…madness
Then she smiles at me and I smile back, could this be….love…me
Taking my hand we run…yes run…uphill…and I feel free

Reaching in my pocket I pull out the four leaf clover
I found when I was twelve and whisper…”Took you long enough”
 Dec 2014 Jon York
 Dec 2014 Jon York

That word


all alone

so small

yet its meaning

so enormous!

It's one of the biggest
feelings that I know.

The smallest word
   that shoots
  the fiercest pain ..
  to our hearts
Wrote this a few weeks ago. Feeling ok now
 Dec 2014 Jon York

I'm looking
     because I wish to see

      because I wish to find

      because I wish to hear

I'm wanting
      because I wish to become

       because I wish to observe

     because I wish to be loved

Suggestions for a title?
 Dec 2014 Jon York

I'm still here
knowing I've never forgotten

Your still there
forgetting to remember

Do you ever
remind yourself to recall,

I forget sometimes
to leave thoughts of you

This time
I'll remember to

 Sep 2014 Jon York

I write,  

but I am not a poet

I feel emotions so intense
I spill them in ink across a page

but I am not a poet

I am forced to release thoughts
from my mind

but I am not a poet

my words are presented as I feel them
they do not make a poem

as I am not a poet

my senses view, smell, taste, hear and feel things
so differently from many

but I am not a poet

Phrases and images appear in my mind
I have to share these wondrous things

but I am not a poet

I am not sure what makes a poet.

This I will sit and quietly ponder,
reflect upon,
write about
because maybe,  just maybe

I am a poet

This was inspired by deovrat commenting that he is not a poet.  I never used to refer to myself as a poet and still see others saying the same.   I think we are!!!!!!
: )
 Apr 2014 Jon York
 Apr 2014 Jon York
Singles in your area are dying to meet you.

You don't know them, they don't know you.

Knocking on your backdoor, peering in your windows.

They've surrounded your house.

Come out NOW.
 Apr 2014 Jon York
Amber Blank
Even though our physical bodies have yet to be introduced,
I feel as if our souls have known each other for eternity.

What a strange, rare indescribable feeling
Almost like deja vu, this familiar stranger
As if we met long ago in some far off dream
A alternative reality, where only the spirit lives

Your voice, so comforting, music to my ears
A gentle soul that resides on the same wave length as my own
Someone who can relate and sympathize with the demons of past experiences

So much time spent searching, waiting
for a companion, a true friend
Missing a person I've never met
Someone to take the time and effort to truly get know my heart.

Someone to see past this exterior body,
To look deep into my eyes and see the beauty of my soul.
To hear my thoughts, cherish my dreams and wash away the torment of my past.

Could that person be you?
The hope it brings renews my spirit
Lifts me so high, my feet are no longer touching the ground.
 Apr 2014 Jon York
Amber Blank
Hey You! Yes you there reading this prose.
We could be best friends, who knows?
As you sit and read, you are getting to know a part of me.
I am serving up a slice of my soul for the world to taste.
We share our most intimate thoughts, our wildest dreams.
Our hopes and fears
Our views of the world and emotion
As if we are staring into a mirror instead of a computer screen.
I relate and see or feel as you felt at the time you put life into words.
Even though we have never met, I have shared in your pain,
I have felt love and happiness along side you.
How insane to say but you all are closer to being my soul mate than any other person today.
In my darkest hour,
My fellow poets were there with encouragement and praise
A community unlike any other in this reality.
Diverse and unique
Supportive and creative
Thank you for the inspiration, the faith in humanity that you have restored in me.
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