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 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Apporva Arya
I left at his door,
Some flowers and some innocene.
All feelings and all promises.
Dressed in memories ,
with a crown of smile.
İ Set in search of my missing piece
Of broken heart.
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Ma Cherie
your jealousy comes
in an envy green
an your cowardess
shown in yellow

your anger comes
in a
shade of red
an uninvited
is that fellow

an well,
your sadness comes
in a shade of blue
that overwhelms your eyes

though only that
so lovely hue
I say-
looks better
in the skies,

black is what I see
when depression
is with you

an I wish that guy
would NEVER
come around

grey it is the void
when you're
melancholy blue,
an a pin drop
is the ONLY
single sound

sometimes I see ViOleTz
then indigo blue
am I,

I see my reflection
in your very
lovely soul,

an oh every now an then
I see a periwinkle too
peeking through
a curiously small hole

well I love that
shade of blue
it's a favorite
don't you know
the same one
yes you
also have it too,

an you should
really let it show
becuz my baby
don't you know
my love it is just
always color true,

so I wonder
yes I wonder
in this rainbow now of you,

what color then is your love?

Ma Cherie© 2017
Ugh make sense? My life's a mess per usual this is just reflection idk lol! ❤❤❤
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Ma Cherie
amidst the trials there is
beauty in the wisdom gained

Ma Cherie © 2017
Yup ; )
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
your golden orb, your chariot of gold
caught up in the Divine romance

caught up in the Divine romance

all unwillingness , all stubbornness,
will falter

your golden orb, your chariot of gold
caught up in the Divine romance.
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
I am drawing water and a ship
to carry me away, a black
ship with good timber
and no rotten planks, a ship
everyone will have a turn
at the wheel, a ship that never hears
the sad song of oars sang
where the only prayer is the wind
to carry you through the leagues
of loneliness, a ship to guide you
down sleeping rivers through
passages of lost swords, the songs
of the graveyard, oh sweet Jesus,
a blessed ship bearing his wounds,
a ship of dreams sighted by the blind
riders that put out light and darkness,
sailing constellations named for the broken-
hearted, the artists, and poets writing deep
blue poetry for the Captain and the crew.
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
she gains the sun's rays like she is wild flowers growing
or the moss on the side of a tree
her essence the real side of glory and
she turns heads like a fairie seen
out of the corner of a normal man's eye
fleeting speculative that dream  
the illusion you meant to see or wished or phantom
in your deepest days dream again of her
white gown fairly face golden hair
a pure fleeting scent  you melt in the air
a vegetable a plucked flower
her air the things
of full bellies vaulted ceilings of palaces
dance with a princess golden there
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