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 Jun 2015 Jay Altezza
Mira Hope
In my mind I see,
His eyes
Golden eyes.

And I hear a word,


In my mind I see,
His smile
Perfect smile.

And I hear that word,


I hear it in the whispers.
In each syllable of worship.
I hear it in the darkness.
In each tear as they
            still fall.

But it's there.
His voice.
Ever calling.

      Worthy, he says.
                    You are worthy,
                    My child.
 Mar 2015 Jay Altezza
Devon Webb
I was so willing to
fight for you
but you took away
my armour and
stabbed me
in the back.
 Mar 2015 Jay Altezza
I feel dry and
like a dried up well
I can feel the black thoughts
taking over my mind
sweet evil nothings
in my ear
dripping with honey laced poison
I feel the depression
sinking into my bones
taking root in my blood stream
and poisoning my mind
I feel the hatred
slowly infecting my soul
like cancer
it never goes away
I feel the cracks forming
slowly, subtly
spreading across my skin
like spider webs
just waiting until I break
I feel myself start to shatter
the darkness within
leaking out
infecting those around me
and at the same time
******* in the world's evil shadows
my body now a host for
the dark light I always adored
taking residency in my eyes
poisoned my soul
made my flesh and blood
overtook my mind
lives in my bones
and now I see only red
all I know is the bitter taste of life
and the sweet honey of poison
I live with the dark light
it thrives inside me
and soothes the burning of my heart
I no longer know myself
I love the moon
the chaos she brings
and the innocent screams
of her victims
as the madness takes over
I'm in a bit of a rut and this is what came of it.
 Mar 2015 Jay Altezza
Devon Webb
Why is it
that your silence
is so much
than your voice?
 Feb 2015 Jay Altezza
 Feb 2015 Jay Altezza
raging inside
a demon waiting to arise
a succubus lying in the shadows
gasping, begging for release
your name tingling on my tongue
my mouth dry from crying out
it's out of control and I love it
my chest rising and falling
as a symphony of gasps and moans fill the air
my body shining with sweat as you push me
over the edge again and again
at the end of the day
it's my name you're whispering
my throat too sore to say anything
press your palm to my chest
feel my heart beat out of control
for you
Kinda took the idea of the seven deadly sins from my girlfriend, she's already done one so this is my version! I plan on doing them all individually
I dream of your lips pressed against mine.With your hands exploring my body while you press me up against a wall.

I imagine you leaving me with hickeys, scratches and bite marks.
I think of cloths scattered on the floor and of you pressing me to you so there is no space between us.

I don't want flowers, chocolates and love.
I want lip biting, messy sheets and lust.
I want pure unadulterated passion
I really don't know what he see in me.
When he smiles at me it's actually genuine.
I just...
I don't understand it.
How can I be sure his intentions are pure?
I really want them to be.
He could be different from the rest.
And trust me the rest, were awful.
He could actually like me for me.
That would be a new one.

So,good luck.
You're going to need it.
Dealing with me is not the easiest thing in the world, but its seems as if he wants to try.
My hips used to be my favorite part of my body.

But now they are the only place that I can hide the scarlet lines I carved into my own skin.

Now they are just tributes to my self harm.
The pain is so good
Thats all you are,
From your hair to your hips
It makes me want to do flips

These demons make me not care
These demons make me...
want to tear your clothes apart
Something about your smile
Something about your legs
Its like your stacking pegs
Getting no where
because caring is something
that isn't their

I love the way you look at me when were done
I love the way your body looks when your on top
I love the way you look
I love the way
I love the
I love
I lust
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