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 Jan 2015 jai
The Path
 Jan 2015 jai
I took the path less travelled by,
and found to my chagrin
that the path I walked was paved in good intentions
and devoid of friend and kin.

Though in walking those trails, I only meant well,
The herd is the entity that most oft prevails;
The lion devours the lone gazelle,
who of the well worn path did not avail.
Pride precedes the fall.
 Jan 2015 jai
On your pilgrimage to Earth, you learnt of cruelty and of man.
They ripped your wings from out your back, and left you in the dirt.
Now you try to dull the hurt, but jealous of beauty, they come again.
You try to sing but voices crack, in time with hearts that house their hurt.

On my pilgrimage from Hell, I learn of love and its mistakes.
I saw their abuse, and I attacked;
thought my rage could shield you from your pain.
and I learnt far more of pain coming back
than Hell could ever teach; I learnt of love in vain.

Though I meant to save you, I merely left you afraid
of the violence I used to deliver you from their wretched grasp.
I knew near at once the price I'd paid
when those blue eyes gave tears; when those red lips gasped
at the monster whose face by horns was framed.
I broke your heart when I broke their backs;
You heard only my roar when I whispered your name.

I longed to be the chorus in your Angelic song,
                                                    or even a single, lovely note.
Not this phantom dissonance in your sad refrain....
                                                    T­his lonely shadow in the smoke.
 Jan 2015 jai
So I'm going to go to sleep in this shirt now, hoping that my parents don't find me wearing it in the morning
 Dec 2014 jai
 Dec 2014 jai
The world is broken and under fire
Only the night is paradise
Time is short and days are long
The moon casting an eerie glow all around
The sun goes down let's go to sleep
Because dreaming is the best escape

With broken eyes and starlit skies
Red stained lips make pretty boys cry
Bright smiles and wide eyes
Hide wonderland hearts with madness inside

I tumbled down the rabbit hole
Trading sanity for my soul
I've never felt any more alive
Than with this madness deep inside
I can swim through a lake of tears
Washing away all my fears
Dodo birds fly overhead
I never want to get out of bed

Talking flowers with petty lies
Colorful queens with stone cold eyes
Caterpillars run the show
Smoke clouds vision like falling snow
But reality is a subtle knife in the surreal and crazy life

Waking up with blurry thoughts
Remembering more than I ought
Everyday seems trivial
When everything could be wonderful
There's nothing better than going mad
Where crazy is around the bend
In the alluring wonderland
 Dec 2014 jai
 Dec 2014 jai
Have you ever had to come
to the realization that
the ex that you broke up with,
ended up "winning" pre split.
I never for a second,
thought at the time that I
would be anything but
and that life would be
I was supposed to be
extra ordinary.
The next thing I'm going to
hear, is that he's engaged to
be married to a beautiful
red head with long hair,
and eyes that are excentuated
perfectly with little eye liner
and mascara.
And is everything I am
still trying to be.
It's not even that I regret
leaving him,
it's that I turned out to be
the loser,
who's still living at home with
her parents,
works a terrible fast food job,
and has no money,
no adventures,
a dull love life.
It's just a terrible feeling
when one day you realize,
you lost.
 Dec 2014 jai
 Dec 2014 jai
I never want to stop seeing
Different sides of you
Until the stars all explode and the earth fades away
That will be the only day
Because each one is never the same
And certainly not any two
Because after a while I stopped expecting the unexpected and expecting everything too
I want to run my fingers over your scars and tell you that every one is beautiful to me
Because no matter what I could never see you any differently
Running my fingers through your hair
And memorizing how every strand feels
I want to see every shade of your eyes, if that's even a thing
Seeing every bit of your soul that no one's ever seen
I want to kiss your nose because it's adorable
And tell you that you're wonderful
Because I can and will
And well I guess here I am
 Dec 2014 jai
 Dec 2014 jai
Shrouded by a jacket (it was blue and plaid)
I tripped over myself and glanced around but nothing was said
I remember it clearly: a flash of lime green and brown hair
I spun around in shock-wondering if he was still there
I stood there for a minute and watched him walk away
I wanted to run after him that day
But I just kept walking and look where we are now
Still getting lost among the crowds
But when I picked up my phone he replied
That wouldn't happen this time

I walked inside the gym and scanned the crowds on the floor
Not that I knew what I was looking for
I texted for him to stand up and he said no
So I was searching for an imaginary friend on my own
I walked up awkwardly and he smiled and played with his hands
I didn't know what that meant back then
So I sat down and started to talk and I guess you could say we got along well
But I was turned around watching for someone else

My eyes flitted around in the dark
I bit my lip as the years started
The choice was out in the open:
You or him
But I was young and stupid (still am)
And I walked away with blood on my hands
Leaving song lyrics hanging in the silence
And the stifled sound of my crying
And I listened to "Stay" over and over again
You said please understand
But I didn't
And you still left

I remember my shaking hands as I walked up his drive way
But when he opened the door with a smile everything melted away
And he said I looked nice but I didn't know what to say
So I croaked out something like "you do too"
Good God, his eyes were so blue
And I remember dancing and laughing about a girl we both knew
And there were the lights
They seemed to be so bright
And in that moment everything was right
The next morning I buried it away in a box
It's still there-wouldn't want it to get lost
Detox just to retox

"Two" you said when they asked how many
I want to say it was a Wednesday
And I was wearing paint splattered pants
And you were wearing a Fall Out Boy shirt that I want
Along with plaid that totally didn't match
He was SUCH a good catch
When we sat down I scanned the menu like a cheap date
And spilled water all over myself and hoped he didn't see my face
(I don't think he did)
It was just a little awkward at first
But I suppose it could've been worse
It's not like it was a date, after all
So I held my head high and stood tall
And ordered the exact same thing he did

It was Halloween the last time I saw you
And I was wearing your shirt
And it smelled like you and musty basement
We had just gotten home when you walked in
And the whole night kind of seemed wasted
We played a game, I think
But it's not like it mattered who won
We were kind of in our own little world
And I was hoping you wouldn't go home
We all piled on each other to watch a movie
And I told you not to sing
All we did was talk the whole time
Not that it meant anything
I was a little to comfortable in your arms
And wanted you to hold me tighter
When the lights flickered down
I thought I might fall asleep and that would've been alright
We talked until about 2 am that night
Not that I minded at all
I think I missed you a little too much
And I tripped and started to fall
More flashbacks? Yes? No?
 Dec 2014 jai
Red hair falling over shoulders and short pretty curls
All of her weaknesses are everything you ever were
Thunder and lightning might just deserve each other
Because when the storm comes everyone wonders
And everyone watches
And you both like that

With her fake smiles and your attention deficit
Not even perfection deserves imperfect
Now she thinks she's perfect and I hate to be the one to break the news
But the only one that's closer to imperfect is you
Get out while you can neither of you can put glass back together
Because once it's shattered it's gone baby and it won't ever come back
You can try to glue until all of your fingers bleed
But either way it will cut you open when you try to sleep
I shouldn't kick a dog when it's down
But hell you can lie in the mess you made
Until every piece of yourself is ripped away

Maybe you two are just a perfect match
With her bruised knees and your spineless back
Go find each other and go run away
I'm so done caring and I'm so done with the hate
Times up. Game over. She won.
But when everything falls apart don't come crying to me
Sobbing out that she was your first one
Because you like the attention
And you like the lies
And everyone is watching
You like them staring as you walk by

So I'll watch from the side as it all goes up in flames
Because in the end you won't even be able to say her name
And what am I going to do about it?
Nothing because I don't care about you or your attention deficit
You can move on and I'm over it.
 Dec 2014 jai
All dressed up in diamonds and made up eyes
With scarlet lips under darkening skies
I go to meet my other half for the first time in my life
So I open the latch and walk right inside
He sits on the desk, stiff and honor bound
Or what's left of him anyway, because no one is around
And as I brush my fingertips over the ancient cover
Cracks start to form and I weep for this lover
The heart shaped book was touched by decay
But my curiousity was enough to make me stay
I'd give anything to see those pages covered in my ink and writing
With my words printed in his heart and my kisses the binding
But if a single touch makes everything fall apart
Nothing is worth breaking this hallowed heart
So I turn around and walk away
All dressed up futilely for a morbid parade
A little part of me still hoped he'd appear and reach out a hand
But nothing is worth everything falling apart all over again
Idrk what this is
 Nov 2014 jai
Nod Along
 Nov 2014 jai
"I don't agree with your decision" she said
With a grim look on her face
I nodded quietly and bit my lip
I knew that's what she'd say
"It's too soon" she argued
"You're just going to get hurt"
I nodded again and cleared my throat before saying
"I just have to know"
"Do you have a problem with him being an athiest?"
And I know it's a trick question
But I say no anyway
And she nods and might as well have said I'll learn my lesson
As she explains how this will work
I nod and inwardly comment about how my relationships are always more theirs than mine
But I guess we just have to bear with them
Oh I hope you won't mind
Just smile and nod along
That's what I do every time
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