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 Nov 2014 jai
 Nov 2014 jai
i stuffed a lighter in my pocket before I fell apart
hiding from the wind in an old shed out back, willing the flames to start
i pulled out the first shred of picture, all corals and reds
coaxing it closer to the flame until the ashes are grey and dead
with the first one i felt remorse
because what if i look back and things are even worse
my thumbnail breaks as i click the flames on again, holding a piece of his face
watching it melt until nothing is left in its place
i feel like i'm letting go of everything we had
the good, and even more so, the bad
the next ripped corner was for when you called me a *****
and as it fluttered to the ground i was over it
a corner of the dress i hated so much
then a shred of your hair that you had just cut
and as the last piece of the picture went up in flames
i looked down at my broken nails and burned fingertips, saying "now i'll be okay."
 Nov 2014 jai
What happened to us
What happened to this
I'm looking back to see if it really happened
Just to find out that it did
Late night texting is the best
Because you're never like that awake
And I know it will be forever
Until I see that again
This always happens when we see each other
Ya know?
Maybe that's our problem
Or maybe that's just our M. O.
I think I stayed up too late
And got up too early
I'm going to change out of your shirt now
Before everyone starts to worry
"People like you always want back
The love they gave away
People like me wanna believe you
When you say you've changed"
 Oct 2014 jai
"I had it memorized" he said "from the very first day
And nothing could ever take that away"
The late night phone calls and sweet off key songs
Bring me the lyrics and I'll sing along
And you sang
"Dear, oh my dear
You don't know how much I feel for you
My heart oh it's breaking, it's breaking in two
I've always felt like this
Oh, can't you see
The person you're meant to love
Honey that's me"
Our duet resounds on the pages like so
Breaths becoming words-swinging to and fro
Your hands brushing mine and dominoes
Falling and breaking
Landing in a row
And you sang
"Dear, oh my dear
You don't know how much I feel for you
My heart oh it's breaking, it's breaking in two
I've always felt like this
Oh, can't you see
The person you're meant to love
Honey that's me"
The memories pass and the song's  in reverse
Wondering who could rewrite the verse
Oh talking was sweet but it feels even better
Oh my dear I rewrote this love letter:
Dear, oh my dear
I'm sorry that your heart was breaking
And there's nothing I could do to resolve the aching
I don't feel like you do
And my heart was breaking but he found the glue
Honey i'm not the one that you're meant to love
So breathe in the air and not my perfume
Bring a pencil and write your own tune
Love even more and love even better
Check your grammar and write a love letter
I know it's long but props for reading through to the end
 Sep 2014 jai
silent hearts
screaming mind
do what's wrong
do what's right
hour glass
running out
live and grow
scream and shout
white moons
yellow suns
happy times
just begun
good friends
sad words
talking to listen
wanting to be heard
Co-written with J a i :)
I'd say it turned out pretty good...
 Aug 2014 jai
erin walts
 Aug 2014 jai
erin walts
you said my soul is crystal
and yours is indigo
you said we were meant to be together
but that was quite sometime ago
only true love lasts
but that doesn't mean
that everything will be perfect
like how it ought to be
I pace back and forth
pondering why
because nothing really matters
father earth and mother sky
I can see Aura Borealis  
outside my window
and even though the air is frigid
and my feet are cold
things are the way they ought to be
 Aug 2014 jai
Allania Berkey
My eyes
 Aug 2014 jai
Allania Berkey
I wish you could borrow my eyes for one minute, just so you could see the world the way I do. See my view, my thoughts, my fears, my insecurities, and my memories. Feel what I feel through my eyes. See the way my eyes see you.
 Aug 2014 jai
B Montijo
oh well
 Aug 2014 jai
B Montijo
today you told me you were thankful for my friendship
boy did that hurt
to know that all of my attempts and sacrifices were pointless
I guess I cant really complain though
we were never destined for more
and part of me always knew that
oh well
 Aug 2014 jai
 Aug 2014 jai
ink is running through my veins            
     your words sink into my skin            
       giving my heart an addictive dose
            words are all it ever took to win
               poetry-anything-even prose
                 every rhyme like *******
                     i swear i'll overdose
 Aug 2014 jai
It whistled as it ran
Its footsteps sank into wet ground
Wet with the blood of her tears
That fell without a sound
It ruffled the grass
And the blades danced along
Swaying to the beat of the drums
And only she can hear the song
A black umbrella, she carried
But it tried to lift away
She fought to keep it in her hands
But like her dignity, it escaped
She saw them clawing up
Their festered hands polluted the soil
But she could do nothing about it
Because no one else ever sees her turmoil
Her footsteps crushed their bones
But they had persistent hues
Hues, but not souls
And a new soul, she grew
She had too much compassion
And now has her own personal ghost
Tracing her every step
Encouraging to leave her post
He made her weak
But it was her mistake
She dug up his heart again
And make the vault of souls quake
Never again, she said
And let his heart go free
But it remained still in her hand
And she ceased to breathe
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